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Were called Sprawl were from Costa Mesa I play a '79 Fender Rhodes our bass player plays a mix of different amps and stuff all hooked together our drummer rocks the double bass we all attempt to sing


Power Violence/Surf/Electro



(sorry if this is a double post but I think my other post got deleted?)

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Okay - I listened.


First - learn how to record man - it sounds like your band used a tin can and string for microphones.


Second - learn how to write a song that doesn't mindlessly repeat the same riff over and over; even Punk music needs a little variety.


Third - You guys have somehow found a way to make the Sex Pistols look talented.


Fourth - your gimmick based approach to music will only get you so far - how about a little substance, such as lyrics that actually say something.

Even the Sex Pistols had lyrics that meant something - all I hear from you guys is repetitive screaming ("Doogie Howser"? WTF is that?)

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Yall a bunch of close minded jerks!



they are just mad you arent some 56 year old white guy singing the blues, or maybe playing some steely dan covers. oh and dont forget 80s metal


keep doing what you are doing. the OC needs more crazy {censored} like this to combat all the sublime clones

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they are just mad you arent some 56 year old white guy singing the blues, or maybe playing some steely dan covers. oh and dont forget 80s metal

keep doing what you are doing. the OC needs more crazy {censored} like this to combat all the sublime clones



Sure buddy - whatever you say.


I grew up on Punk and hardcore, kay?


THat {censored} they posted sucks, plain and {censored}ing simple.

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Sure buddy - whatever you say.

I grew up on Punk and hardcore, kay?

THat {censored} they posted sucks, plain and {censored}ing simple.



just clicking on the link to your band proves my point. id rather listen to original songs by Sprawl than a bunch of covers of {censored}ty bands like kiss or ted nugent


and its funny you mention growing up on punk, then comment on how poor their recording is. sounded pretty punk garage DIY "not give a {censored}"ish to me. sounds like they dont take themselves too seriously and are still probably getting their ideas together and having fun doing so. it also sounds like they would be a FUN band to see live, unlike most of the people posting here about playing a gig of covers at fill in the blank bar every 2nd tuesday


should they have gone to musicians institute before renting a studio where that guy produced that one def leppard album, or used their guitar center employee discount to buy some "killer gear"?

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just clicking on the link to your band proves my point. id rather listen to original songs by Sprawl than a bunch of covers of {censored}ty bands like kiss or ted nugent


Good for you - knock yourself out listening to "Doogie Howser" being repeated a billion times - what the {censored} do I care?


At least with the pistols you had bodies hanging from trees and all that fun {censored} - these chumps give you Doogie Howser over and over.


Lydon would {censored}ing laugh and puke at the same time listening to this trash.



and its funny you mention growing up on punk, then comment on how poor their recording is. sounded pretty punk garage DIY "not give a {censored}"ish to me.



Wow - must be good music then!


Fugazi, the Pistols, even Minor Threat and Black Flag - you could at least understand what was going on a little bit.


I guess your saying the only qualification for good punk is {censored}ty recordings - fine - but these cats don't write meaningful lyrics.


Meaningful lyrics make for good punk. Period, {censored}ing end of story.


That punk enough for ya brah?


Ya wanna come in here all harsh with your spam - I gave an honest critique - which you didn't wanna hear - so you or one of your followers come in here and sling {censored} - now you get the gods honest truth.


Go write some better lyrics - and up the quality of the recordings and you'll have more than 200 listens on your myspace.


Or choose to keep telling yourself how great you are - bottom line is you ain't getting the hits - maybe your good live - that's cool - but that recording does not represent - obviously....,

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It's not a total lost cause - there's a fine line in punk between unlistenable and good.


Your drummer is alright, bass sounds alright, the distorted Rhodes is crazy as hell...


Like I said, get a better recording and try to write more coherent tunes would be my advice to you.



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