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Quote Originally Posted by Super Bass

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But U2 suck... poke.gif


I'm one of those U2 fans who doesn't care when other people don't like them, and it's funny how much the people from Ireland like to say they don't like them more often than not, but I don't mind. I like them, and I believe that there's got to be at least one U2 song that you've liked at one point in your life or another, but if you haven't, that's cool. I'm sure there's music you like that I don't like. That's what makes the world go round, my bruthah. thumb.gif

But U2 do rule and I can't wait for tonight, the third night of their five night stand on Letterman. I love the new album and think that Boots was the wrong choice for first single because the rest of the record is super strong.

And Lost was awesome tonight. I won't post any spoilers here just in case, but this was one of the best episodes ever. thumb.gif

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Quote Originally Posted by Super_Donut_Man

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When you are on your knees preparing yourself to give knob to a big, fat, sweaty trucker in a pitstop bathroom for a rock of crack... then, and only then, will you "get it"


but..i'm still young cry.gif

i'll probably get it when some chick 'hits' me in a pitstop or whatever

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Quote Originally Posted by Bonoman

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I'm one of those U2 fans who doesn't care when other people don't like them, and it's funny how much the people from Ireland like to say they don't like them more often than not, but I don't mind. I like them, and I believe that there's got to be at least one U2 song that you've liked at one point in your life or another, but if you haven't, that's cool. I'm sure there's music you like that I don't like. That's what makes the world go round, my bruthah. thumb.gif

But U2 do rule and I can't wait for tonight, the third night of their five night stand on Letterman. I love the new album and think that Boots was the wrong choice for first single because the rest of the record is super strong.

And Lost was awesome tonight. I won't post any spoilers here just in case, but this was one of the best episodes ever. thumb.gif


There are some U2 songs that I do like, but these would be the older songs. IMO they've just gone downhill. Add to that, Bono is a twat. tongue.gif
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So I'm sick with sinusitis and deep asleep last night when I slowly wake up to a wobbling sound and a huge smash at 2 or 3 in the morning.

I was about to slug a figure in the doorway when I realized it was my wife coming back from the bathroom, who managed to knock off the lamp with a huge ceramic base off my nightstand.

I blame the wine-and-chocolate tasting we went to last night. wink.gif But {censored}, now I gotta replace a lamp and the replacement won't look like its twin as came with the apartment. facepalm.gif

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Quote Originally Posted by niomosy

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Probably not. But I'd suggest grabbing a bite to eat first biggrin.gif


The whole idea of telling girls to "get a sammich" at times gets to me. I'm a 5'5" 108 lb girl who physically CANNOT gain weight. I am not capable, medically speaking, of fluctuating my weight in either direction. I've had my fair share of people ask me if I'm anorexic and bulimic etc...I've been made fun of and had people yell "why don't you eat something" in a mean and rude manner. It really irritates me and affects self esteem like woah. I understand that some guys have different tastes in women and I'm not asking that you change those tastes. What I'm saying is there are more tasteful ways of describing your dislike of a woman's physique than saying "eat a sandwich."
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Quote Originally Posted by Giddry

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The whole idea of telling girls to "get a sammich" at times gets to me. I'm a 5'5" 108 lb girl who physically CANNOT gain weight. I am not capable, medically speaking, of fluctuating my weight in either direction. I've had my fair share of people ask me if I'm anorexic and bulimic etc...I've been made fun of and had people yell "why don't you eat something" in a mean and rude manner. It really irritates me and affects self esteem like woah. I understand that some guys have different tastes in women and I'm not asking that you change those tastes. What I'm saying is there are more tasteful ways of describing your dislike of a woman's physique than saying "eat a sandwich."


I agree. Some women have naturally small frames and look good. wink.gif

Others however try to be like that by extreme dieting or whatever and just tend to look worse.

I certainly wouldn't put you in the second category. smile.gif

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I understand that the skeleton girls that do it by dieting are scary. I also appreciate your compliments.

By the way...I'm having a serious taco bell craving. Does anyone else get those cravings for things that you KNOW are bad for you?

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Quote Originally Posted by Super Bass

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You're welcome. smile.gif

Yeah I get that too. I'm on a health buzz lately and trying to resist all the bad stuff... it's not working too well. icon_lol.gif I want chocolate. cry.gif


I'm whipping up a batch of my chocolate cherry cola cupcakes. Want one? smile.gif
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