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Myspace on the decline? Your Thoughts.

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As we've discussed before, Myspace is a great avenue to post up your music, and get people interested in seeing more of you.


I ask, do you think MySpace is on the decline? With its many hacks, gratuitous advertisements, and limitations, do you foresee anything stepping up to take its place?


Pure Volume?




What else? Pro's? Cons?

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I have a friend whose label is convinced thet MySpace is going to die because of forthcoming child predation legislation. They think Virb is going to be the next big deal.


As for all the spam and such leading to MySpace's decline, I don't know. The thing, is it's SO entrenched in the manner in which so many bands book and promote shows and host music, in the way that fans explore new music, and just in all the networking that's centered around bands. It' a MONSTER, and my gut tells me it's not going away anytime soon.

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I pray for it's demise daily. It's a simple idea. There are literally hundreds of competitors waiting in the wings. Will it die? Not sure. Other sites like Facebook solve a lot of the key issues. But it's still kickin'. So, who knows. Now that social networking sites are a proven money maker, hopefully someone will build one that really shines.

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As we've discussed before, Myspace is a great avenue to post up your music, and get people interested in seeing more of you.

I ask, do you think MySpace is on the decline? With its many hacks, gratuitous advertisements, and limitations, do you foresee anything stepping up to take its place?

Pure Volume?



What else? Pro's? Cons?




In my immediate scene/ demographic, the people around me are just now getting into myspace. They are older and just now embracing it--although I wouldn't say any of us know how to really 'work it' to it's full advantage. I usually throw out a bulletin about once a week, but I haven't gone on the adding friends rampage. It's more of a place to send people who want to know where I'll be playing. I'm watching the 'blog' thread, though! I've never done that.

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I feel like my band has taken a pretty assertive attack on MySpace, and we see results at the shows from our networking skills.


I'm thinking it might be even more beneficial to attack on all fronts, though. Get a page on ALL these pages, and figure out which ones are making the most progress, and work on them harder. MySpace is still the number 1 we've used, but we're getting the Virb thing going asap.

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I don't think Myspace is dying anytime soon. They've already breached too many other entertainment venues and it's not exclusively meant for artists like purevolume or facebook music is. Myspace is truly a social networking device and they continue to receive millions of dollars in advertising revenue.

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In my immediate scene/ demographic, the people around me are just now getting into myspace. They are older and just now embracing it--although I wouldn't say any of us know how to really 'work it' to it's full advantage. I usually throw out a bulletin about once a week, but I haven't gone on the adding friends rampage. It's more of a place to send people who want to know where I'll be playing. I'm watching the 'blog' thread, though! I've never done that.



Similar around here. Sure, all the bands have myspaces but the bars and venues that actually book/pay for bands don't give a crap about myspace, in fact, they don't even check their e-mail.


There are soooo many bands competing for the few venues the only way to get gigs is good old fashioned footwork.


With all that in mind I guess I can't really speak to whether it's going downhill, I've yet to see it accomplish anything. I still miss mp3.com and IUMA actually. It at least looked like I was earning money there.

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...the bars and venues that actually book/pay for bands don't give a crap about myspace, in fact, they don't even check their e-mail.


Wow. I haven't booked a show by anything but email in years. :idk:


If there's one thing I've learned from this forum, it's that things are real different in different areas!


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We had an actual .com website for years and had great traffic to that site. One of the guys in the band set up his own myspace and kept his "friends" updated on all of our gigs and band news. His myspace got hit nearly 20 to 1 compared to our official website. We caved and setup an official myspace website last year as well and I could see it really being useful with alot of traffic. Then, all of the usefullness kinda started to slow down. You could see all of these bands & fake bands joining and posting all kinds of crap on the bulletins and all kinds of spam issues with our regular "friends". I had emailed some bars and they didn't even check their emails because of all of the "Pray for {insert name here}" emails and crap they were getting. It eventually went back to us getting calls from all of the bars wanting us to play.


We broke up after new years, but I can see that most of the interesting traffic has faded some with all of the bars and other bands. I don't see it going away anytime soon, but it definately popped the bubble around here. It's a great tool though for the bands that can't fork out the $$$ for a real .com website.

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We have a real web site and a myspace. Many bar owners and booking people want a myspace page with some sound clips. We also target peaople in our area of the right age that might attend shows. We just hit 1000 friends and all are in the correct area and age to attend out shows. Each time we play we seem get a few new people to attend from our maysapce friends list.



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