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Direct recording with Bass clips requests


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Can anyone post clips of them playing when recording direct with bass?


Then along with the clip, the chain used.


My plan/chain was:


Fender Bass



Tube Pre Amp



Does anyone have any EQ/compression ratio tips? Before I spend all day putting down bass I thought I would come here for advice.


It is for thrash metal and I HATE the direct (just tube preamp) bass sound I got:


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Can anyone post clips of them playing when recording direct with bass?

Then along with the clip, the chain used.

My plan/chain was:

Fender Bass



Tube Pre Amp


Does anyone have any EQ/compression ratio tips? Before I spend all day putting down bass I thought I would come here for advice.

It is for thrash metal and I HATE the direct (just tube preamp) bass sound I got:

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It is for thrash metal and I HATE the direct (just tube preamp) bass sound I got:



That's what mixing is for. I always lay down my bass tracks flat, then you add EQ & effects to them later on. When we record, I run:


Bass --> Aguilar DB900 --> interface


Other combos that I have done are...


Bass --> SansAmp (XLR to interface, Parallel out to amp) --> Amp, miced up


Then we blend the direct signal and the miced signal together.


My next experiment will be:


Bass --> Aguilar DB900 (XLR to interface, output to EBS Valve Drive) --> Sansamp (turned off...just to use the DI) --> Interface


So essentially it'll be two tracks. One will be the DB900 for cleans and the other will be the Valve Drive for dirty...then we'll mis them together as neccesary.


I might be able to post some clips later on...but I doubt it. I'll see if I have some extra time.

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I use a compressor on everthing , especially on mix down and then in limit mode for 2 track mastering , I prefer very light compression when tracking , that way you can add a bit more on mix down without the big squashing feeling .



I've doen that with compression too. Use a little on the tracking, then add more later. One time we didn;t use any, and then we couldn't get it to sound right in the mix down...we were just using digital compression, so it wasn;t able to do enough for the sound. Then we recorded with a touch of it and it sounded great in the mix down.

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Sorry, forgot to include my chain, although it was fairly simple:


Ken Smith Burner 6

Sans Amp

Yamaha MD-8 Multi-track


One of these days I'll learn how to properly use a compressor. Need to get some books and start reading a bit. I've tried using compression in the past but always seemed to suck the life out of the recordings:freak:


BTW-I dig your recording Fretless-very tight and bass sounds great to me:thu:


Mr. Matt

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Sorry, forgot to include my chain, although it was fairly simple:

Ken Smith Burner 6

Sans Amp

Yamaha MD-8 Multi-track

One of these days I'll learn how to properly use a compressor. Need to get some books and start reading a bit. I've tried using compression in the past but always seemed to suck the life out of the recordings:freak:

BTW-I dig your recordings Fretless-very tight and bass sounds great to me:thu:

Mr. Matt


Thank you Sir. :)

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Sorry, forgot to include my chain, although it was fairly simple:

Ken Smith Burner 6

Sans Amp

Yamaha MD-8 Multi-track

One of these days I'll learn how to properly use a compressor. Need to get some books and start reading a bit. I've tried using compression in the past but always seemed to suck the life out of the recordings:freak:

BTW-I dig your recording Fretless-very tight and bass sounds great to me:thu:

Mr. Matt



Wow that MD is mighty impressive ! :cool:

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when we record we run the bass thru a DI and also mic it and then blend it in the mix down. we seem to get a lot of high end thru the DI and more low end thru the mic. we never use compression or eq's during the tracking phase - we add them during mix down.

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