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Yet another RANT...Band Members.....


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Sounds like pretty much every band I've been in.


Unpreparedness drives me nutes, butI've pretty much come to expect it.

Drummer sometimes shows, sometimes not, almost always late.

I had a guitardist once that hid a bottle in his amp. A bar owner caught him one night and for some reason we never got thrown out.

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I was fired from a band once for not being serious about it. Kinda funny considering that me and the guitar player were the only people in that band that didn't consistently show up at least an hour late.


ehhhh. yuck. Reason #1 why I'm a hardass to work with. I never ever put up with that crap. Dont want to be professional? See ya. Have fun sitting in the audience.


Hey. I can act professionally. Can I be in your band? ;)

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I put my can of beer squarely on top of my amp while rehearsing. I show up early and insure that all the mics and cables and the P.A. are ready to go, especially the first practice after a gig when all the equipment is not set-up.


If we are playing new songs, I print out lyric and/or tab sheets and have CDs ready to play through the prepped P.A.


When the drummer doesn't show up I go into a rhythm mode and leave out the trills and frills in favor of keeping the beat. When the drummer does show up poorly rehearsed I give him cues on the breaks and help maintain the beat when he goes into some awesome percussive flights of fancy.


We play a lot of songs that will get an extra solo or two if the audience is digging it. We don't have time to do that at practice so I try hard to rein in the guitard from playing one song all friggin night. Or telling long winded stories on any topic.


I work in a factory by day, starting at 6:00 AM, so if I get a little loose by 9:00PM after trying to keep the other guys together and somebody has a problem with it....I'll gladly leave the beer alone if they show up, shut up and put up.

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I'd like to add another one to the list:


Band members who have such an obsession with booking gigs that they forget about ...actually being good. Like, they'll book gigs when we only have two half-written songs, or they'll send our first rehearsal tape out as a demo.


I haven't played in a band in ages because I get scared off by ads that say things like "new band: gigs booked, ready to record". It's like, you haven't even found a bass player yet! Scary stuff.

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I am with Mahatma on this...all I really care about is that you are prepared...you want to guzzle beer-as long as you don't mess up thats fine...smoke an ounce of weed-same but show up without knowing the songs (even knowing them a little is a huge difference from not even listening to them) and I get annoyed. I often have a couple beers at practice and shows but I never have too many and I always know the songs, print chord/lyric sheets if needed and have the MP3 of the song ready for checking...luckily two other guys in the band are the same way so we are covered.


I can understand being late if something happens but call or text to let people know. Same with a new song...if you simply had no time to learn due to other reasons just let people know before practice. I once had a guitarist too drunk to play a show...it was awful, made an ass of ourselves...I was close to actualy hiding behind the PA speaker. It was only a 9 song original set and all but three of the songs were a nightmare....

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I'd like to add another one to the list:

Band members who have such an obsession with booking gigs that they forget about ...actually being good. Like, they'll book gigs when we only have two half-written songs, or they'll send our first rehearsal tape out as a demo.

I haven't played in a band in ages because I get scared off by ads that say things like "new band: gigs booked, ready to record". It's like, you haven't even found a bass player yet! Scary stuff.


You'd LOVE Denver.:D

50% of the bands looking for bass players already have "industry contacts in L.A. and NYC, and have gigs booked at the big clubs in town." It's a hoot.


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