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About to put a deposit on my p-bass!


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OH MY DEAR GOD I'm so damn excited! I'll try and get pics of me playing on it when we get there.
So now its just over a month away until its finally mine. Then you probably wont see much of me for a while. I'll be too busy drooling over the thing. Its SO damn sexy you just cant even begin to imagine.


A month is no time to wait; it'll be here before you know it. Nice bass!

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found it painful to walk after didn't ya? lol!! Man that is awesome though, I almost wet myself when I played the one in parr street again when I found this one and then temporarily lost the use of both knees when the hubby said he'd get it for me! I cant even begin to imagine your joy...there really is nothing similar to it is there? The whole experience has left me so humbled at the craftmanship of a good fender. I mean my cello is a really gorgeous cello but it doesn't make me shiver the way this p does! I almost killed sam when he looked at it with a blank expression and said 'its red....whats the big fuss?'


I didnt want to leave, that's for sure. There's a look and feel about them that cant be beat.

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Wine red was a custom 'export only' color for Fender in the '70s IIRC. You scored a good one, there!


:eek::eek:REALLY?! blimey then how the hell did it get so cheap??! Wow I'm even more in love with it now. Which is pretty much stretching the amount of love I can give. I'm going to have to learn how to be non clumsy from now till my birthday.....eeeeeeeebbbbbaaaaaaaaa I cannot wait!


oh and super bass: soon love, soon. just need everyone in here to buy the album at least 8 times each so we get enough sales for people not to spit in our faces lol. The whole process is going to start rolling pretty soon so will keep everyone posted with updates. especially all you state side lovelies. that is where our main audience is already so we're going to be hitting it hard.



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