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Quote Originally Posted by Bonoman

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Still alive. The colonoscopy sucked, but the good news is that they found nothing. No polyps, no growths, no cancer, no ulcers, nothing. The doc said that for a smoker I've got surprisingly pink guts. I don't think he meant I was a {censored}, but now that I read it... Anyhow, the bad news is that I got some pretty severe food poisoning a few years ago that turned into the Norwalk Virus, and basically I had it so bad that it's never going to go away now. I will basically have flu symptoms every day for the rest of my life until this finishes eating my stomach and kills me in a decade or so, so that kind of sucks. It's not contagious, but it is deadly and there's no cure and no relief from the symptoms. All the sex and drugs that I've had and done, and I get killed by a bad piece of salmon. Never would have thought it...

I'm going for a second opinion in a few weeks. I don't think my doctor or the colon people are correct about this. Call it a gut feeling (pun intended), but I just don't think that diagnosis is right.


Holy {censored}ing {censored}!!! eek.gif


I'm speechless.


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Quote Originally Posted by Bonoman

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Still alive. The colonoscopy sucked, but the good news is that they found nothing. No polyps, no growths, no cancer, no ulcers, nothing. The doc said that for a smoker I've got surprisingly pink guts. I don't think he meant I was a {censored}, but now that I read it... Anyhow, the bad news is that I got some pretty severe food poisoning a few years ago that turned into the Norwalk Virus, and basically I had it so bad that it's never going to go away now. I will basically have flu symptoms every day for the rest of my life until this finishes eating my stomach and kills me in a decade or so, so that kind of sucks. It's not contagious, but it is deadly and there's no cure and no relief from the symptoms. All the sex and drugs that I've had and done, and I get killed by a bad piece of salmon. Never would have thought it...

I'm going for a second opinion in a few weeks. I don't think my doctor or the colon people are correct about this. Call it a gut feeling (pun intended), but I just don't think that diagnosis is right.


Glad to hear your colon is clean. wink.gif

I had three polyps and all were negative. thumb.gif

How do they diagnose this virus? Is it from raw or cooked salmon?

Definitely get a 2nd opinion.

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Quote Originally Posted by Bonoman

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Still alive. The colonoscopy sucked, but the good news is that they found nothing. No polyps, no growths, no cancer, no ulcers, nothing. The doc said that for a smoker I've got surprisingly pink guts. I don't think he meant I was a {censored}, but now that I read it... Anyhow, the bad news is that I got some pretty severe food poisoning a few years ago that turned into the Norwalk Virus, and basically I had it so bad that it's never going to go away now. I will basically have flu symptoms every day for the rest of my life until this finishes eating my stomach and kills me in a decade or so, so that kind of sucks. It's not contagious, but it is deadly and there's no cure and no relief from the symptoms. All the sex and drugs that I've had and done, and I get killed by a bad piece of salmon. Never would have thought it...

I'm going for a second opinion in a few weeks. I don't think my doctor or the colon people are correct about this. Call it a gut feeling (pun intended), but I just don't think that diagnosis is right.


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Quote Originally Posted by Bonoman

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Still alive. The colonoscopy sucked, but the good news is that they found nothing. No polyps, no growths, no cancer, no ulcers, nothing. The doc said that for a smoker I've got surprisingly pink guts. I don't think he meant I was a {censored}, but now that I read it... Anyhow, the bad news is that I got some pretty severe food poisoning a few years ago that turned into the Norwalk Virus, and basically I had it so bad that it's never going to go away now. I will basically have flu symptoms every day for the rest of my life until this finishes eating my stomach and kills me in a decade or so, so that kind of sucks. It's not contagious, but it is deadly and there's no cure and no relief from the symptoms. All the sex and drugs that I've had and done, and I get killed by a bad piece of salmon. Never would have thought it...

I'm going for a second opinion in a few weeks. I don't think my doctor or the colon people are correct about this. Call it a gut feeling (pun intended), but I just don't think that diagnosis is right.


Holy {censored}, I missed this part! Damn me and my reading before coffee has kicked in mad.gif

That sucks ass Bman. Definitely get a second opinion. This is serious info we're talking about here! I'm sorry to hear this frown.gif I'm a bit sad now. We'll want good news from the next Dr. dammit!

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Children's experiments gone wrong, example 1: Chocolate milk flavored water. There was also a chemistry class aspect. The milk/water went from the big glass, to the sippy cup (which couldn't hold the contents) back to the big glass. Somehow, that involved a lot of spilling on the last transfer as the chair has a nice puddle in it as well.


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Quote Originally Posted by Zamfir

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Seriously? confused.gif


I used to train hawks for hunting. An experienced falconer told me during my apprenticeship that gorging a bird occasionally recharged their batteries.

Obviously, moderation is the key. I tried it with my birds and he was right, not that I doubted him. They fly better and hunt with more intensity.

Physiology is physiology and it works for people too, although it isn't PC with all the food cops we have around us.

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Quote Originally Posted by Thumper

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Not yet. biggrin.gif

I'm enjoying the first New Belgium 1554 Black Ale of the day. love.gif


Sounds sensatiable! My friend clued me in on a party with free beer. When they decided it was time to call it quits, I stacked as many beers in my pockets and hands as a could for the walk home. Good thing I wore my cargos thumb.gif
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I'm watching what could be the greatest dutch tv-show of all time.

It's called "Nacht van de popmuziek". (Night of Popmusic)

They basically pile a dude with his collection of old music video's and live recordings (tens of thousands of them) in a studio with a walking music encyclopedia and a presenter and they play the best videos all night long.

They also have a website where they take requests.

It's great, so far I've seen Otis Redding, Marvin Gaye, Pearl Jam, Sly Stone, Neil Young, Bob Marley and The Doors, all rare live performances.

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Quote Originally Posted by ranjaman

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I'm watching what could be the greatest dutch tv-show of all time.

It's called "Nacht van de popmuziek". (Night of Popmusic)

They basically pile a dude with his collection of old music video's and live recordings (tens of thousands of them) in a studio with a walking music encyclopedia and a presenter and they play the best videos all night long.

They also have a website where they take requests.

It's great, so far I've seen Otis Redding, Marvin Gaye, Pearl Jam, Sly Stone, Neil Young, Bob Marley and The Doors, all rare live performances.


Request some King's X and see if they play it.
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Mrs. Thumper and I loaded Harley the Lab from Hell into the Jeep and headed up towards Mt. Hood today. We took Hwy 26 south of the mountain, then picked up Hwy 35 and headed for Hood River.

We stopped in Parkdale and had a pint and snax at the Parkdale Brew Pub. They have a nice IPA and an awesome Scottish Ale on tap. We spent an hour enjoying the mild weather, the view of Mount Hood and watching Harley play with two other pups whose owners stopped in. thumb.gif

We continued up 35 toward Hood River and stopped at two farms to buy fresh fruit and produce. Hood River is famous for it's apples, pears and other produce. We picked up a gallon of fresh, unpasteurized apple cider at Draper Sister's Farm. If I could only have one beverage for the rest of my life, this is it. love.gif


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