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I don't mind people asking if my tattoos hurt. I tell them the honest answer. The forearm hurt, but that was because it was an apprentice who didn't know what he was doing. The touchup hurt much worse. The ribs hurt like hell, just like I expected.


If someone asks "Why would you do something like that to yourself?" I usually say "Because I wanted to". The response I usually hear is "I can't imagine ever doing something like that to myself". I then respond "That is why I got them on my body and not yours" :thu:

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It's a totally irrational quirk I have but I find myself completely engulfed with rage and incapable of replying. It's just a hot button of mine and I shouldnt get as mad as i do. but when some smug {censored} looks down their noes with furrowed brow and says in the most patronizing way says "Why would you do that to yourself??" i just want to knock their lights out.

spare me the "you asked for it" replies.

i'm aware.

I just want to know how to reply.

....The dumb ass "did that hurt" inquiry used to get on my last nerve too - until one day last summer my geinus roomate and boyfriend concocted the most epic response which i would get bant for if i posted it... PM me though and i'll tell you

I hope you will pardon my ignorance, but plug?? I have no idea what a plug is, enlighten me?:idk:

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I think the best way to handle it would be to not freak out about it but rather, in a calm tone, explain why you have done these things. I don't really understand the need to do it, and though I probably wouldn't be rude to you, I might ask you " why would you do that to yourself?". I'm curious, that's why I ask. I've had people ask me why I shave my head. So, I tell them.

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Of course it can be a legitimate question, but I'm sure it isn't always.

"It's a totally irrational quirk I have but I find myself completely engulfed with rage and incapable of replying."



Since you became a mod, your boringness factor has increased exponentially.




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This one is easy FBC:

Q: "Why would you do that to yourself"?

A: "Actually, I didn't. When I was in prison, they gave you a tat every time you killed some asshole for asking you a stupid question. Come to think of it, I NEED a new tat. Cmere."


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