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I got that shot completely on accident. I was just trying to get a shot of the sky. It was black, but that didn't really show in this pic. 20 min after I took this there was a tornado spotted on the ground 2-3 miles from my house. I live in the middle of nowhere and no houses were really damaged, but many trees were knocked down.

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1 – Pico do Areeiro / Pico Ruivo / Achada do Teixeira

This is it! This is the walk that will give you a complete perspective of the beauty of the island. Rock formations shoot into the sky like timeless statues. All along this route the views are breathtaking. A profusion of unique plants make this place their natural habitat. In springtime these plants proudly dress themselves in a myriad of colours, displaying their fragile flowers for all to see. Near Pico Ruivo we walk through the oldest heather forest in existence. These ancient trees are many hundreds of years old and were already there when Zarco discovered and landed on the island for the first time. We soon arrive at Pico Ruivo (the highest point on the island) and the views from there are out of this world. Truly and as the saying goes "On a clear day you can see forever".

• Dif. Grade 4 – Difficult walk. • Walking time: 5 Hours. • Distance: 13 Km.

courtesy madeira explorers

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Once upon a time there was a tavern,

Where we used to raise a glass or two.

Remember how we laughed away the hours,

And dreamed of all the great things we would do.


Those were the days my friend,

We'd thought they'd never end,

We'd sing and dance for-ever and a day,

We'd live the life we choose,

We'd fight and never lose,

For we were young and sure to have our way.

Lalala lah lala, lalala lah lala

Those were the days, oh yes, those were the days.

Then the busy years when rushing by us.

We lost our starry notions on the way.

If by chance I'd see you in the tavern,

We'd smile at one another and we'd say:


Just tonight I stood before the tavern,

Nothing seemed the way it used to be.

In the glass I saw a strange reflection,

Was that lonely person really me.


Through the door there came familiar laughter.

I saw your face and heard you call my name.

Oh, my friend, we're older but no wiser,

For in our hearts the dreams are still the same.


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So I'm taking a Trig class this semester thanks to the assloads of math I need to take for a Comp Sci degree.

I get to school, a campus I avoid. They've got cops guiding traffic to start things off. Lovely. No signs indicating where the freebies can park or signs for the parking pass machines. Great. Park on a dirt lot where they've painted lines for parking freak.gif Maybe... I dunno, pay a bit of money and get it paved?

The teacher has 2 add slips. 6 people are trying to add, me included thanks to a debacle at another college (apparently, despite taking Geometry in high school AND taking another math class that meets the same requirements as Trig, I can't take Trig since they have no record of me taking a college Geometry class. Who the hell takes a college Geometry class!? Isn't that what 10th or 11th grade is for? God damn idiots mad.gif So I end up forced into squeezing into another school to get the class... taking days to process my registration... mad.gif)

So the teacher heads off to admissions to get more and comes back empty handed. Oh, by the way, class dismissed. Be here on time next week and hopefully you can add.

I wander off to find an add slip somewhere. Admissions dumps me over to another place where they're doing registration. I get my add slip! Yay! I can even enroll in the class since it's on the open enrollment list. I fill in the info, sit down to have someone add me and... it's full. "Is it on the list?" It sure is! Oh, we'll have to make a note of that. The class is tonight, have the teacher give you an add slip. She ran out. They're supposed to have a lot of them. Yes, she had 2 left. She should get more from admissions. Sigh. She tried that. They're out.

I knew I didn't like this college much. This is really only reinforcing my dislike of this college. My 2nd choice college's night class was booked so I tried this. What a lousy idea. It's almost tempting to just take the damn Geometry class at my regular college of choice.

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