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Nice deal on some G&L's


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Yeah, this years production is going for $800 (which is a rip off, IMO), but those are NOT this years basses. It's like all the douches that put up thier Geddy Lee Jazzes for what they paid for them NEW because Fenfer decidedd to charge too much for those too.

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A tribute should go for $400 absolute tops, especially in this economy. Especially when you can kill some time and be patient enough to find used USA G&L's for $750.



I can't really argue with that, but I think as more time passes, it's going to be harder to find that deal, specifically because of what Ender said. Though it shouldn't the NEW prices are going to inflate the used market.

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I can't really argue with that, but I think as more time passes, it's going to be harder to find that deal, specifically because of what Ender said. Though it shouldn't the NEW prices are going to inflate the used market.



Possibly, but look at G&L re-sale values as it is. A new USA built one will set you back ~$1700, and it's worth most of that, but the second you go to sell it, you'll be VERY lucky to pull $1000 back out of it, most likely get somewhere in the mid $900s. A used import bass should not go for approximately what it cost new. Hell, I'd go 75% for a G&L, but for a $600 bass, thats $450, NOT over $500.

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You should definitely post a link to that.

...or contact info of some kind.



It's been a few weeks since I've been in, and I don't think Sherman would do shipping, but I can see. And those are they prices they give ME. I've dumped 4 grand into that place over the past 3 years, so they like me. The {censored}ed me pretty bad on my first two purchases, though. They're just an old holeinthewall mom and pop that tries to have good, quality gear. They deal in PA stuff mostly.



And I just got off the phone with the owner. He asked me to keep the number to myself. Sorry.

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