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Guitar Center hired me!

Crescent Seven

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Seriously. I won't sell my soul for $7/hr + commission. At the very least I won't quit school for it.



You could have waited long enough to by something with employee discount and THEN quit... Sorry to hear they are even bigger losers than we already thought... :rolleyes:

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The guy who sold me my Spector at GC was very good. His nickname was Doc and he was smooth on that bass. Nice guy too with plenty of answers.

I could have fun working there because I'm such a gearhead who enjoys reading bass/amp reviews and talking to people. Once I was there and noticed the salesman was struggling to answer some young guy's questions about GK amps. I was standing there so I offered up a few answers to the young guy about bi-amping, gain, boost, speakons, etc.., and the guy's like "cool, I'll take the amp!". The salesman's says "great" and thanks me! "Hey where's my cut?" I said.

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Seriously. I won't sell my soul for $7/hr + commission. At the very least I won't quit school for it.

"Dude, our top guys are making $50k a year!" Right.


Top guys here make that easily. We don't have a GC though.

I've got to say, I loved selling guitars. Mike's been doing it for... 15 years now. 4 weeks holiday, always flexible around gigging schedules and kids, he gets to wear whatever he wants, the job comes with health benefits... one could do a whole lot worse.

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I could put in a good word for you at one of your local Apple Stores. One of the guys who works at my store left his job at GC to come to Apple. He's a lot happier now, since the base pay is higher (no commission, but most commission jobs aren't seeing enough business to make it worth it), and because they're a lot more flexible on scheduling.


Keep in mind, you would be selling Macs and iPhones, though... :p

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I could put in a good word for you at one of your local Apple Stores. One of the guys who works at my store left his job at GC to come to Apple. He's a lot happier now, since the base pay is higher (no commission, but most commission jobs aren't seeing enough business to make it worth it), and because they're a lot more flexible on scheduling.

Keep in mind, you would be selling Macs and iPhones, though...


Well, I'll be selling drugs if I don't find something legit soon...:facepalm:


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Top guys here make that easily. We don't have a GC though.

I've got to say, I loved selling guitars. Mike's been doing it for... 15 years now. 4 weeks holiday, always flexible around gigging schedules and kids, he gets to wear whatever he wants, the job comes with health benefits... one could do a whole lot worse.


Yeah, he could work at a certain chain store in your town and make significantly less. :lol:

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Yeah, he could work at a certain chain store in your town and make significantly less.


L&M not pay much? I interviewed there once, but not for a sales position so I have no idea what they make.


btw, Devils beating Flames == awesome. I'm glad I decided not to go to a pub to watch the game, because some ass would probably throw a beer at me in this jersey.

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