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For those who hate self-checkout machines at stores,

der oxenrig

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It all depends. If I'm going grocery shopping, and I have a full sized cart full of crap, including lots of stuff that isn't barcoded, I want some minimum wage making 14 year old to check me out. I don't want to fight a goddamn machine for the next 30 minutes with my 100 items, between looking up codes, or it yelling at me to "put my item in the bag".


They are great for a quick in-n-out, but most stores in this area use them as a complete substitution for employees, and it's {censored}ing annoying.

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So far, those are the greatest invention of my lifetime.

Yep. Provided the people in front of you know what they are doing. I also find the ones at Kroger to sometimes be a bit annoying, because you can get something a little too lightweight and the machine doesn't recognize that it was placed in the bag. Then you get Miss Johnny Cab repeating "Please place the item in the bag" over and over and over again. It makes me want to punch the machine in the face. :mad: . . . .hey, wait a minute. I promise I wasn't the customer who caused the damage in The Ox's pic. :lol:

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Some are better that others. The machines at Ikea are pretty good. The Lowe's and Home Depot machines suck.



Oh yeah... Kroger works just fine... Home Despot... I refuse to use them, when I have power tools, or lumber or a bag of nails in my hand, its not the time to tell me to "put it in the bag... remove unknow item... put it in the bag..."


argh. I'm surprised some one hasn't taken out my local HD with a sledge hammer (or nail gun... that would be cool).

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It all depends. If I'm going grocery shopping, and I have a full sized cart full of crap, including lots of stuff that isn't barcoded, I want some minimum wage making 14 year old to check me out. I don't want to fight a goddamn machine for the next 30 minutes with my 100 items, between looking up codes, or it yelling at me to "put my item in the bag".

They are great for a quick in-n-out, but most stores in this area use them as a complete substitution for employees, and it's {censored}ing annoying.



exactly. substitution for employees. that many more people that arent going to get a job, albeit a minimum wage job, still a great job for 14 year olds.


I've also had them freeze up halfway through 30 items or more, and the single attendant, to 10 machines, was completely swamped with people that couldn't figure the thing out.

I always try to use a real human cashier any time one is available and not clogged.

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I've also had them freeze up halfway through 30 items or more, and the single attendant, to 10 machines, was completely swamped with people that couldn't figure the thing out.

I always try to use a real human cashier any time one is available and not clogged.



That's what happened the first time I used one at Home Depot. I gave up and got in the cashier line next to the machine. The self-checkout lady was trying to steer people in my line into the self-checkout. I warned everyone not to do it and that they would regret it if they did. I really pissed off the self-checkout lady.

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That's what happened the first time I used one at Home Depot. I gave up and got in the cashier line next to the machine. The self-checkout lady was trying to steer people in my line into the self-checkout. I warned everyone not to do it and that they would regret it if they did. I really pissed off the self-checkout lady.


When I get put on the self checkout line (under protest, I usually sell appliances), I tell people that the self checkout machines are gigantic pieces of {censored}, and that you'll get through the line much faster and with much less headache in the regular lines. Or sometimes, I default the machines to Spanish; that's always fun. :evil:


The real question is, what were you doing at Home Depot? :cop:

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I don't mind them, but forget it if you are writing a check or buying booze. It takes forever for someone to do the "21 in the self check out lane, 21 to the self checkout lane..."

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Uh, I dont get it? Never seen one of those machines before. I you check out all the items yourself, then isn't it really easy to just, well, walk out with alot of "free" stuff?

Because if they have someone there who checks that you're not "by accident forgetting a couple of items", then they might aswell have a cashier.

To me this seems like the worst idea ever. I hate them already and I'll boycott every store that starts using them, but hopefully it will never happen.

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Uh, I dont get it? Never seen one of those machines before. I you check out all the items yourself, then isn't it really easy to just, well, walk out with alot of "free" stuff?

Because if they have someone there who checks that you're not "by accident forgetting a couple of items", then they might aswell have a cashier.

To me this seems like the worst idea ever. I hate them already and I'll boycott every store that starts using them, but hopefully it will never happen.



No, because when you scan an item, it waits before you swipe it over the alarm-tag-deactivator thingy, and then waits again for you to put it in the bag as measured by a scale. So if you don't swipe stuff, you set off the alarms as you walk out the door.

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That OP pic rules



Uh, I dont get it? Never seen one of those machines before. I you check out all the items yourself, then isn't it really easy to just, well, walk out with alot of "free" stuff?

Because if they have someone there who checks that you're not "by accident forgetting a couple of items", then they might aswell have a cashier.

To me this seems like the worst idea ever. I hate them already and I'll boycott every store that starts using them, but hopefully it will never happen.



Here they do random checks . So if your willing to take the risk of getting busted that's your decision, But they will have video evidence if you don't scan something

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No, because when you scan an item, it waits before you swipe it over the alarm-tag-deactivator thingy, and then waits again for you to put it in the bag as measured by a scale. So if you don't swipe stuff, you set off the alarms as you walk out the door.



That's cleaver . it's only just started here in the odd supermarket express lane . guess that's next

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That's cleaver . it's only just started here in the odd supermarket express lane . guess that's next



I really like what I saw in Sweden. You pick up a handheld scanner as you enter the store, and scan items as you put them in the cart so you know your running total. Put the scanner on the belt as you exit, and no one has to scan anything. I was told that store does "random" checks too; I guess you would really have to trust your customers to try this method.

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I really like what I saw in Sweden. You pick up a handheld scanner as you enter the store, and scan items as you put them in the cart so you know your running total. Put the scanner on the belt as you exit, and no one has to scan anything. I was told that store does "random" checks too; I guess you would really have to trust your customers to try this method.



Yeah one supermarkt chain has done that hear for years.really fast and you can go through and subtract things if you go over budget . same thing with the random checks..

A mate of mine when he was flatting (don't know what you call it , room mates?) would put beer in the seat for kids on the trolly and not swip it and if he got caught his plan was to say he forgot.

He never got caught . I couldn't do that sort of thing myself, I would be so paranoid that I would draw attention to my self

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I really like what I saw in Sweden. You pick up a handheld scanner as you enter the store, and scan items as you put them in the cart so you know your running total. Put the scanner on the belt as you exit, and no one has to scan anything. I was told that store does "random" checks too; I guess you would really have to trust your customers to try this method.


I'm surprised you haven't seen those where you live here in the U.S. I live in the Boston area, and we've had 'em for years in grocery stores as an optional service - big stations at the entrances of the stores.

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