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Your Sound Check Lick/Riff?!


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intro to NIB, if I want to try harder, the guitar solo from Iron Man

after that a bunch of assorted Tool riffs (Schism, 46&2 and the Grudge mostly)

then Wynona's Big Brown Beaver, although recently I haven't practiced enough to play it well :(

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Usually some kind of laid back walking line followed by some easy to ignore chords. I check my rig through the IEMs first and the dial in the house settings during the first song by walking around the bar and listening to what needs to be changed. If I could afford to hire a sound guy, no one would hear a single bass note until we started the first song of the night.

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You get a sound check? I usually get 'one two three four.'





as we have a regular slot at the same place every month, i just unpack the NeoPak, set up, plug in and play. everything is still set from the last show, and the show before that and the show before that...

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I Pizzicato walk for a bit. Then I hit the low E so he can adjust for the extra bassiness of my URB and I keep plucking it until the room stops rattling. Then I'll slap for a tiny bit until he adjusts the high end. Finally I'll wank away on this 6 note slap pattern thingy I wrote that sounds like ass, but it's fast and generally 'impresses' for no good reason whatsoever. I'm a bit of a dork.

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Chorus from "Living on a Prayer". Not because it's cool or anything but because it's ironic ya know. yeah.


"I'll bring your precious plane in Kramer!"

Best f'ing mover ever!!

I am going to bust up everytime in see your avatar! :thu:

Sorry for the hijack.....carry on....

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I Pizzicato walk for a bit. Then I hit the low E so he can adjust for the extra bassiness of my URB and I keep plucking it until the room stops rattling. Then I'll slap for a tiny bit until he adjusts the high end. Finally I'll wank away on this 6 note slap pattern thingy I wrote that sounds like ass, but it's fast and generally 'impresses' for no good reason whatsoever. I'm a bit of a dork.


Is'nt it amazing how you can play sophisticated and difficult walks and no one notices, but slap out the easiest groove and people's heads spin.



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Whatever I feel like playing at that moment...like Zach I'll check high to low response.





Yup - if we're using my PA, I don't have to soundcheck much - I'll get out front with my wireless and see what it sounds like, but I'm usually already where I want to be... Then, I'll also get out in front to check band mix a couple of times 'til I'm happy with that...




- georgestrings

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