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I woke up at 1:36 with tremendous pain in my left testicle. It wasn't until 4:30 hours later that the pain started to go down, and now I can't even sleep. I've been reading up on Torsion and stuff, so I'll have to go to a Urologist (learned a new word today) to see if I'll need surgery. It's like the 4th time it's happened, always on the left one :facepalm:


I had to go to the emergency room once because it was so bad, they said there was liquid inside my sack or something. That's what the sonar scan said, anyway.


My left nad still hurts :cry:

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Thanks, that's really nice. I'm scared as hell I won't have any kids





This *probably* isn't of much comfort, but a close friend of mine had something similar happen - re-occuring pain in one testicle - and it turned out to be testicular cancer... He ended up having that one removed - on the bright side, later on he ended up fathering twin girls, and it's been atleast 5 years since he was diagnosed - and he's still got a clean bill of health...


This guy is a real badass - we jokingly call him the "one ball wrecking crew" - anyways, don't panick - because if caught early enough, you'll still probably be OK... Good luck, dude - and don't delay getting checked out...




- georgestrings

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It's more comforting than you think, knowing that I'll still have a chance if something goes horribly wrong.


We'll see what the doctors says...but I doubt it's a serious case of torsion, since it doesn't hurt to pee and there's no blood. Not ruling it out yet, but telling myself I'll be alright

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I had it when I was a kid. I know EXACTLY what you're going thru. I had to have surgery but all turned out well.



Is it the one where they saw your testicles to your scrotum so they don't move?

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Definitely sounds like torsion. Get it checked out ASAP. Like now. If it is torsion, you can only get away with a couple of hours of impaired blood flow before the testicle will die for good. Don't screw around wasting time.

Sew. The word is


My mom found a report from the emergency room from 07. It said that there was a sac of liquid in my scrotum, and it could cause hernias. We took it to another doctor who told us not to worry. :confused: I don't know whats happening.


My testicle still hurts a little, but no where near as bad as last night. The pain started 9 hours ago. I don't know If I should wait or go somewhere, my mom can't drive and we don't know any doctors. I think I'll go sit in a warm bath tub...or should I just call a cab and go to the emergency room? The emergency room is the last place we want to be


Last time we were there, they just gave me morphine and an ultra sound, then told me to go to another doctor. I don't know how helpful they'll be

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find a Dr. and make an appointment even if it takes a few weeks , if the pain gets worse go to the ER .







Sounds like you are looking at chronic torsion. When I was a medic in the army we had a guy come in with traumatic torsion. Basically he was on patrol out in the woods, stumbled around a tree and a branch caught him in the junk and rotated one of the boys around. Our PA had to turn in back the right direction. He was howling until it fell back where it was supposed to, instant relief. Then he passed out. I'm pretty sure it was less painful than our method of field blister treatment with tincture of benzoin.

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There were no urologists available on Sunday, so my mom took me to an acupuncture clinic. They assured me I didn't have torsion, and said it was a problem with circulation (but doesn't torsion cause lack of circulation?) I don't feel much better after all those needles anyway. They also told me that if I had a torsion, I would have passed out from pain, so they don't think I have it


I've been to the emergency room, and they told me that the ultrasound revealed hydrocele. I'm going to an urologist tomorrow, I don't know what is really happening.

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You didn't have a bad habit of sayin' "dude, I'd give my left nut for that!". . ..I hope not!!!

Glad to hear you're getting medical attention.


Much too late though. lefty is gone.


I feel fine, the doctors assured me i'll be normal, but extra careful...too young for prosthetics though :wave:


Also, my mom won't stop blaming herself, and she starts crying on and off, saying it's her fault, and that she hates this country. :cry: She wants to return to Paraguay for some reason. I'm more worried about her than I am about my ball (can't say "balls" anymore"

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