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Anyone gigging with a tube amp?

Cliff Fiscal

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I asked the band guys about my bass tone, and they just said as long as it sounds as huge as it has been....."I love to feel the waves of bass hit me."




Which is nice.....then I can experiment with tones and all that without caring.


I really could see how playing cleanish through a tube amp would be rewarding.


I'm really thinking about swapping out the speakers for those 15" Kappalites.....I'd hate to blow up my cab and amp in the same night.

(I'll have to sell something to afford them :()

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I know they say watts is watts.....

but will 120w SUNN be loud enough for the 600w SS Mesa watts?



I'm not saying you'll have an issue, but I had trouble with my 200w head. It was a major reason why I got rid of it. It's was audible, but I just felt like I was pushing it to it's limits.

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You don't have any volume issues?

What kind of band?



We play '90s-current rock---Pearl Jam, Audioslave, White Zombie, with some older more esoteric stuff thrown in. It's bass/drums/guitar, with a female lead singer.


I haven't gigged with the new band, but I did a bunch of shows with the old band playing classic rock in small to medium sized clubs. I never had any trouble keeping up with a 5o-watt Marshall half-stack, keys, and a LOUD drummer. I'd run into the mains for a monitor feed, and that was it.

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I had a 2000S head back in the day. It was nice - I always liked the sound. It wasn't balanced real well for carrying by its top handle - that was my main beef. You can always mic your cab if you love the tone!


How would you describe the tone?


I can't wait to get home and try it out. :rawk:


I'm not too concerned about the weight or balance right now.


Out of fear, I doubt I'll be taking it to any gigs too far from home. :o


btw......IT"S HERE!!!

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When you're ready to flip it, let me know. I may pick it up from you.


I'll keep you in mind. ;):thu:


I've got so many amps right now......it's a possibility.....hard to say since I haven't had a chance to play it yet. :lol:



Hey! Do you know why they used dual tube rectifiers?

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