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who here still swears?


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For me, it was envoirnmental. While on the dock at UPS, I swore like a sailor. At my last job, I worked alone for the 1st few years and never uttered a word. Then, I worked with a crew of 4 with a woman, and still never swore. Then the woman left, and we remaining guys started swearing a bit. Now, I'm working with a lady and don't swear again.

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I drop the F-bomb at least once during my company's weekly meeting.


Regular words cannot convey my feelings.



I find that when I craft a solid argument based on facts and then follow it up with the statement, "So to summarize for those of you who dozed off, {censored} that {censored}!", it carries more weight.



People who are offended by words are {censored}ing stupid. Note that I simply said words, that does not imply that intent is harmless.

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I love to swear, in fact it's one thing that I do really well. I think it come sfrom years and years of working in warehouses and kitchens. It took a good year or so until I really started letting loose here at work. It seems that since this happend all of my coworkers have begun cursing much much more. Talk about influence........


time to get back to {censored}ing work

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Also, as a former sailor, I feel that I am entitled to swear at will as long as people still use the term "curse like a sailor".



This also holds true for "drink like a sailor", "spend like a drunken sailor" and "{censored} BOALG's Mother like the Atlantic Fleet".

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I've spent way too many years working with mechanics, pilots, and ramp guys swearing our asses off to even think about being able to stop. I don't think I could go a day without swearing. Still, never swear when I go back to see the parents. Soon as I leave though...

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Also, as a former sailor, I feel that I am entitled to swear at will as long as people still use the term "curse like a sailor".

This also holds true for "drink like a sailor", "spend like a drunken sailor" and "{censored} BOALG's Mother like the Atlantic Fleet".





Except the last part as I ain't gettin' near that crazy bitch.

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I swear as a matter of breathing. Nothing gratuitous mind you ....I and I know how to dial it up or down depending on the situation.


As for uttering G-D, on a regular basis, I'm pretty sure god, in what ever form, is going to judge me on my deeds/behavior and not on my harsh language.


I usually swear to make a {censored}ing point!



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I think that swearing and the glorification thereof is stupid. However, there are certain situations where it is difficult to get by with saying "Golly gee whillakers, Batman!", so it is understandable that cussing happens occasionally. Using them on a more than infrequent basis (1 or 2x a day at most), is inappropriate, IMHO, particularly in movies. Whole sentences can be made from the F-word. If you're impressed with that, perhaps you should practice your instrument more.



Oh, BTW, B-Bottom. I approve of this parody. Well done.

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only when I'm angry, and I try not to get angry.

you wouldn't like me when I'm angry



I'm the nicest guy in the world. ... Until you push me over the edge. I think I've made people spot themselves.

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Glorifying swearing as a means to compensate for a lack of vocabulary is stupid.


However, recoiling in horror when you hear soomeone curse is equally stupid.



They are simply words that have been deemed bad. That is pure stupid.

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Glorifying swearing as a means to compensate for a lack of vocabulary is stupid.

However, recoiling in horror when you hear soomeone curse is equally stupid.

They are simply words that have been deemed bad. That is pure stupid.




I agree with this, like burdi, a good swear word in an otherwise eloquent sentence can make a point that everyone gets...

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Glorifying swearing as a means to compensate for a lack of vocabulary is stupid.

However, recoiling in horror when you hear soomeone curse is equally stupid.

They are simply words that have been deemed bad. That is pure stupid.


Nobody is recoiling in horror. Simply in my brain I hear you and dismiss you as being lame and unprofessional. No recoiling here. But if that's the way you choose to represent yourself that's your business. You wouldn't go far in mine.

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Glorifying swearing as a means to compensate for a lack of vocabulary is stupid.

However, recoiling in horror when you hear soomeone curse is equally stupid.

They are simply words that have been deemed bad. That is pure stupid.



I agree with you to a degree, as long as you know where to draw the line...if someone was trying to teach my 8 year old nephew "they're just words, don't be stupid.." he'd loose some teeth.


Doesn't bother me any, also a sailor, but know when to stow it.

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