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Enough about gear......talk to me about playing....

Cliff Fiscal

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My brother told me last night, he's been paying attention to my actual playing. When I'm playing in Justdefy, I gotta sing all the songs as well as play bass, so it's hard for me to juggle duties. I lack in both departments cuz I can do either with furious energy but it shows how hard it is when doing both together.


But he said when I'm playing with Mellotron, he really likes the way I play, with all the fills and different noodlings I do. Far different than the straight-up thrash metal attack, many more nuances and chord structures and intricacies. It's different mindframes, from a superfast thrash style of playing, to this melodic, deep, complex style. But he said he really liked how I sound when I'm concentrated on just bass, not being the frontman and having to suck oxygen between lyrics all night.


Also.... I caught Rush In Rio last night on VH1 Classics. Stayed up WAAAY later than I should. And it made me realise, I need to study me some Free Will and Closer To The Heart. Some SERIOUS bass lines in there to learn, man. I need to buy that DVD and watch Geddy's hands.

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Any tips on learning to sing and play at the same time?


You sound like a very flexible player......:thu:

Got any non-myspace links to your bands?


No kidding.....YYZ is really crazy too.



Side topic: Any tips on getting my picking fingers to work a little better. Since I was guitar player, my picking skills are pretty good. So I haven't messed around with finger picking much. :idk:

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Any tips on learning to sing and play at the same time?



Keep working at it and suddenly one day it'll just click. Everyone has their own method. Personally, I memorize the voice part first and then concentrate on the bass. It helps me keep the groove.

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Also.... I caught Rush In Rio last night on VH1 Classics. Stayed up WAAAY later than I should. And it made me realise, I need to study me some Free Will and Closer To The Heart. Some SERIOUS bass lines in there to learn, man. I need to buy that DVD and watch Geddy's hands.



Geddy is an awesome player! The R30 DVD is great too (I like it better than Rush in Rio)...and I've heard good things about the Snakes & Arrows DVD, but I've never seen it myself. His tone is sick...


Freewill & CTTH are cool, but they have MUCH better stuff. Study up on YYZ...it'll kick your ass no matter how accomplished of a player you are.

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Side topic: Any tips on getting my picking fingers to work a little better.


Start slowly, watch your hand position, watch your volume and tone (consistency)....lather, rinse, repeat.


Avoid clacking - watch pros with great right hands like Jaco and jeff Berlin.


Note their hand positions, emulate that.


Repeat from step one.


Oh, and Bill Dickens gave great advice: once you've established your technique in terms of hand position and are getting good, solid, consistent tone - now it's time for repetitions.


Play through reps while watching TV - this will build stamina and muscle memory. Make sure you stretch before and take breaks every so often so you don't injure yourself.

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