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Hey everyone,


Just need opinions on the band situation im in.


I have been in a "screamo band" for the past 3 months and I enjoy it because it has really made my rhythm chops get better, and I get along with everyone in the band. I just kind of keep things to myself . . . . Like . . . I think I am going freaking crazy . . . . Look, I used to hate this genre but I do want to consider myself a good musician, so I like to explore different things and see what I love and despise. I did become a better player out of this, and I acquired some good band ethics, but I am just sick and tired of writing stupid "cute" as they call it, Hawthorne heights, overly repetitive, all in drop d bull{censored}. Some of my ideas are used but the rhythm guitarist (im the lead) is very {censored}ing self righteous "im doing this for the rest of my life and no one will stop me and if you leave the band ill hate you

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At the next rehearsal, read your entire original post aloud, and then say "thanks for all the fish...buh-bye..." and hike it. You have only been with them for 3 months...and you made no mention of there being any gigs coming up, so...

Your rhythm player is a control freak with delusions of adequacy; the genre, as you noted, is a dead end; you got into this to expand your musical horizon, but it is unsatisfying...you will all be better off with you out of their band.


I have to say you should not find them a replacement guitarist...I would never suggest that when you leave a situation which you find toxic...why wish that dickhead on someone else?


Take your time, find like-minded people and start the band you want to be in.

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Hang in there and play those gigs while looking around for something else.

It might also be a good idea to have a nice long talk with the other guitar player to clear your mind. If he doesn't want to talk tell him you need to talk anyway. Tell him that's the way it is.

You could also think about getting together on off nights with the folks in the band you do enjoy playing with to work on other music.

Also, maybe buy some method books and/or take lessons. Start listening to some completely different music than you currently listen to. Develop your skills in new areas. The better and more versatile you can get the more opportunities will present themselves.

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hey thanks guys for all the replies, I really appreciate it. Well I think you are right saying go out and play the shows, I think the one advantage that will give me is that word will spread around about my playing (no egotism) and I may get other band opportunities if I am considered a good player. I am going to try and have a talk with the guy at some point. the one thing that matters is that im clear headed now , now that i know im not the dickhead out of the band. thanks again guys!


keep playing

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I only have one question.....





























































WTF is "Screamo"?!




























































Even the genre name sounds ghey.....

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The night that the rhythm guy is with the girlfriend... go ahead and practice with the other guys anyway. Then make sure to rub it in next full practice, like having a cool breakdown that everybody else learned at that partial practice.

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I dont even know what the hell screamo is man. I just play. No I am not really trying to put this on anyone else, I know that I am fully responsible for how im feeling but im good friends with the drummer and I am sticking around to see if things change.

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If the practice space is at your house, why is he scheduling the practices? and him giving you {censored} for not being able to practice when you have other matters that are more important is not cool at all? I'd tell him to {censored} off.

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Originally posted by daddymack

Your rhythm player is a control freak with delusions of adequacy.


Classic! :thu::D


I agree with most of the others...if this guy is making you unhappy, then end it. If you like working with the other guys in the band, take them with you. They are probably sick of him, too. This kind of ongoing misery should be saved for marraige. ;)

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ahahahah I dont even want to think of marriage! but the thing is nobody else feels the same way. maybe the singer, definatley not the bassist, hes not around enough and the reason why he doesnt get {censored} for it is because he works and pays his way through college. but when I talk to the drummer he just says nicely "look dude I know him inside out and he doesn't mean it this way" blah blah blah, there is no sympathy towards my way what so ever. so its probably going to come down to me and the guitarist having an outing.


thanks again guys

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