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Just did my taxes and...


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doing mine on the 10th of next month....should be getting back around $3000 or so with my deductions and what not (wife, kid, house, charitable donations, small business, etc...).



Yeah I don't own any houses but the kid bumped me up to 3500.00 and I got back around a hundred from Cali. My wife doesn't work and my taxable income isn't much as most of my income from the military is non taxable:D.

There are definitely advantages to being in the military; even though I make around 65K a year my taxable income is only 32K.




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Time to update your withholding, y'all. You should ideally get nothing back and owe nothing. Means you kept that cash the entire time, rather than let Uncle Sam fondle it for a year.


Or just get back your FICA and Withholding, all of it, unless as T-O said, you want the good 'ole US of A to use it as interest to pay back the FED... ;)

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Time to update your withholding, y'all. You should ideally get nothing back and owe nothing. Means you kept that cash the entire time, rather than let Uncle Sam fondle it for a year.

...this is right, almost...if you have the discipline (& this is the key, most people don't), it's best to have nothing withheld & to owe the entire amount...you then would have had this money earning a return for you throughout the year...you then pay what you owe but keep whatever return was earned...you MAKE money on the deal...


...actually it would be best for there to be no withholding at all...everyone would then owe lump sums at tax time...faced with the total amount being due at one time, people may begin to ask what in the world all that money is going toward & might begin to bring some force to bear in regard to so many of the crazy spending programs that get passed/renewed...the little-by-little withholding makes people not notice it so much...taxes should be painful...until they are, there's little chance for reining in silly spending...

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...this is right, almost...if you have the discipline (& this is the key, most people don't), it's best to have nothing withheld & to owe the entire amount...you then would have had this money earning a return for you throughout the year...you then pay what you owe but keep whatever return was earned...you MAKE money on the deal...




Possibly not... If you owe more than (inset IRS calculation here: last year's AGI - something ... etc. I forget the exact calculation but is a pain in the ass) then you will have to pay penalty and interest on taxes owed. Plus the taxes and possibly have to pay in quarterly this year with the first installment due on April 15.


Best to try to calculate to neither owe uncle sam nor get a refund. If i can keep within $500, I'm happy.

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...this is right, almost...if you have the discipline (& this is the key, most people don't), it's best to have nothing withheld & to owe the entire amount...you then would have had this money earning a return for you throughout the year...you then pay what you owe but keep whatever return was earned...you MAKE money on the deal...

...actually it would be best for there to be no withholding at all...everyone would then owe lump sums at tax time...faced with the total amount being due at one time, people may begin to ask what in the world all that money is going toward & might begin to bring some force to bear in regard to so many of the crazy spending programs that get passed/renewed...the little-by-little withholding makes people not notice it so much...taxes should be painful...until they are, there's little chance for reining in silly spending...


or just find out if you have to withhold at all... :idea:;)





"Wages", "employee", and "employer" are the ones to look for here... ;)

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Time to update your withholding, y'all. You should ideally get nothing back and owe nothing. Means you kept that cash the entire time, rather than let Uncle Sam fondle it for a year.



Actually it's not. I updated mine when my daughter was born and I can do it from my home computer. Working for the government has it's disadvantages as well..they take out more than enough every year so no matter what I do, I still get money back. The idea of getting nothing back isn't a possibility for me and it never will be.



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I'm in a special situation where I control exactly how much is withheld from each check. I follow it all year and do a bit of over-withholding (paying too much). Then when my mutual funds have their big distrubtions, I have to make an estimated payment for the last quarter in January. This year my estimated payment was over $11K. I can't get exact because the funds don't publish how much of the dividends are qualified, and how much of the gains are tax-free until I get my 1099-DIV's at the end of Jan. Then when I filed I find I'm going to get a bit over $4K back. That's good as it means I held onto most of my money all year long, but gave only a short term (two weeks) loan to the gov't. I'm not going to tell you how much I paid in taxes -- it makes me sick! :cry: :cry:

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I'm in a special situation where I control exactly how much is withheld from each check. I follow it all year and do a bit of over-withholding (paying too much). Then when my mutual funds have their big distrubtions, I have to make an estimated payment for the last quarter in January. This year my estimated payment was over $11K. I can't get exact because the funds don't publish how much of the dividends are qualified, and how much of the gains are tax-free until I get my 1099-DIV's at the end of Jan. Then when I filed I find I'm going to get a bit over $4K back. That's good as it means I held onto most of my money all year long, but gave only a short term (two weeks) loan to the gov't. I'm not going to tell you how much I paid in taxes -- it makes me sick!


Get a 1099 as payment or W2? If the former and you're filing on a Sch. C or all of it on a 1040, gimme a holler... If you want to get out of SS taxes that is! ;)

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anybody knows what thousands in medical deductions will do for you? Im going to let my acct handle it this year - too complicated. I am also 100% certified disabled so I wonder how that will affect things.


Medical sucks b/c you can only take 7.5% of your AGI, and that's IF you even qualify to itemize on Schedule A.

You get ripped on that deal. :(

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