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OT-How Do You Know When You're In Love?


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I know I'm in love when I commit to a relationship.

I commit to a relationship when I'm absolutely sure that I'm not going to find someone else desirable enough to make me cheat.

In other words, I know I'm in love when I feel that I can't do any better. I've only felt that way a hand full of times but it makes it easier not to cheat when you think you're already with the perfect person for you.

All this mushy talk about love makes me want to go give my wife a love tap. :love:

If you know what I mean. ;)


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To answer your question- if you feel anxious whenever you think of or see that person, or find yourself fantasizing about a life together, or not wanting to spend time away from them....you're probably in love.

Check..This is what I suspected...I'm crushed man..I've known this woman 11 years...DAMN. I am lucky because she is too. :)

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My wife and I have been together for nearly 28 years and married for nearly 26. We've had some hard times and some 'dry spells' in feelings for one another. But the last 17 years or so have been good ones and we love each other more now than when we first met and dated.

Love is willingly giving yourself up for the other person. Not because they demand it but because they deserve it. And that is a decision one makes daily and is far more than just a feeling. Feelings come and go and frankly, there are some days you just don't feel like it. Love tells you to do it anyway.



Pat....You are very very Wise sir...Thanks!

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You know what's crazy? Me and my lady have been in that googley-eyed, awestruck state since we first started hanging out, and that was last August. So I've had that intense falling-in-love feeling every day for half a year now. I wonder if we'll end up being creaky old lovestruck couple....

When I met my husband I KNEW he was the one. I was 100% completely in love with him in the matter of a few weeks. It's been 12 years. And I am still that giddy gal. I love him more than words can say. I enjoy EVERY minute we share. Talking to him on the phone makes my day. Seeing him brings a smile to my face. There is no dry spell, I love him as much maybe more than the day I met him. I was in a {censored}ty marriage for 8 years, so yeah, I know the other side of it.
I KNOW what I have is special and I cherish it.
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When I met my husband I KNEW he was the one. I was 100% completely in love with him in the matter of a few weeks. It's been 12 years. And I am still that giddy gal. I love him more than words can say. I enjoy EVERY minute we share. Talking to him on the phone makes my day. Seeing him brings a smile to my face. There is no dry spell, I love him as much maybe more than the day I met him. I was in a {censored}ty marriage for 8 years, so yeah, I know the other side of it.

I KNOW what I have is special and I cherish it.

Thanks so much for posting this; it's awesome and inspiring. :)

That's exactly how I feel. When I met my GF I was living on my own agian after a seven-year relationship (and she was a year out of a decade-long bad marriage), going out every night, dating two or three people at a time... I fully intended to stay single for at least a couple years. But by our fourth date or so I didn't just lose interest in the other people I was seeing, I just couldn't imagine being apart ever.

Everything has been so amazing, every single minute... kind of hard to get used to, actually. It's something else when you just know something is just meant to be.

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Thanks so much for posting this; it's awesome and inspiring.

That's exactly how I feel. When I met my GF I was living on my own agian after a seven-year relationship (and she was a year out of a decade-long bad marriage), going out every night, dating two or three people at a time... I fully intended to stay single for
at least
a couple years. But by our fourth date or so I didn't just lose interest in the other people I was seeing, I just couldn't imagine being apart

Everything has been so amazing, every single minute... kind of hard to get used to, actually. It's something else when you just
something is just meant to be.


I'll second all of that - amen brother. :thu:

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Humans may "naturally" be attracted to others and in that regard are not "naturally" monogamous. However, I believe Jealousy is a much, much more powerful human emotion. Just think about it....what's easier to put aside, the attraction that you may feel toward another at any given time or the jealousy you feel if your significant other takes another.

I think marriage/monogamy provides mutual protection against the raw pain of jealousy.


Monogamy was adopted because it provides the highest likelihood that human offspring will survive, due to our relatively low (and dangerous to the female) birth rates as a species. Most non-monogamous species have much larger broods (and even in the "monogamous" species, it's almost always serial monogamy, not life-long monogamy).


Monogamy later in human history was mostly reinforced by religion and social matters (which is sort of a redundant statement), whereby monogamy was rolled into marriage in order to better perpetuate family lines (a social implementation of the biological urge to produce offspring that pass on your genetic code) and maintain stable social heirarchies. Much of those needs are becoming obsolete in varying amounts in the 1st world due to things such as medical advances and the lack of a need to have large, close-knit families in order to run the farms/villages/cities and so that when half of your family is eliminated by the next village/natural disaster, social order is maintained and you don't die of starvation because no one is around to work the farm (and you need fewer kids due to lower infant mortality, and the chance of a woman dying in child-birth in the 1st world is very remote, so having a guy around to run the family as a backup isn't as necessary -- not to mention technically unnecessary to bring in the resources required to nuture offspring to adulthood -- this assuming you even choose to have children, which isn't a given either).


Man, that was one long sentence.


But anyway. Yay Van Halen! :rawk:

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