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Baritone Revisited (Agile Content)


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I'm likely going to ask about this on the guitar forum as well but was wondering what folks think about the Agile line of instruments carried by Kurt.


After playing my guitarist's guitar at rehearsal, I really got the itch to investigate the baritone again. While I'm somewhat settled on an Eastman Sidejack (but would like to get my hands on one first if possible), I really like the look of this one from Agile:



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I've played 1 Agile and I am going to compare the feel of it to my old guitarist Gibson M-III. I liked it so much better then an SX.


I'd have to compare the necks on the Agile to the one on my Ibanez SA260M. I have never played the baritone though.

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side-jack on the thread. a baritone guitar - it's tuned at the octave between a bass and a regular guitar, right? can one string any "regular" guitar with bari strings?

Sure can, but the short scale length and floppy strings won't perform very well. And the nut won't be slotted for the significantly heavier gauge strings. A baritone is tuned B to B generally.

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