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Don't Touch................


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*Shrug* I change my bassists tuning all the time. Either to drop D or back up from drop D. I just make sure to put it back when I am done, regardless of what I did to it.


It certainly doesn't make a difference to me whether or not someone does it to my bass, as long as they do the same.

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Who do you have over, that just picks your guitar/bass/penis, and plays with it?

The nerve...


I'm not talking random strangers.....................say someone you know comes over(they play too),you show them a new bass............they start turnin' pegs!:freak:

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It depends. For people that I actually trust to play my stuff, I don't mind if they change the tuning, even if they don't put it back. The only people that I trust to handle my basses/guitars are people that play some kind of instrument as they can understand how to respect a musical instrument. However, people that don't play anything, like my immediate family, I make certain that they know how much I dislike them fondling my stuff. I'm protective because I've bought every single instrument I own with the exception of my trumpet and my ABG (which is actually at a friend's parents' house, which is fine because I play with him when I can, and his dad plays guitar, so I know that it will be respected).

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The guys in my band don't go near touching my stuff without asking first.

At gigs, I'm right in peoples faces if they even look like they're about to touch my stuff.

I try and avoid playing too many parties these days as you usually wind up having some pissed idiot wanting to try and impress everyone with how they think they can play a tune but can't even remeber how to work their own zipper.

I'm always respectful of other dudes gear, even if I walk into a guitar shop, I always ask if I can check something before I go grabbing. You get the green light, it's OK, you don't you stay away.

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No one ever touches any of my gear if I don't know that they have the skill, and the respect of others gear to trust them with my instruments. Never. The people I do trust I will happily let them play away as they like. I've never had a problem with anyone I've let play, and anyone else can bring their own bass. Simple as that. I do enjoy sharing my stuff with other players though, and vice versa. I've gained a lot of insights into different basses, amps, cabs etc that way. I also have some stuff no one's ever seen before, and it's fun to pass them around to the right people. And none of them have tried to retune anything, which goes back to them having *respect* for others. Simple as that.:cool:

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I can't respect anyone that uses drop D. Guitar, bass guitar, doesn't matter.



You won't like me then.


I change tunings all the time, but I also know exactly WHY I'm doing it.


I use capos too...


(But most of those remarks don't pertain to bass. On bass I usually transpose to the appropriate key in std tuning.)

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Am I the only one who gets pissed-off(not really.............just bugs me)when someone picks up my bass/guitar;and instantly feels compelled to change my tuning(or improve it,so they think)?

everybody's doin' it:mad:





I don't usually have strangers over, so it's not too much of an issue.


My friends --even those of over 25 years will ask as a courtesy, even they know I really don't give a {censored}. Hell, the room is littered with guitars anyway, so why would I?


The House Rule is: Break a string, owe a set. Everyone knows that around here.


Other than that, I couldn't care less. I just put it back the way I want it next time I play the thing.



Tuning happens...

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I'm not talking random strangers.....................say someone you know comes over(they play too),you show them a new bass............they start turnin' pegs!



That sounds like the actions of a kid - what age group are we talking here???




- georgestrings

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I don't like nobody

touching my stuff!

So just keep your meat hooks off.

If I catch any of you guys

in my stuff, I'll kill you.

Also, I don't like

nobody touching me.

Now, any of you homos...

...touch me, and I'll kill you.



Ah yes, such a great movie with the genius that is Harold Ramis. :D


I think that I like him more as a directo than an actor though; The Ice Harvest is such a great movie. :D

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