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Another "New Bass" thread!


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Just arrived, from the USA: Fender MIM Jazz Fretless. It's going to see a lot of upgrades, almost everything except the neck and body is going to be replaced. Perhaps the neck as well, over time. But it is a really nice player for not a lot of money. Nice mwah and growl!





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i love that blue... and the lined fretless, yum:thu:



Yeah. I was sceptical to the blue finish when I saw it on eBay. It wasn't a really good picture. But in person, it's really very nice. Deep metallic blue, almost purple-ish. Now, I'm going to see if I can find some chrome plain knobs, a nut and a badass bridge.

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Yeah. I was sceptical to the blue finish when I saw it on eBay. It wasn't a really good picture. But in person, it's really very nice. Deep metallic blue, almost purple-ish. Now, I'm going to see if I can find some chrome plain knobs, a nut and a badass bridge.


Yeah, that blue is, seemingly, a mexico-standard-only finish. I was looking for an active jazz in that, because it's MY color for jazz basses, and I had zero luck. It's a lovely color. I can only hope that your Jazz isn't fifteen pounds. :D

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Yeah, that blue is, seemingly, a mexico-standard-only finish. I was looking for an active jazz in that, because it's MY color for jazz basses, and I had zero luck. It's a lovely color. I can only hope that your Jazz isn't fifteen pounds.


It's between thirteen and fourteen pounds. I really like the weight. Balances nicely.

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I just bought a Graphtech Tusq nut and a chrome Badass II for it off eBay. Those two upgrades are going to help a lot on the feel and quality of the thing. The stock fender bridges are flimsy and too light for my liking, and the nut was filed too much down, almost down all the way to the fretboard. Makes a bit of buzz on open D-string, which is annoying.

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Doesnt understand why in modern times with all the great basses stock available. One would buy one that one then intends to "replace everything but the body and neck and maybe replace the neck too".



It's a project. I've never done it before, and I want to try it out, doing all the stuff myself. Bits and bobs are going to be replaced over time, so it will be an ongoing project for a long time.

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Then you'll be needing that American Fender headstock decal...


I actually have one lying around here, 70's style. But I'll wait with that until I get a warmoth neck to put it on. I'm thinking Flame maple neck with ziricote fingerboard. Lines and abalone dots.

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Yeah. I was sceptical to the blue finish when I saw it on eBay. It wasn't a really good picture. But in person, it's really very nice. Deep metallic blue, almost purple-ish. Now, I'm going to see if I can find some chrome plain knobs, a nut and a badass bridge.

It's a really nice bass.


You'll find the parts you need easily. I did the same to mine.


New Badass, graphite nut, chrome knobs, new pickguard.


I left the neck and the pups though they have a nice sound. I did change out the pots though. One was a bit scratchy. :thu:

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I bought 3x metal dome knobs just now for $10 incl. shipping to Norway, and some copper shielding tape for the pickguard and control cavity. Electronics are going to be purchased within a month, and tuners within two months. This is going to turn into an awesome bass! Well, it is good the way it is now, but I want it to be VERY good! :thu:

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