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Quote Originally Posted by niomosy

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: Does not compute :

Maybe Napster? Hell, the last time I used a modem, even Napster didn't exist yet.


Well thats what I had to do idn_smilie.gif. Kazaa was like Limewire, except way more spyware was involved.

Keep in mind I got "high speed" (i.e. above dial-up) internet only about 3 years ago. idn_smilie.gif

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Quote Originally Posted by Super_Donut_Man

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Well thats what I had to do idn_smilie.gif. Kazaa was like Limewire, except way more spyware was involved.

Keep in mind I got "high speed" (i.e. above dial-up) internet only about 3 years ago. idn_smilie.gif


Ahhh. I've had high speed since.... '98 or so. I don't even remember Napster on dial-up.

Kazaa wasn't always bad. The Morpheus client was nice until they shut it down, there were tips on spyware removal in the early Kazaa versions as well. Eventually Kazaa-lite came out which was really nice. Then that died off as well.

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Quote Originally Posted by el_duderino676

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Lug's bass playing is not unbad. - Funkee1 /You're the only bassist I know whose roadie has to manage a SaniCan as well as a bass rig. - The Lurker / Lug not only sucks, but he sucks with such total and utter power that even black holes can do little but stare in amazement. - Thrash Jazz / Everytime I click on lug's MP3s I wanna jam a turkey baster in my ear and suck out my brains - mikgag / dear god, the last 30 seconds of that... lets just say i thought mikgag was kidding about the turkey baster... oddity_UK / That's amazing. No matter how many times I hear Lug play, it still causes that little bit of vomit to work its way up my throat, and it won't go back down. I spit it out and half expect it to wiggle its way south towards Texas - Craigv / many were making fun of Lug....so I asked for a sample of his work, got an MP3 and played it..I am still trying to get rid of the locusts that suddenly appeared raining in my home, the boils on my skin and bleeding from my rectum has almost healed. Though my entire family is completely blind now, those that did not commit suicide are doing better...though the dreams never stop. William Hung??.........forget it. Lug has no equal. - kmrumedy / If you establish a new religion for the masses called Suckiness you will be their Messiah and that .MP3 shall be their bible. Your powerful Suck never was more justified - Tivorosky / There are no words in any language, living or dead, that can even begin to describe this. - Mudbass upon stumbling across my nastier MP3's / The King of Suck has Überpowers that even a moderator can't beat. -JazzAd, Mod / Lug's tone is so unique you can smell it - bigbottomline ... i use his mp3's everytime i need to unclog the sink... most power suck around!..megadan / the total lack of taste and just about anything interesting makes your song so powerfully terrible that it truly deserves to be on a porn movie starring Mrs Packman at age 95 - evilnightrime / I remember once in my maths class we were doing logarithms, except the lecturer's writing was dodgy and it looked like lugarithms. I laughed inwardly but deep down I knew that such a thing was a contradiction in terms - FreestyleIntruder / Lug, even your signature sucks. - Banta / It feels dirty, like listening to lug mp3's...Incubitabus / Lugishness: The act of wishing to be the most unworthy of praise, to want to be the worst at something, to drain the life out of whatever activity one attempts, to suck. - ModmanQ6 / Hunt for popcorn (a well known Lug MP3) moved my bowels quicker that a 4 quart enema and a spanking from a 200 pound midget. - Koz / I think lug managed to impliment the black plague in his MP3. As soon as I turned it on, I started getting black tumors all over my groin & neck and knew the end was near... The Ox / Lug is the only person capable of offending an entire genre of music with a single note. - NineMinuteNap / Lug is the only person who can turn a SansAmp into a SansTalent. - Takeout / Had Pharaoh *still* refused to let the Israelites go, God would've unleashed Lug's playing as the 11th and no doubt final plague. - Emprov / I feel I need to clarify. Trust me, EVERYTHING is worng with lug's playing. He is the King Of Suck. The briefest of exposures to his MP3s has been known to turn animals off their feed, cause grown men to weep like new-borns, is suspected to have effected the mortality rates of the armadillo, and has left mikgag with a turkey baster permanently lodged in his brain. Heed the warning, do NOT listen to lug's playing...You have been warned. - Basshunter / Oh don't worry, I'm not going to listen to them, I'm going to hold up a bank with them. Some threats are worse than death. - freestyleintruder after downloading Lug MP3's / I just clicked one of those MP3s and my intestines fell out. - milkgag / Lug sucks more then Paris Hilton. - mxpxfan / I listened to the lug mp3. One of my ears tried to leap free of my head - BigBigPeaches / some whinny crap about not being in Lug's signature - basshunter / Oh dear God! The only way I could get the sound of this MP3 out of my head was to fill the blender with rocks and hit frappe. - mudbass ***some whiney crap about being in Lug's sig**** - Bonoman / Its so bad that its on a level far beyond porn funk. - Super_Donut_man


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Quote Originally Posted by infralife

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"Originally Posted by infralife

That's just was I wasn't thinking.

...too much eggnog?

In other news, I'm enjoying a Radeberger after aikido training."

Zamfir, I totally respect your aikido training. If we were civilized, big sticks would rule. When big sticks are outlawed only criminals will have big sticks. I seriously carry one in some situations. Sorry about the flippant "trying to top 100" posts. Thanks for your reply.

Your work situation "herding cats" resonates with me. Project management is tough when you are charged with herding cats, but worse, when you are to make eagles perch in a row on a calendar. Befriend the strongest cat, who will bring the others in line much to their inconvience. Keep treats in sight and dispense along the way when you must. thumb.gif


My reply was actually flippant... biggrin.gif Post-whoring in TK is frequent, and thus not serious... biggrin.gif

As for the strongest cat...that person is my biggest obstacle, mentioned above, who saddled us with a hell of a problem...

I have no idea how to neutralize that person, or even if they can be. frown.gif

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Quote Originally Posted by Zamfir

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B-man AND niomosy back?

I think the universe is folding in on itself...


I'm sure if I wasn't so exhausted I could figure out a joke about tachyons to work in here since I just watched Land of the Lost (cute, but not a must-see movie), but I'm so tired I'm just going to go to sleep instead... boring.gif
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Quote Originally Posted by Bonoman

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I'm sure if I wasn't so exhausted I could figure out a joke about tachyons to work in here since I just watched Land of the Lost (cute, but not a must-see movie), but I'm so tired I'm just going to go to sleep instead... boring.gif


You and me both. I've had an inhuman amount of stuff to do at work or related to work. Right now, stuff is just sliding until our current all-hands-on-deck task is done.

*insert asleep smiley here*

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