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OT: Light switches in USA...


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re dimmers- you only would use a knob style dimmer if you want your house to look like a relic of the 60's. It's all about clean up to date switches now. Old tiny little flip toggles amd knob dimmers have been long since surpassed.

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hahaha... I always loved using similar jokes to new employees when I worked construction.


If they cut a board too short, you'd tell them to go grab the board stretcher.

Say "this level is off a little... go find me the level water"

Another classic: "I need the left handed screwdriver, crescent wrench, pliers, hammer," etc...

When my brother worked at Menards, they'd tell people to go find stuff, and if they couldn't find it, they'd say "check the basement". (Menards doesn't have one).


What really made me chuckle with that one, is that KK, by rushing to prove me wrong, in effect, went running for that metric screwdriver. :lol:

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I will stop here as I refuse to get into a battle of the wits with an unarmed man.


Well, I can tell you right now, I'm certainly no match for such an innovative and incisive barb as that one right there...:thu:


Very fresh, very fresh...



Have any cutting remarks to make about suffragettes while you're at it?


How about the Silver Standard?


Or that new Horseless Carriage?


I haven't seen a bon mot like yours since Vanderbilt told Garfield that "if he wanted the age properly gilded, he should straight away see a goldsmith!"...heh, that one still makes me laugh...:lol:


You know, you've a lot in common with the old Commodore, you both cut to the quick...though I must say, his remark has just a bit more meat on the bone, as it were; just a bit more "pepper in his pot", if you don't mind the ribald language...


Heh...wits...unarmed...straight away to the Goldsmith!... all so clever...:thu:

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Monster switches, hardly. Try a lot of internally backlit, paddle style 2 and 3 way switches with vertical slider dimmers, a lot of regular 2 and 3 way paddle rockers, 3 speed rocker style fan control and combined fan/light dimmers, all the cover plates. Price 'em out, its ridiculous, and there are a lot of lighting points in this house.

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Monster switches, hardly. Try a lot of internally backlit, paddle style 2 and 3 way switches with vertical slider dimmers, a lot of regular 2 and 3 way paddle rockers, 3 speed rocker style fan control and combined fan/light dimmers, all the cover plates. Price 'em out, its ridiculous, and there are a lot of lighting points in this house.


Sally Struthers is gonna have your ass!:eek:


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More than one light switch for the same light(s) = too much money.



The apartment came that way. I blame the Germans. :D :poke:


Seriously, it's helpful for one hallway, stairs, and stumbling around certain rooms in the dark... ;)

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