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It's supposed to be cooler today then warm up Sat. and Sun. Odd but it'll make for a good time at the park for the little one over the weekend smile.gif

Damn little girl's got loads of energy she needs to burn off when she's awake. She's at the point of having so much she wants to do that the whole eating thing is just taking up too much exploration and discovery time wink.gif

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Quote Originally Posted by Thumper

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I actually look forward to Daylight Savings Time...


Other than this years DST being a nightmarish hell of patching severs pretty much every weekend this year thus far, not to mention several weekdays, it's not too bad.

The server patching has screwed me up pretty royally - my internal clock is screwed up to the point where it wants to go to sleep at about 3-4am freak.gif

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Quote Originally Posted by niomosy

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Good to see ya thumb.gif

How's school?


{censored}ing nuts, my Engl teacher(not a prof, no PHD) didn't show up. Which is going to put the class being another class seeing as in we were suposed to turn in our rough drafts today. My math test to tomorrow, and I'm way behind in my Globalization and National Security class. I've been sleeping like crap and I'm now a zombie. thumb.gif

So how's the job, the wife and the kid?

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Quote Originally Posted by oldivor

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{censored}ing nuts, my Engl teacher(not a prof, no PHD) didn't show up. Which is going to put the class being another class seeing as in we were suposed to turn in our rough drafts today. My math test to tomorrow, and I'm way behind in my Globalization and National Security class. I've been sleeping like crap and I'm now a zombie. thumb.gif

So how's the job, the wife and the kid?


I {censored}ing hate English. Write an essay. Write in your journal. Review essays. 2nd draft of essay plus another journal. Write some more, another journal. Let's do some stuff in class. Another journal.

I can write, don't get me wrong. I can get quite chatty. I don't really want to have to for school, though. My teacher hopes to help us achieve great things. Err, no, I'm just here for the grade. I'll try to do a good job so I can get a good grade but I'm just here for the grade, not any enlightenment, thanks wink.gif

Job blows, as usual. Bonuses came in. Nowhere near what they were in previous years but it's better than nothing. They're driving us all to insanity, slowly and painfully, though wink.gif The stupid DST patching has been a nightmare for us, especially me. I think I've had one weekend off since we started around mid-January freak.gif Even now that we're done, all the stuff that got pushed out is now getting slammed in on a regular basis.

The baby is doing great. She took her first solo steps while I was watching her. I was happy as can be that I got to witness it biggrin.gif Her vocabulary's growing as well. She's also trying to be clever. The normal bed time ritual has a bedtime story right before bed. Well, she's decided to try dropping the book on the floor after we're done so she can try to go and pick it up; to be helpful and all wink.gif

Wife's doing pretty good. She's getting out of the house solo once a week for some kind of group thing.

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Quote Originally Posted by niomosy

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I {censored}ing hate English. Write an essay. Write in your journal. Review essays. 2nd draft of essay plus another journal. Write some more, another journal. Let's do some stuff in class. Another journal.

I can write, don't get me wrong. I can get quite chatty. I don't really want to have to for school, though. My teacher hopes to help us achieve great things. Err, no, I'm just here for the grade. I'll try to do a good job so I can get a good grade but I'm just here for the grade, not any enlightenment, thanks wink.gif

Job blows, as usual. Bonuses came in. Nowhere near what they were in previous years but it's better than nothing. They're driving us all to insanity, slowly and painfully, though wink.gif The stupid DST patching has been a nightmare for us, especially me. I think I've had one weekend off since we started around mid-January freak.gif Even now that we're done, all the stuff that got pushed out is now getting slammed in on a regular basis.

The baby is doing great. She took her first solo steps while I was watching her. I was happy as can be that I got to witness it biggrin.gif Her vocabulary's growing as well. She's also trying to be clever. The normal bed time ritual has a bedtime story right before bed. Well, she's decided to try dropping the book on the floor after we're done so she can try to go and pick it up; to be helpful and all wink.gif

Wife's doing pretty good. She's getting out of the house solo once a week for some kind of group thing.


Amen, I hate when you have to do all that crap. I don't mind writing but I hate English classes. They take all the fun out of it, but it's not like you're writing about anything related to your field also. mad.gif

That sucks about the bonus, it seems like with all you're doing you'd get a bug bonus for all the extra hours you're spending working and babysitting. Does the boss come in and say, 'hhmm yeah, I'm going to need you can to work Saturday hhmmm and Sunday too"? It seems like they'd treat you It guys better but people are people I guess, they won't if they don't have too.

Dude, that's great. It's great that you got to watch her first steps. smile.gif I have a question, does she know the word bass yet? biggrin.gif Aaaahhh a sneaky little bugger huh? Well that's good. It shows she has some of her fathers genes? wink.gif

That good about the wife. Getting out of the house when you're cooped up in there is a good thing to do. I know me and my sister drove my mom nuts something. I'm pretty sure she head butted the wall once. eek.gif

I guess I just miss all of the bman's wimmin drama. :_(

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Quote Originally Posted by oldivor

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Amen, I hate when you have to do all that crap. I don't mind writing but I hate English classes. They take all the fun out of it, but it's not like you're writing about anything related to your field also. mad.gif

That sucks about the bonus, it seems like with all you're doing you'd get a bug bonus for all the extra hours you're spending working and babysitting. Does the boss come in and say, 'hhmm yeah, I'm going to need you can to work Saturday hhmmm and Sunday too"? It seems like they'd treat you It guys better but people are people I guess, they won't if they don't have too.

Dude, that's great. It's great that you got to watch her first steps. smile.gif I have a question, does she know the word bass yet? biggrin.gif Aaaahhh a sneaky little bugger huh? Well that's good. It shows she has some of her fathers genes? wink.gif

That good about the wife. Getting out of the house when you're cooped up in there is a good thing to do. I know me and my sister drove my mom nuts something. I'm pretty sure she head butted the wall once. eek.gif

I guess I just miss all of the bman's wimmin drama. :_(


Heh, Bonoman's wimmin drama still comes through on MySpace. {censored}er lost his password to HCBF rolleyes.gif We'll have to bug him one of these days wink.gif

The English topics we've got are average. You can get some interesting stories out of them but I'd really rather not bother writing this junk if I don't have to. You're right, the fun definitely isn't there. I'm just trying to type as much as possible to get a decent length, use various types of sentences and whatnot. It's annoying, more than anything.

Yeah, work's got the thing going with weekends. It's Saturday night / Sunday morning work. Usually I'm waking up around 11pm from a nap, start work at midnight, then I'm up until at least 6 or 7 in the morning. Usually later. If I'm "lucky", I'm up at about 3:45am Sunday morning to work until 10 or 11 rolleyes.gif I think that I'll be up about 11pm-6am this weekend mad.gif Oh well. They're giving me Friday off so that's at least something. Not sure what we're going to do. I just know that it means that I can get in some gaming on Thursday night after school.

It was kick-ass being able to watch her take those steps. I kept yelling for my wife to get in the room. Proud papa moment biggrin.gif It'll be nice when she's walking on her own more.

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