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Anyone watch Bill O'Reilly tonight?


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Here is the video, of him arguing with Geraldo


The funny thing is that they'll probably go have a steak dinner after the show. He's really over the top sometimes, but it really is sad that our border isn't shut down at this point. People forget that Geraldo is a lefty and has a high profile on FOX. So much for not being fair and balanced.:cool:

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Oh my. O'Reilly want to "Tough Guy" the borders and primarily use the Stick whilst Bush wants to get a guest worker program going and primarily use the Carrot. What is a poor liberal to think? It's neigh impossible to disagree with them both! :eek:






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Oh my. O'Reilly want to "Tough Guy" the borders and primarily use the Stick whilst Bush wants to get a guest worker program going and primarily use the Carrot. What is a poor liberal to think? It's neigh impossible to disagree with them both!



Hell, as long as they let the hot Mexican women in, I don't give a {censored}. :love:

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Hell, as long as they let the hot Mexican women in, I don't give a {censored}.


After watching one of those mexican soap operas, IMHO, I have to say this is your most enlightened post since you joined this fair forum.

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People forget that Geraldo is a lefty and has a high profile on FOX. So much for not being fair and balanced.

Er... about as high a profile as their other patsy, Alan Colmes. Neither is taken seriously by... well, anyone. Hardly the equivalent of a Glenn Beck on CNN, is it?


O'Reilly's Archie Bunker impersonation was top-notch though - "Dey shoulda bin depoahted!"

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What you saw is something that rarely happens in the mainstream media because most of the mainstream media don't have the courage to put it on the line like they do.

What you saw are both ends of the immigration argument being hashed out by two guys with strong beliefs. I would agree with Geraldo if Bill said, "mexicans are causing more DUI deaths" but that wasn't the argument. The argument was that the illegal alien invloved shouldn't have been here in the first place and two, once he got busted he was not deported. O'Reilly is right on but I appreciate Geraldo's view (on why they are here) and his passion.

Why do we have immigration laws when we are selective about enforcing them? Isn't the Iraqi or the Serbian (who's also trying to make a better life for himself) getting screwed by waiting in line while the mexican gets a free pass? The liberal argument is "they just want a better life for themselves" when in reality, democrats just want to expand the size of the goverment and garner extra votes. The right-wingers who turn a blind eye want cheap labor so the boss man becomes a millionare faster. The overall effect is cheaper goods but the price is a shrinking middle class, a move towards a single-payer healthcare system (which is a form of socialism), more job insecurity for people who have a right to be here, and a lower standard of living for people who deserve better. I don't even want to get into the drug trade but everybody here knows that enormous amoounts of drugs are being smuggled in by mexican illegals and their gangs are extraordinary violent.

Bill argues from the right and Geraldo argues from the left, but both sides of the goverment have sold out the Amercian people so the ideals of Bill and Geraldo mean nothing in reality. :blah:

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What JB just said. I suspect that someone close to O'R died at the hands of a drunk driver. I've been there and don't wish that on anyone. After living in PHX for years, I can see the impact of illegals on a daily basis.


I have nothing against someone trying to feed their family. If we need the labor, set up a guest-worker program for crying out loud but DO NOT let them become citizens unless they're willing to become "Americans".


You don't know the difference? Someone who wants to become an "American" wants to learn the culture, the language, the skills necessary to become a success here. Most immigrants have the work ethic - no arguement there - but most of the illegals aren't interested in anything beyond work. Give it to them - let them care for their families - the same we'd do if the tables were reversed. Let them work but let them go home after a given period.


Oh - before you tell me I have no clue, my wife will celebrate her first year as a legal citizen in about a month. Since arriving, she's taken class after class, doubled her pay in less than 5 years and has just applied to one of the top international business graduate programs in the US.


And getting her here was e-a-s-y - even after the Sept 11 attacks. We followed every law, she had her green card within 15-days after arriving, applied for citizenship as soon as she could and passed her tests with flying colors. Not bad for someone who never had a bicycle as a kid - her family was too poor - and had to go to school with wet hair 'cause they couldn't afford a hair dryer.

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What JB just said. I suspect that someone close to O'R died at the hands of a drunk driver. I've been there and don't wish that on anyone. After living in PHX for years, I can see the impact of illegals on a daily basis.

I have nothing against someone trying to feed their family. If we need the labor, set up a guest-worker program for crying out loud but DO NOT let them become citizens unless they're willing to become "Americans".

You don't know the difference? Someone who wants to become an "American" wants to learn the culture, the language, the skills necessary to become a success here. Most immigrants have the work ethic - no arguement there - but most of the illegals aren't interested in anything beyond work. Give it to them - let them care for their families - the same we'd do if the tables were reversed. Let them work but let them go home after a given period.

Oh - before you tell me I have no clue, my wife will celebrate her first year as a legal citizen in about a month. Since arriving, she's taken class after class, doubled her pay in less than 5 years and has just applied to one of the top international business graduate programs in the US.

And getting her here was e-a-s-y - even after the Sept 11 attacks. We followed every law, she had her green card within 15-days after arriving, applied for citizenship as soon as she could and passed her tests with flying colors.



I agree totally. Congrats on the smart "legal" wife thing.

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