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Gene Simmons Bass "Solo"

der oxenrig

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That's not just marketing though...

You've got to have brass ones to stand in front of thousands of people and basically tell them "you're cheering because I want you to" and have them buy it...

Anyone who doesn't look at Simmons and see a charismatic front man has never been a front man/woman (and anyone who thinks a front man isn't important must be a big fan of the Eagles

Sometimes the lines between marketing and product are pretty nebulous. I think that KISS is the ultimate example of that. When KISS started out, it was all about selling albums -- tours were done to support music sales. They made no secret about the fact that they were all about having the crowd leave with the "KISS" image burned into their retinas.

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I saw them back in 1979 or so. There were only two solos back then...Ace's guitar solo of course which was awesome...then Peter Criss's solo which was "meh". He dropped his drum-sticks several times during the solo. It was only later that I learned he was probably under the influence big time. So was Ace I'm sure...but can you really tell with a guitar player? :D

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Don't you be laughing now. I mean, who here has more dough in their pocketbook than Gene has? Gene KNOWS he is a crappy bassist. But he also knows the audience don't give a {censored}. And HE doesn't give a {censored}.


I myself am a crappy bassist and still I too am guilty of playing such crappy bass "solos" live. At one gig I was dead drunk, and crappy as hell, but that didn't stop me (quite the opposite). But the crowd LOVED it. The average joe likes hearing solos on a distorted bass. My band members teased me afterwards about the crappy "solo", but I just said: "I seriously doubt if anyone gave a {censored} if it was crappy or not. They were more drunk than me. They cheered, didn't they?"



...I believe my picture in the avatar is from that particular night. :freak:





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then Peter Criss's solo which was "meh". He dropped his drum-sticks several times during the solo. It was only later that I learned he was probably under the influence big time.



I jammed with him in the mid 80s... I took lessons from Stan Penridge for a couple years and had the opportunity to sit in with the "Criss-Penridge Alliance" briefly. The pair of them were so out of it, it was comedic at times.

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Maybe Ox didn't see the thousands of people there being totally entertained and enjoying the show, which is what Gene and Kiss are all about, as are everyone else who plays to an audience. Is he the greatest bassist? Of course not, but he's rockin' that crowd like a pro. And that's all that matters.




There's someone who gets it - it isn't always the best musicians who make the best entertainers...



- georgestrings

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it isn't always the best musicians who make the best entertainers...




Those are two different skills, in case anyone hasn't noticed. Both skills need rehearsing. Those of us playing in gigging bands need to realize that.


EDIT: I have taken it so far that I even rehearse entertaining more than playing. At club gigs, an entertaining show is number 1. How well you play comes somewhere at 3 or 4, after the good songs and rocking sound.

People just don't give a {censored} (or don't even know) if the playing sucks.



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Those are two different skills, in case anyone hasn't noticed. Both skills need rehearsing. Those of us playing in gigging bands need to realize that.




Yup - as somewhat of a live entertainer, I often do a balancing act between putting on a show, and playing as well as possible... I will sometimes throttle back "the show" if I start missing notes, but truth is, some of my sloppiest performances have incited crowds the most - because that particular crowd preferred "the act" over musical accuracy - not an uncommon thing... Just last night, I had a smokin' hotty hanging all over me during a song, and I'll admit that it caused me to drop a couple of notes - but she, nor the crowd seemed to mind it, or even to notice - and I've gotta admit, it wasn't the worst time I ever had...



- georgestrings

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I caught a couple of episodes of celebrity apprentice recently with him on it. I don't know if he got "voted off" or whatever happens on that show, but he is one damn shrewd businessman.

That being said, I saw KISS with Aerosmith a few years back and both bands rocked the house. GREAT show....and I've never been hugely into either band.

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That being said, I saw KISS with Aerosmith a few years back and both bands rocked the house. GREAT show....and I've never been hugely into either band.

I was there too! I was on the floor, like 7th row or something crazy like that. Still recovereing from the propane incident. I could feel the pyros lake bad flashbacks. Or was it good flashbacks. ;)

Anyway, the bad musician/good entertainer thing:
I doubt these popular new punk/emo/pop whatever bands (who wear not learning what a scale is as a badge of honor :rolleyes:) are any better. Really.


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I was there too! I was on the floor, like 7th row or something crazy like that. Still recovereing from the propane incident. I could feel the pyros lake bad flashbacks. Or was it good flashbacks.

Anyway, the bad musician/good entertainer thing:

I doubt these popular new punk/emo/pop whatever bands (who wear not learning what a scale is as a badge of honor
) are any better. Really.


I was up in the "balcony area' to the left of the stage and we could still feel the pyros like we were right in front of the stage. It was insane. :):eek:

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Ahhhh....my dark days:

Dressed to Pimp on the left.

dressedasgene.jpg' alt='>'>

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pimpgene.jpg' alt='>'>

BTW, they were my first concert when I was in 5th grade in 1978 on thier Love Gun tour. Wow...for your first show, hard to top. Also, I think in 74-75 as a live band they kicked ass, kinda before the show spectacle took over.

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Commenting on the Paul Stanley's solo and being a former lead guitarist that did mostly tapping, I never understood why guitarists used their index finger. I know that EVH did but EVH tapped using his index finger BECAUSE he holds his pick between his thumb and middle finger. Therefore, his index was available for tapping. But most of us hold our pick's between our index and thumb. SO as a result I tapped with, and still do, with my middle finger! This way you don't have to put your pick in your mouth. :thu:

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Ask Gene if he cares.

He still more famous and richer than you. Or me. And will be for all of recorded history. His outlook on the whole shtick is what makes me a fan of him as a businessman, personally.

He puts on an act/show, you buy it/pay for it, he gets rich. :) Simple as that.

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