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Steely Dan's "Josie"


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Here's our version of "Josie", caught on video...


May have to use headphones, or turn your speakers all the way up. The video was done with a domesticated camcorder and the volume is pretty low. This is all instrumental, of course.



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Great sound! I also checked out the Footnote web site--Gotta say it's one of the better band sites I've seen. Whoever wrote your bios did an excellent job--That's first-class copy!





Our drummer handles all the content on the site and wrote all the bios(I came up with some of the verbiage for a few of the bios listed on the website).

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Very cool tuck! Thanks for hooking me up with the preset! Like you I also love all the Rhodes and acoustic pianos on the S80, although, as much as I hate to admit it, I usually use my PC2R for instrument sounds and the S80 for all the synth and arppegiated sounds...Anyways, keep on jammin!


P.S. Have you guys ever thought about covering "Kid Charlemagne"? It's my fave Steely Dan tune, and I bet you guys would nail it!

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