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What was your first


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I worked my ass off at a KFC for the summer and bought my Spector NS2000/q4...I still have it but it hasn't seen any serious playing in years (since I got my EBMM).

I used my KFC paycheck to buy my first bass, a Mako brand copy of a BC Rich Warlock. I bought it for $90 at a pawn shop, my mom took it to a luthier to get it fixed up for my 16th birthday, then I promptly came down with mono and had nothing better to do the rest of the summer but learn to play the bass.:D

I regret selling that bass; I took it to a guitar expo and sold it to a guy that claimed it was for his son to learn on, for $75. I saw it the very next week in a pawn shop window for $150. {censored}er.

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Wow, that's a story I like to read. Good for you!

My first bass that I owned was a 5string poplar samick.

thanks..the bass actually belonged to the bassist for a band I was playing guitar in. :D We could play the Trooper...and that was pretty much it. We thought we were awesome.

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Slammer Hamer Precision copy. Saved up my birthday and xmas cash and from my first job working in a homestore warehouse vaccuum packing doorknobs to get that and a crappy practise amp. I rediscovered it on saturday, the E string is missing but I'll get a new set. It's pretty funny, I covered it all in stickers and paint. I'll take a few photos later today and post them. Looks totally punk rawk, and I spent many weekend nights of my adolescence pretending I was Steve Harris and learning Maiden songs.


How things have changed since then...

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You too?

Mine was this fugly pink/green/yellow/red/blue abomination. Someone posted a pic of a similar one here not long ago.

Mine was rad. It was a peacock greeny-blue and it had little Saturns for fretmarkers. Here's something similar in brown. samick5-goldleaf.jpg

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My first bass was a Washburn XB-100 in Cosmic Black. I bought it in 2002 a few months after getting my first job.


I later upgraded the electronics to EMG's and then much later took it apart and refinished it but I gave up on the disaster it became. At one stage while I still played it, the bass had red stripes and duct tape finish. I was teh punk. :p


Here's a picture of it that I found on my old geocities site. :lol:



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Mine was rad. It was a peacock greeny-blue and it had little Saturns for fretmarkers. Here's something similar in brown.

I think mine was slightly older than that. They started using the Saturns after I got mine, it was very similar to that, but normal round dots.

The paint was odd. If you held the bass diagonally upside down by the output jack at the back-bottom of the bass and poured a rainbow of colours "up and along" it you'd get this bass. Somewhere I have an ancient pic of me with it, but I'd need to scan it.

I cut my teeth doing repair work and mods on that bass, it was severely altered. I kind of wish I still had it, but I would have burned it 5 times over if I did, it sucked monkey balls on many levels.

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I cut my teeth doing repair work and mods on that bass, it was severely altered. I kind of wish I still had it, but I would have burned it 5 times over if I did, it sucked monkey balls on many levels.



I can honestly say that mine played easily twice as well as my MIM Fender 5 string did.

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Mine had am uncureable spoon for a neck.

Of course, it wouldn't have anything to do with 50-135 strings either.

:D I can't even remember what my gauges were. Whatever the heaviest gauge Trace Elliot strings came in at the time. My neck was pretty good from what I remember.

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My first bass was a Kent copy of a Fender Jazz bass. I had worked and saved the money I earned at Burger King to buy it. I wanted a bass more than a car. The bass was a three color black-red-yellow burst with a maple neck with black blocks in it. It also came equipped with black Gibson style speed knobs! I picked it solely because it had two pickups versus the Memphis P bass hanging right beside it. I also bought a 30 watt Kustom 1 amp which I promptly tried to kill with an Electro Harmonix Linear Power Booster 1 that i had procured from a guitar player buddy of mine. Ah, good times! That had to have been around 1979, I believe. Boy, I'm getting old!

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1971 Fender Precision Fretless. Natural finish, rosewood fingerboard, white pickguard. Bought it new. Played very nicely and now has a passive filter that gives it about 8 different sounds. If you happen to spot it, extra knob, I'd like to buy it back. (Sold to a soldier in California about 1977) Someone's probably put frets on it by now.

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Univox P-bass copy. Weighed a ton and had short scale strings on it, so one layer of winding stopped and the strings got skinnier at the second fret or so. I had no idea what was what, so I played it like that for about 6 months...:facepalm:

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