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What a score!!!


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OK,beat this.I walk in the local GC looking for a friend of mine that works there that I owed a hundred bucks on a bass I bought from him a few weeks ago.I see him,pay him,and let him know I'm looking for a practice amp for under 200.I end up with a PeaveyMax 110,and 2 guitar cords for...now get this,wait for it... here it comes $32.10 out the door tax,and all!!!!:lol::cry::thu::eek::wave: Hahahahaha He was gonna sell me a new one in the box for 105,said this was a used one.The door idiot checks my receipt,and there was a snafu on the serial number.Turns out my boy gave me a BRAND NEW one for that price!!! Hahahaha.After a delay of about 15 minutes I say"Hey bro,I don't want you to catch any {censored},just back the deal out,and I'll try again later"Take it,and enjoy it he says smiling.So,I'm enjoying it.

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Way to rip off the store, even if it is GC...


That was one unbelievable sale this weekend.


He did the honest thing, behaved honorably, and the store decided to let the deal stand. That is not a rip off by any reasonable or legal definition.

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Read it again...His friend let the deal stand, not the store management...



Good luck putting much past the door checkers.

In my experience, they are pretty thorough and I have bought huge amounts of gear there.

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Good luck putting much past the door checkers.

In my experience, they are pretty thorough and I have bought huge amounts of gear there.


The door checker caught that it was the wrong item...He stopped him for 15 minutes...


Seriously, did you read the post? :confused:

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Good luck putting much past the door checkers.

In my experience, they are pretty thorough and I have bought huge amounts of gear there.


The door checker is the one that caught it,and said go.The problem is the warehouse guy,and they both said he has been an ongoing problem.Since niether my friend,or the door guy could confirm or deny that mine was indeed the used one they let it stand.As far as ripping anyone off I offered to let them back the deal out completely as there was an SWR 100 watt 1-10 for two hundred that I was really eyeing,but I couldn't pass this up for that money.By offering to let them back the deal out I know that I have kept those demons at bay!!!:lol::lol::lol:

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The door checker is the one that caught it,and said go.The problem is the warehouse guy,and they both said he has been an ongoing problem



Oh, so it wasn't your friend who okayed it? Since that's how I (and I'm pretty sure Thumper) read it.

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Oh, so it wasn't your friend who okayed it? Since that's how I (and I'm pretty sure Thumper) read it.


Oh dear god, just be happy for the man.


Or go and play on your bass... do you even own a bass :confused:




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Oh, so it wasn't your friend who okayed it? Since that's how I (and I'm pretty sure Thumper) read it.


That IS how it reads.Sorry about any confusion.They both tried to iron out the situation.Niether one could say the one I got was,or wasn't the used one so they both in agreement told me to go.My friend said it,and the door guy repeated it.I have a hard time believing you guys wanna piss on my parade here.I really thought it was probably the deal of the week even though it was nothing big.Their computer showed two new ones,and one used one.Mine came from the back where they keep USED stuff.It may indeed be the used one,but it looks new,and sounds great for what it is.I'll do my best to refrain from sharing anything exciting,or bragging within this forum in the future.:confused:

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He said to correct it and they chose not to, what else is he going to do... Go behind the counter and do the return himself? Get off his balls.



I originally thought his friend was the one who told him to just take it...That's a rather different situation.

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I have a hard time believing you guys wanna piss on my parade here...


We don't, I thought your friend shoved you out the door over the objection of the door guy (which wouldn't be cool), not the door guy saying it was okay (which is cool)...;)

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We don't, I thought your friend shoved you out the door over the objection of the door guy (which wouldn't be cool), not the door guy saying it was okay (which is cool)...


No man! Wasnt like that at all.I wouldn't be a party to that if for no other reason than just the Karma thing!It is a pretty cool little amp.Great for learning parts,pick up adjustments,you know,{censored} like that,and could easily jam with acoustic guitars.

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Several more than you, scooter...




Well I do have an Encore P a Squire Jazz and something else on it's way ^_^


How are you getting along with that fretless, that is something i've been thinking about dabbling in soon.

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We don't, I thought your friend shoved you out the door over the objection of the door guy (which wouldn't be cool), not the door guy saying it was okay (which is cool)...


Geez, I'm sure he's so glad that you approve; get a life, dude. Do you own stock in GC or something? They are so overpriced it's a joke. Ever try buying a 70's Fender from them? Oh my god...

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Geez, I'm sure he's so glad that you approve; get a life, dude.


I'm glad you're getting your two cents in, an hour after he and I cleared up the misunderstanding! Thanks for the valuable contribution to a resolved discussion :thu:


Do you own stock in GC or something? They are so overpriced it's a joke. Ever try buying a 70's Fender from them? Oh my god...


Good point, if something is overpriced (in your subjective opinion), it would then be totally okay for an employee to abuse his position to steal from the company!


I'm such an uptight prude for thinking theft would be wrong (and yes indeed, I do own stock in GC...I mean, there's no other reason to think theft is wrong)...

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