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One Of Our Clients Just Died In A Carwreck


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:( sorry to hear it.


i didn't used to wear mine either, but when i started my new job, about 8 years ago, i began commuting about an hour each way every day. my wife nagged me about it until i finally got into the habit of doing it all the time.


about 2 months into my new job, i got hit head on, at about 60 mph, by a car. i was like 4 miles from home, on the way home.


i walked away with a bruised shoulder from my seatbelt, and a small chemical burn on one wrist from the airbag.



i got home that night and thanked my wife for nagging me. without the belt, i would have gone home in a box.

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I got T-boned in an intersection, which sent me into a lamp standard. Bent the car a whole lot. I had a bruise on my shoulder, and a burn on my wrist from tha airbag. I don't want to think of what would have happened with no seatbelt.

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If you do not wear your seat belt, you deserve every ache and pain you get when you're thrown from your vehicle. And if you die, GOOD.


It is {censored}ing STUPID and impossible to argue it, aside from arrogance and stubbornness, to not wear your seat belt.


"But there's been people who got ejected and survived..."


And for every one time somebody gets lucky, there's TWENTY who WEREN'T lucky! You really wanna roll those odds?

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I flipped my truck when I was 17, and hit a telephone pole directly behind my head on the drivers side of a ranger with an extended cab....I walked away with nothing more than a small cut on my finger while I was looking for my glasses that flew off in the cab while flipping in the air....If I was not wearing my seatbelt, I probably would not be typing this right now.

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I never used to wear them but all the cars that I've had over the last 10 years or so have made really, really irritating noises when I don't put them on. Now, it's a habit and I wouldn't drive without them.

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I have several friends who are still so {censored}ing old-school they refuse to wear belts.


One guy claims his son died in an accident because he was wearing a seatbelt. He wasn't in the car with him, so I have no clue why he thinks this, and I don't pursue the issue with him. Even if it weren't so personal, it would be impossible...the guy's that stubborn.


Another uses the, "what if the car catches fire, and I can't get out because the belt won't unlatch?" line. I've heard that one a zillion times, as well as the claims of not being able to release the belt after an accident. I was a mechanic for many years, and have never seen a belt that failed to release. Never had a warranty claim put in for one. Nothing. For the people who use this line of reasoning, I ask how they will get out of the car when they're unconscious, or their face is stuck halfway out of the windshield, or their arm and head are under the door, which is under the car, which is lying on its side. I've actually had the response, "I'd rather be dead then".


And so you shall.


I just recently had a neighbor tell me some guy he worked with died in a crash as a result of wearing a seatbelt. "He bled to death; the seatbelt cut through his jugular vein."


In over a dozen years as a mechanic and shop manager, I saw a LOT of wrecks towed in. In not one of them was there a fatality when belts were used (and we could check to see if they were), but in several that they were not used, there were fatalities and very ugly severe injuries, many permanent. I hated to get those cars.

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It took me a long time to get used to it when they first made seat belt use mandatory. I actually had a car that did not come with seat belts.....and since it was a 1965 Chevy I wasnt required to have them.


But that was in the mid 80's. While I believe that more deaths have occured because cars are not as heavy as they used to be its just silly not to wear a seat belt these days.

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I have several friends who are still so {censored}ing old-school they refuse to wear belts.

One guy claims his son died in an accident because he was wearing a seatbelt. He wasn't in the car with him, so I have no clue why he thinks this, and I don't pursue the issue with him. Even if it weren't so personal, it would be impossible...the guy's that stubborn.

Another uses the, "what if the car catches fire, and I can't get out because the belt won't unlatch?" line. I've heard that one a zillion times, as well as the claims of not being able to release the belt after an accident. I was a mechanic for many years, and have never seen a belt that failed to release. Never had a warranty claim put in for one. Nothing. For the people who use this line of reasoning, I ask how they will get out of the car when they're unconscious, or their face is stuck halfway out of the windshield, or their arm and head are under the door, which is under the car, which is lying on its side. I've actually had the response, "I'd rather be dead then".

And so you shall.

I just recently had a neighbor tell me some guy he worked with died in a crash as a result of wearing a seatbelt. "He bled to death; the seatbelt cut through his jugular vein."

In over a dozen years as a mechanic and shop manager, I saw a LOT of wrecks towed in. In not one of them was there a fatality when belts were used (and we could check to see if they were), but in several that they were not used, there were fatalities and very ugly severe injuries, many permanent. I hated to get those cars.





I just recently had a neighbor tell me some guy he worked with died in a crash as a result of wearing a seatbelt. "He bled to death; the seatbelt cut through his jugular vein."



I am sure that is possible but its still a stupid excuse for not wearing one.


I wonder what the Drummer from Def Lepard thinks??

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But that was in the mid 80's. While I believe that more deaths have occured because cars are not as heavy as they used to be...





I'm sorry for your loss, RSB. Too bad it was due to negligence.

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I get so pissed when I see people not wearing their seat belts. I feel naked without it. But what pisses me off even more are kids not strapped in. I was at a gas station once and saw a tiny Cavalier filled with 3 people up front, 4 in back with an infant on one of the adult's laps. I actually called the cops on them.

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Guy turned out to be only 35 too.

The wreck was so bad that the car actually burst into flames after flipping a few times, so seems like either way he would have been done in. Rough. :(


Was only about a mile past my house too.

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I just recently had a neighbor tell me some guy he worked with died in a crash as a result of wearing a seatbelt. "He bled to death; the seatbelt cut through his jugular vein."

A buddy of mine is a CHP officer (and my brother soon will be :thu:) and he's seen a few fatalities that would have been prevented had the deceased not worn a seat belt. There was one case where 4 drunk teenagers were in a car that flipped. 3 of the people were thrown out of the car as it rolled and the driver was firmly belted into the car. The three that were thrown clear escaped with minor injuries, the driver wasn't so lucky. He'll also tell you that you increase your chances of surviving dramatically by strapping in and he sees fatalities on a regular basis. Are there times when not having a seat belt on has saved a life? Sure, but that's the extreme exception rather than the rule.

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I have several friends who are still so {censored}ing old-school they refuse to wear belts.

One guy claims his son died in an accident because he was wearing a seatbelt. He wasn't in the car with him, so I have no clue why he thinks this, and I don't pursue the issue with him. Even if it weren't so personal, it would be impossible...the guy's that stubborn.

Another uses the, "what if the car catches fire, and I can't get out because the belt won't unlatch?" line. I've heard that one a zillion times, as well as the claims of not being able to release the belt after an accident. I was a mechanic for many years, and have never seen a belt that failed to release. Never had a warranty claim put in for one. Nothing. For the people who use this line of reasoning, I ask how they will get out of the car when they're unconscious, or their face is stuck halfway out of the windshield, or their arm and head are under the door, which is under the car, which is lying on its side. I've actually had the response, "I'd rather be dead then".

And so you shall.

I just recently had a neighbor tell me some guy he worked with died in a crash as a result of wearing a seatbelt. "He bled to death; the seatbelt cut through his jugular vein."

In over a dozen years as a mechanic and shop manager, I saw a LOT of wrecks towed in. In not one of them was there a fatality when belts were used (and we could check to see if they were), but in several that they were not used, there were fatalities and very ugly severe injuries, many permanent. I hated to get those cars.



I have heard all the excuses too. But after working on a volunteer fire department as an EMT for 6 years, I can tell you the chances of any of these things happening are right about 0%.


We used to have to compile reports for DOT regarding accidents and fatalities and serious injuries. Over 85% of our fatalities were due to people not wearing seat belts. The other 15%, it really didn't matter, they weren't going to survive unless they were in a tank.


I never, in all that time, saw ONE fatality or serious injury caused by wearing a seatbelt. Ever. Nor do I know anyone on several departments that has.

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My mother is a nurse, and she worked in the ER for a few years, I cannot tell you how many times she has got some idiot in barely alive, with either face pulled down below their chin, skull caved in, broken neck or back, etc. Hell there were some that one person lived, the other did not because of seat belts. I will never not wear a seatbelt, nor will anybody riding in my car not wear a seatbelt.


Not wearing one is one of the stupidest things you can do.

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I've kicked a friend out for not putting on his belt in my car! And I'll do it every {censored}in time!



I force everyone that gets into my car to wear seatbelts. The car doesn't start until everyone is strapped in.


Still, I personally know someone who died while wearing a seatbelt that may have had survived if he wasn't. The seatbelt locked up and he couldn't duck under the dashboard so the telephone pole went through the windshield and into his face.

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