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Colbert's a Conservative?


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"Regardless of whether they were a fan, or had never heard from him before, the more conservative one was, the more likely they were to say that they felt that (Colbert) was personally conservative and really meant was he was saying underneath it all."


More conservative = more stupid




:D :D :D

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Getting that I didn't care and was just insulting Ohio State.

You didn't get it.





Oh, I got your attempt.


I wonder how conservatives at Michigan feel about Colbert. :idk::D

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You're assuming there are conservatives at Michigan.



Militant ones at that.


BTW, I happen to live in Columbus, OH.

Buckeye fans are the absolute worst bunch of A-Holes in all of sports. I dread football game days.

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I'd like to see the same thing done with somebody lampooning ideas from the left. I'd like to see if the liberals would find that person as being liberal.


Seems to me the study says that people believe, and see, what they want.


In this case the libs got the best of it because believing that his whole act is satire, and that it lampoons the right, is exactly what was happening. So. Their personal prejudices were right on the money. The Conservatives personal prejudices were off in this case.


I'd like to see what would happen if it was reversed. Would the libs then get it wrong? Would everybody be calling the libs stupid?

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Keith Olbermann is absolutely unwatchable.

The Colbert Report is a great show. This "study" is lame. And that's that



How is the study lame? It's likely peer-reviewed, and is available for more testing using their exact setup. It is probably scientific in that manner. I haven't read it, but I'd imagine that it wouldn't be out there for the viewing public unless it was on the up-and-up.

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How is the study lame? It's likely peer-reviewed, and is available for more testing using their exact setup. It is probably scientific in that manner. I haven't read it, but I'd imagine that it wouldn't be out there for the viewing public unless it was on the up-and-up.



Watch the video and tell me that it's not lame

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Watch the video and tell me that it's not lame



It may me lame. But, even though Colbert's show hadn't been around that long at the time, someone missed the point when they hired him to do this.


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Watch the video and tell me that it's not lame



I already watched the video. What is the problem with it? This is, at the end of the day, a scientific study. Yes, Keith Olberrmann (sp?) is a douche-nozzle. But it doesn't change the results of the study. In fact, their research seems pretty solid. If you disagree with the setup, you can retest using their methods and see if you come to the same result. That's the beauty of science.

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Watch the video and tell me that it's not lame



The nice thing about science is that you're welcome to examine the methodology and pick it apart-it's public! You can even repeat the experiment and see if you get different results.


Or you can just run around with your gut feeling telling everyone you're right. I know that's easier for you...

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