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the epic fail, quickly


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I threw away my college plans to pursue a crazy dream, and it all fell through. I spent money knowing it won't be repaid as promised and got seriously threatened around 5 times to get cops called in the past 3 weeks this guitarist friend has been crashing on my couch. I think I just got a dose of the most extreme bipolar evar. Wow. I know wrong forum, technically, just a little more here:



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Well, thank God you got THAT out of the way. Lot's of life lessons learned here, so meditate on the positive aspect, the learning experience. Get a job, go back to school, and cut the millstone from around your neck. Real life and music are not mutually exclusive. Use the time you have to perfect and refine your abilities and your craft. School is great place to meet other musicians and get exposure to a wider range of musical experience. Believe it or not, there are a lot of us out here with day jobs that play out in artisticly satisfying ways and make pretty good dough at it. A job may make demands on your time, but the income can set you free. This second part may sound cold, but it needs saying. Son, you can't fix people who are mentally or emotionally unstable. You are not a mental health professional. Being patient, kind, generous and forgiving may be like stoking the boilers on the Titanic. Maintaining forward motion may seem like progress, but it will not avert the inevitable disaster. Meanwhile you've incrementally ceded so much of your life to them they will drag you down with them. You don't have to kick them to the curb, but you are not morally obliged to allow them to destroy you.

You may be feeling loss over the end of what was a good dream. But it is also a beginning. Tommorrow belongs to you. Do with it what you will.

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Well...there's no cure for crazy.


Your posts make literally no sense other than you dropped out (never went?) of college to pursue a music career that didn't pan out.


Well, it happens to thousands of people every day.


Less than 1% of all musicians make enough to support themselves on music alone.


You've learned a valuable lesson these last few months: always have a backup plan in place.


Go back to school, move into the dorms, do whatever you have to do. Get your degree.


Here's a big secret: No one gets signed as a kid. Literally everyone out there on the road gets there after college and in their mid to late 20's. Sometimes even early 30's. Sounds crazy? It's the truth.


Good luck. {censored} that dude and his crazy world, his disease SHOULDN'T be destroying you too.

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I threw away my college plans to pursue a crazy dream, and it all fell through.



I did it too. And now I'm paying for it all these years later.


Get yer ass back to school if you can. Counting on the music biz for your living is a bit like counting on the lottery for your retirement.

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I'm the guy that went to school and did the smart thing.


I was in a band in just out of high school, I had some money to go to community college and so I jumped on it and got a 2 year degree in electronics. The other guys in the band were so self deluded that they figured the music would provide for them. Many years later they found out that they really needed some skills to find a decent job since the job of musician was not really providing for them.


These days I am the only one out of that band that is still out performing. My real job pays well and I can still have fun playing music as a paying hobby.



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Get yer ass back to school if you can. Counting on the music biz for your living is a bit like counting on the lottery for your retirement.



No doubt! A guy would have to have some pretty low expectations if they're planning on making a living as a performer in today's world. What sort of standard of living can one expect from a job in which free beer is usually the only benefit one can reasonably hope for.

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+1. Trust me just because you missed a semester does not mean your college dream is over, been there done that. Also, don't take this the wrong way, but you already tried once to live your dream and it didn't work out, now get your ass back to school, I guarantee you will be infinitely better off in life with that degree. I know, I had to learn the hard way.

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I'm the guy that went to school and did the smart thing.

I was in a band in just out of high school, I had some money to go to community college and so I jumped on it and got a 2 year degree in electronics. The other guys in the band were so self deluded that they figured the music would provide for them. Many years later they found out that they really needed some skills to find a decent job since the job of musician was not really providing for them.

These days I am the only one out of that band that is still out performing. My real job pays well and I can still have fun playing music as a paying hobby.




plus you can fix all the bands electronic gear!

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strangely, there are actually bands and music classes in college.


oh, and lots of interesting people, some will become your friends, lovers, future contacts...


its not like you cant be in a casual band while studying. heck i wish i was playing music when i was in college.


i was not a great student, and i didnt really have my finances very together (broke, didnt know much about student loans), so i had a pretty hard time with school, but it has profoundly affected my life. intellectually, financially, even stupid things like not feeling like i missed out on some basic level of education, or rather the confidence to take classes recreationally and/or self educate myself on subjects that i am interested in.


go (back) to school. get into a cool band with your classmates. take some music classes. get on college radio.

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