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It's your body. Adorn it as you please.

I've got no ink or piercings, don't plan to. It's not my cuppa tea. I've got no beef with anyone who does have them, though. Who am I to tell anyone what to do?


Bless you sir. I love the looks I got from some people when I had my full set of piercings in. I honestly thought we were so inundated with body modification that it was just part of the fabric of society at this point, but apparently I am wrong.

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Bless you sir. I love the looks I got from some people when I had my full set of piercings in. I honestly thought we were so inundated with body modification that it was just part of the fabric of society at this point, but apparently I am wrong.

I gotta a really kewl scar from my three vasectomies......but thats another story....:lol::facepalm:

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No. You're pissing yourself off. People are saying words to you, and asking questions. You stick all of that other stuff onto it. People's words can't slice your head off. You can take their words into your body and make it feel like you're being beheaded. It's ALL YOU.


I was asked about my tattoos yesterday and it ended up being fun conversation.


People ask: why did you get tattoed?

I reply: I always wanted a tattoo but always put it off. Finally, I just went and did it.



Instead of treating people like they're dummies, treat them like people who are fascinated, fascinating, and due a world of respect.

In the end, no one feels insulted, slighted, berated, belittled, pissed off.



What would life be like if you didn't give your strength away by pissing yourself off just because another human being moved their lips and some words came out?


You deserve something better, and it's easy to grasp.

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No. You're pissing yourself off. People are saying words to you, and asking questions. You stick all of that other stuff onto it. People's words can't slice your head off. You can take their words into your body and make it feel like you're being beheaded. It's ALL YOU.

I was asked about my tattoos yesterday and it ended up being fun conversation.

People ask:
why did you get tattoed?

I reply:
I always wanted a tattoo but always put it off. Finally, I just went and did it.

Instead of treating people like they're dummies, treat them like people who are fascinated, fascinating, and due a world of respect.

In the end, no one feels insulted, slighted, berated, belittled, pissed off.

What would life be like if you didn't give your strength away by pissing yourself off just because another human being moved their lips and some words came out?

You deserve something better, and it's easy to grasp.



This was the angle I was going for. Nobody seems to be interested. Keep your reasonable, non inflammatory, demeanor to yourself.

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No. You're pissing yourself off. People are saying words to you, and asking questions. You stick all of that other stuff onto it. People's words can't slice your head off. You can take their words into your body and make it feel like you're being beheaded. It's ALL YOU.

I was asked about my tattoos yesterday and it ended up being fun conversation.

People ask:
why did you get tattoed?

I reply:
I always wanted a tattoo but always put it off. Finally, I just went and did it.

Instead of treating people like they're dummies, treat them like people who are fascinated, fascinating, and due a world of respect.

In the end, no one feels insulted, slighted, berated, belittled, pissed off.

What would life be like if you didn't give your strength away by pissing yourself off just because another human being moved their lips and some words came out?

You deserve something better, and it's easy to grasp.



Good stuff as always....

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No. You're pissing yourself off. People are saying words to you, and asking questions. You stick all of that other stuff onto it. People's words can't slice your head off. You can take their words into your body and make it feel like you're being beheaded. It's ALL YOU.

I was asked about my tattoos yesterday and it ended up being fun conversation.

People ask:
why did you get tattoed?

I reply:
I always wanted a tattoo but always put it off. Finally, I just went and did it.

Instead of treating people like they're dummies, treat them like people who are fascinated, fascinating, and due a world of respect.

In the end, no one feels insulted, slighted, berated, belittled, pissed off.

What would life be like if you didn't give your strength away by pissing yourself off just because another human being moved their lips and some words came out?

You deserve something better, and it's easy to grasp.



I'm sorry i though it was clear that i was specifically talking about people who are assholes about it. people who look with discust/curld lip/furrowed brow/etc...


i have LOTS of conversations with people about my tattoos and stuff. really interesting and fun conversations, and i totally understand that people dont "get it" and i'm more then willing to explain myself. i'm talking about people who are dick about it.

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I'm sorry i though it was clear that i was specifically talking about people who are assholes about it. people who look with discust/curld lip/furrowed brow/etc...

i have LOTS of conversations with people about my tattoos and stuff. really interesting and fun conversations, and i totally understand that people dont "get it" and i'm more then willing to explain myself. i'm talking about people who are dick about it.




The people who are dicks about it ... they're managing their universe the way that they manage their universe. Maybe it's not being managed as effectively as it could be, but it works for them. Great. They look like a dick, to you. You're managing your universe the way you manage it and you look stupid to them. Great. Now what do you have?



Look here.

I'm a 5'4" Black guy who's collected nearly 3000 bras to donate to low-income women. I'm doing something good. Sure, I've been asked if I'm a pervert, if I'm serious, and "disgusting" has even been thrown my way.


Are these people dicks, ignorant, etc? No. They're understandably uncomfortable and I get the opportunity to ease their discomfort. That's fun and exciting. AND it's about the women who need bras, it's not about me and someone who suspects I'm a pervert.



If you're inside of your life, you've got a serious game to play. The dicks are tantamount to a guy in the stands who's trying to distract you. Also, you have the choice to see him as a dick or as a guy who bought a ticket and wants to be in on the fun.




Maybe I'm taking this topic too seriously but recently, I saw that I was getting in my own way. I looked at people like trouble or potential trouble.

Now I see that people are actually wonderful and perfect. I made up crap about people in order to protect myself from people who WERE NOT out to get me.


It's exciting to know that I've donated 940 bras to women in 3 states, in battered women's shelters, churches, a residential facility for the blind, etc ... why? Because I took off my "you're a dick" glasses and got comfortable with myself and can make an attempt to be inside another person's world.


The only dicks in your life should be the fun ones ... and you get a choice in that.

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yes i think you're taking it way too seriously.. also i donty see what your bra-collecting has to do with the price of walnuts in china? i mean i guess i get it that you're comparing peoples reactions and stuff but fact of the matter is what i was talking about and what you're talking about are apples and paperclips - I was talking about dicks who take the opportunity to express their 'dickness' by looking down their noes at people with mods/ink/etc.. i was NOT talking about people who are uncomfortable/curious/confused/etc.. i was talking about the dicks who act like dicks because i choose to not look like them.

so much of this forum is so super serial. sheesh - i was venting for cryin out loud.

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I was talking about dicks who take the opportunity to express their 'dickness' by looking down their noes at people with mods/ink/etc.. .



I think his point is that with enough effort, you can turn almost all of the dickheads into nice people. Ignorance is the key to prejudgement. Once they are properly informed It's harder for them to be filled with hate.


Beyond that, I think his short answer would be "Just ignore them"


Brother Mango is right, it is unhealthy to get worked up about other people's opinions. He lives his life his way without the need for approval from all the dick heads and so it should be. I wish I could be more like him. A zen life would be great. However, I have too much water in my blood.

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I think his point is that with enough effort, you can turn almost all of the dickheads into nice people. Ignorance is the key to prejudgement. Once they are properly informed It's harder for them to be filled with hate.

Beyond that, I think his short answer would be "Just ignore them"

Brother Mango is right, it is unhealthy to get worked up about other people's opinions. He lives his life his way without the need for approval from all the dick heads and so it should be. I wish I could be more like him. A zen life would be great. However, I have too much water in my blood.



it's just a pet peeve of mine that's all - we all have them, no?

i understand what he and you are saying i was just ranting - which i'll not do here anymore.


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i am, totally fine with people fingering my ears.

if you're ok with having a finger that smells like lemon and cheese for a minute or so after...



this was totally my favorite part about having my ears pierced, i have this weird compulsion to smell things, and there is a funk that comes from silver reacting with ear holes that is hard to describe and almost impossible to match. And i really hate it when people furrow their eyebrows and ask "why are you compelled to smell your earring funk?":lol:

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it's just a pet peeve of mine that's all - we all have them, no?

i understand what he and you are saying i was just ranting - which i'll not do here anymore.


No no no, You ask, he gave his own advice. I gave my advice, others gave their advice. Some will tell you to hit them upside the head with a phonebook and baseball bat, others will tell ya to chill and let it slide. It takes all types to post here. He gave good advice and I should follow it. All should. He also gives that advice to everyone who comes here to rant. No biggie.

I have pet peeves. Many... I have too much water in my blood and I boil over easily. Red Head, Italian, Aries... need I say more? :mad: is my middle name. Haha.

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