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What was your first


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I learned on a '54 Fender Precision through a 60s Ampeg B15N Portaflex (both my brother's). My first bass that I actually owned myself was either a Fender Musicmaster or an Epiphone EA-260, I forget which came first.

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My first bass was a Bradley P-bass copy, heavy as sh*t and the guy who had it before me put in a second P-bass pickup in the bridge position, it had a maple board and was black with a tort guard... once I got my REAL bass (94 Fender P-bass Special with the down-sized body a P and a J pickup and active electronics) it was all over for the Bradley, pulled the frets out, painted it gold, all of it, knobs, bridge, tuners, pickup covers, everything (except the fretboard).... then I pawned it off along with my Peavey Microbass amp and a 12" car stereo sub... should have never pawned it...

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1996 Mexican Fender P-Bass, Black with white pickguard. I replaced the passive pups and electronics with EMGs. One day, I'll correct that mistake and put SD's in there, but for now, I don't have the need or means.


It's sitting in its case about 15 ft from where I'm sitting. Until a couple days ago, it had been about 6 months since it last left its case. I pulled it out because I realized that it has a $100 pack of Warwick EMP strings on it that my old boss gave to me from the Warwick "free {censored}" box when we got it (along with an Infinity LTD 2000 Mousepad, and a Thumb 4-string flashing lapel pin). I felt like I needed to play it since the strings damn near doubled its value...

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The first bass I owned was an Ibanez GSR200, but the bass I started on was what I think is a Washburn XB1000.




After getting the Ibanez, it went away for a long time. About a year ago I took it back out and restrung it, and I've been playing it pretty often recently. It's actually someone elses, but I've tried for about 5 years to get it back to the person and it seems that I wanted them to take it more than they did. So now I'm trying to find a way to put it to use.


I have no idea who the original owner was, or whoever did this to it, but it has a few "custom" paint jobs. They painted various colors into the grain of the body wood, and there is a pink peace sign on the third fret as well as a pink anarchy sign on the twelfth.

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Harmony short scale that my Grandfather fished out of a neighbor's garbage. It took 6-8 months of lessons to get my folks to allow me to spend some paper route money on an Ibanez Destroyer (Pops matched my savings and paid for the case).

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My first bass was a cheap Japanese 4 string copy of a Fender Jazz. I was originally white, but my friend who's dad owned a sign design store painted with an airbrush all kinds of cool green colors. I played that bass for a year until I was able to buy a 1975 Ric 4001. Anyway, it served it's purpose well.:)

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Something called an Encore.


It was back in '88-89, I was 12-13, and it was a hand-me-down from my older brother. Believe it was a short-scale, tobacco-burst with a p'up cover.


My next was a Sear's Catalog p/j bass, and after that, I finally got a real name-brand bass... my Gibson Ripper. Which I thought was hideous, but it said Gibson on it.

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My first bass was a Fodera Emperor series. It was my uncles and he let me learn on it, but took it back in about 6 months :cry: , it was a frettless version, and was hella expensive. But the first bass I that was officially mine was a Austin Korean made I believe.

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I had an early 90's Epiphone Accubass P-bass copy. That thing was a horrible, dead sounding piece of garbage. Played bad, sounded bad, was bad.


Then I worked out on an old Peavey T-20. It was no upgrade.

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M first whoa that's it (bass) was a cheap no name Japanese bass that I called the monster because the strings were a mile off the board. (196* something)

But I had a Guild Starfire III that I traded in at the local pawn shop for my first bass: a Mosrite bright blue solid body, single pickup. It was in good shape, but no where near the value of the Guild. But hey, I was playing bass!

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Short scale Fender Musicmaster. It was cheap, and kind of a load, but I loved it dearly (my very own bass!). I got over the short scale thing very quickly though and moved up to a real Precision within a couple of months. Scored a killer deal - pre-CBS P-bass in great condition, along with an Ampeg tube head (can't remember the model) and an 8x10 cabinet for $50. The guy selling it was going off to prison for a few years and was liquidating everything he owned. Sweet!

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