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New Hollywood Lies -- Everything!!

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Hello! -- I know I posted something here the other week about our studio updates! Well the new myspace, music, tour dates and the whole 9 yards is finally up! So if you would take a second and head over and listen to the new stuff that would be awesome!! We want to hear tons of feedback, and if anyone does reviews and would like a copy of the album to review, just let me know!





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The recording quality is very good, I will say that much.

Not really my cup of tea, in all honesty it doesn't stand out from any of a million other bands with a similar polished but ultimately non exceptional sound.

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because we already replied



Yes I know people left comments there but they were only clips of songs, the stuff that is up now is full versions. I figured if people liked it or wanted more to listen to I would post this and they can give me a revised feedback.



Keep stuff coming!! - We love feedback! -- Also we will be on tour all year so if you want to see us chances are we are coming through your town!!!

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I only listened to the first tune that popped up when the page loaded. The vocals are excellent but the guitar parts aren't a perfect fit to the vocal melody. The tone and timbre just don't match up quite right, though the speakers on this computer aren't the best and could be part of the issue. That said, a good song should sound good on any system.

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I only listened to the first tune that popped up when the page loaded. The vocals are excellent but the guitar parts aren't a perfect fit to the vocal melody. The tone and timbre just don't match up quite right, though the speakers on this computer aren't the best and could be part of the issue. That said, a good song should sound good on any system.



Thanks, I am not trying to be a dick but I have honestly never noticed that or heard anything like that so I would have to say something is wrong with your speakers man! Thanks for the listen though.

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Its crazy how the styles of music shift.. but stay the same.


When I was doing this, the screamo/hardcore stuff was king.. now the pop punk mayday parade stuff has taken over.


You guys are good, but like someone else said. You'll be hidden behind a wall of bands that sound exactly like you. So you either need to be FAR better than those bands, or you need something unique about you. The vocals are a start on that.

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Hello! -- I know I posted something here the other week about our studio updates! Well the new myspace, music, tour dates and the whole 9 yards is finally up! So if you would take a second and head over and listen to the new stuff that would be awesome!! We want to hear tons of feedback, and if anyone does reviews and would like a copy of the album to review, just let me know!




heard one track. sounds good. reminds me of Framing Hanley.


good luck with the tour!



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Hey bro. As I said in the last thread it's not my cup of tea but it really does sound great, I can definitely hear the songs that are on the page on the radio and I can see this having a large appeal and you guys doing really well with the right "promo" and all that.


I'm not really up on the current music scene at all so maybe I'm talking out of turn but I disagree with what most have said about this being undestinguishable from most of the stuff out there, to my ears it stands way above anything in this "genre" that I've heard, but then again as I just said I'm really not up on what's going on currently in this regard. I think what people are alluding to is all the wannabes and hacks that are trying to do something similar that you will have to deal with.


Anyways keep on rockin' this has a shot at "making it" more than anything I've heard in quite a while, I wish you guys all the best! (Again though I just have to point out that I'm not really familiar with the current state of affairs with regard to pop music, I'm just giving my opinion. I'm pointing that out because I abhor it when people speak with authority about things they don't really know about.)

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Didn't like it before, don't like it, now...sounds like every other "My Chemical Dashboard Panic Story of the Confessional at the Disco Romance Year" emo/screamo band that's been around for the last five or six years.


One question, though....does the bass player get hassled, since he looks like he should be in a Nickleback tribute band, while the rest of y'all are "point your soul-less finger upon my miserable, shoegazing countenance - BECAUSE I'M EMO AS {censored}!"-type of fashion followers?

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Hey bro. As I said in the last thread it's not my cup of tea but it really does sound great, I can definitely hear the songs that are on the page on the radio and I can see this having a large appeal and you guys doing really well with the right "promo" and all that.

I'm not really up on the current music scene at all so maybe I'm talking out of turn but I disagree with what most have said about this being undestinguishable from most of the stuff out there, to my ears it stands way above anything in this "genre" that I've heard, but then again as I just said I'm really not up on what's going on currently in this regard. I think what people are alluding to is all the wannabes and hacks that are trying to do something similar that you will have to deal with.

Anyways keep on rockin' this has a shot at "making it" more than anything I've heard in quite a while, I wish you guys all the best! (Again though I just have to point out that I'm not really familiar with the current state of affairs with regard to pop music, I'm just giving my opinion. I'm pointing that out because I abhor it when people speak with authority about things they don't really know about.)










http://www.myspace.com/heymonday (has a chick singer, otherwise they would be just the same)



I can keep going, this is just the ones I have thought of without going to the web. Sure there are slight differences in all of them, but its really all the same thing. Nothing "mind blowing"... so you either have to do something WAY different than these guys or you have to be WAY better.


I know the guys in Mayday Parade, and would have actually sung for them.. but they didn't have their crap together then. Kinda glad I didn't now.. their songs are catchy, but they get old fast.


I used to sing for one of those tired screamo/emo bands someone else mentioned.


This is the one..




I think at least we were a "little" bit different than most of these current bands in the same vein.

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God, if I hear one more song where autotune is the prominent gimmick, I'm going to blow my ears off with a 12 guage.

And what's up with the chains in the pic? Is that supposed to make you look bad ass?



If you listen to the song and what its about its making fun of the auto tune, that was a play on auto tune and the chains is something we wanted to do. What does that have to do with any type of music we put out? Nothing, its a cheap shot? I don't know. I am here to hear comments about our music not what we look like or how we dress.



And to the person who said something before you about our bass player. We wear what we want and we are who we are. Sorry if we don't fit to your appeal.

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Hey bro. As I said in the last thread it's not my cup of tea but it really does sound great, I can definitely hear the songs that are on the page on the radio and I can see this having a large appeal and you guys doing really well with the right "promo" and all that.

I'm not really up on the current music scene at all so maybe I'm talking out of turn but I disagree with what most have said about this being undestinguishable from most of the stuff out there, to my ears it stands way above anything in this "genre" that I've heard, but then again as I just said I'm really not up on what's going on currently in this regard. I think what people are alluding to is all the wannabes and hacks that are trying to do something similar that you will have to deal with.

Anyways keep on rockin' this has a shot at "making it" more than anything I've heard in quite a while, I wish you guys all the best! (Again though I just have to point out that I'm not really familiar with the current state of affairs with regard to pop music, I'm just giving my opinion. I'm pointing that out because I abhor it when people speak with authority about things they don't really know about.)




Thanks! =]

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Thanks, I am not trying to be a dick but I have honestly never noticed that or heard anything like that so I would have to say something is wrong with your speakers man! Thanks for the listen though.



Got home, checked it out on another computer as well as some powered monitors. It still sounds wrong.

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I agree with vanlatte that the production is pretty capable. Not not terribly put off by cliches, so the auto-tune thing doesn't bother me.


But I agree with chadd, too. Something about the guitar tone sounds... i dunno... but it kinda makes my brain confused. Not sure if I like it or don't.

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I agree with vanlatte that the production is pretty capable. Not not terribly put off by cliches, so the auto-tune thing doesn't bother me.

But I agree with chadd, too. Something about the guitar tone sounds... i dunno... but it kinda makes my brain confused. Not sure if I like it or don't.



I'm not saying there is anything wrong with the various parts, just that they don't seem to work for me. The production qualities are very good, I just don't like the way it all fits together.

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Unfortunately, OP..


Most of the folks here just aren't that into the type of stuff you guys play. I usually am, but even I am getting a bit burned out on it. It sucks for the guys who are genuinely into it, and aren't just trying to be another follower of a fad. It gets a bad lashing, because there are alot of bands who dress the way you do.. just because thats how your supposed to look. I know, I am guilty of it. Its part of the image. You guys may very well look like that all the time, but even if you did... people just associate that "look" with the very types of music that you play. So, expect some harsh comments regarding that at times. Its just odd to me, how you never see any bands like this with fat guys, or guys who wear baggy jeans, guys who wear baseball caps. They always looks exactly like how you guys look.. and thats why your receiving the hazing that you are.


I guess your just looking the part, and thats ok. And thats ok, if thats "who you are" too. Its just that there are so many bands who are just doing the same things because "thats how they all do it". It puts a bad taste. If you want to be noticed... good or bad.. Do something they aren't doing. Don't wear tight pants, don't swoop your hair, don't wear slip ons, don't wear studded belts. I'm just being generic here.. but its obvious you care about your music as well as your image, or else you wouldn't have went to all the trouble to have pro pics and myspaces done.


You have to set yourselves apart from everyone else. Check my post above, every band in that list has the same worth ethic as you guys. They have pro pics, pro myspaces, pro recordings, and all of them are out touring. So, when everyone is doing the same things.. you need to do something different.. and something vastly different.


I'm not trying to bash you guys or put you down. I've been where you are, and done what your trying to do. I've played tons of shows and tours and played 2 stints on the Vans Warped tour. Our band split up, and our bassist is now playing fulltime with From first to last.. whom I am sure you've heard of. Its a hard road. Don't be a trend follower, be a trend starter. You can stay true to your "style" and be different at the same time. Your music sounds good, just needs something else to set it apart. Only you can find out what that is.

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If you listen to the song and what its about its making fun of the auto tune, that was a play on auto tune



Sorry, but sounding like {censored} (to me anyway) to make fun of something that sounds like {censored} is just silly.


You said you wanted feedback. Don't cry when you don't like what you get.

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I'm not saying there is anything wrong with the various parts, just that they don't seem to work for me. The production qualities are very good, I just don't like the way it all fits together.



Yeah, I mean, I like metal, not like that's a genre full of avant garde, super original concepts. But it's something about the sonic "landscape" of the song that even sounds odd within its own genre, but I can't put my finger on it.

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Unfortunately, OP..

Most of the folks here just aren't that into the type of stuff you guys play. I usually am, but even I am getting a bit burned out on it. It sucks for the guys who are genuinely into it, and aren't just trying to be another follower of a fad. It gets a bad lashing, because there are alot of bands who dress the way you do.. just because thats how your supposed to look. I know, I am guilty of it. Its part of the image. You guys may very well look like that all the time, but even if you did... people just associate that "look" with the very types of music that you play. So, expect some harsh comments regarding that at times. Its just odd to me, how you never see any bands like this with fat guys, or guys who wear baggy jeans, guys who wear baseball caps. They always looks exactly like how you guys look.. and thats why your receiving the hazing that you are.

I guess your just looking the part, and thats ok. And thats ok, if thats "who you are" too. Its just that there are so many bands who are just doing the same things because "thats how they all do it". It puts a bad taste. If you want to be noticed... good or bad.. Do something they aren't doing. Don't wear tight pants, don't swoop your hair, don't wear slip ons, don't wear studded belts. I'm just being generic here.. but its obvious you care about your music as well as your image, or else you wouldn't have went to all the trouble to have pro pics and myspaces done.

You have to set yourselves apart from everyone else. Check my post above, every band in that list has the same worth ethic as you guys. They have pro pics, pro myspaces, pro recordings, and all of them are out touring. So, when everyone is doing the same things.. you need to do something different.. and something vastly different.

I'm not trying to bash you guys or put you down. I've been where you are, and done what your trying to do. I've played tons of shows and tours and played 2 stints on the Vans Warped tour. Our band split up, and our bassist is now playing fulltime with From first to last.. whom I am sure you've heard of. Its a hard road. Don't be a trend follower, be a trend starter. You can stay true to your "style" and be different at the same time. Your music sounds good, just needs something else to set it apart. Only you can find out what that is.


Lot of wisdom here, this is a more eloquent and articulate way of the point I was making. This band is obviously polished, hard working and taking themselves seriously. All admirable traits. At the same time this is such a fickle and funky bussiness that without that X Factor even a band that does everything "right' can end up getting lost in the sauce. We have had many discussions here on what makes a band great and I think most of us agree that while hard work, dedication and professionalism are important, if a band doesnt stand head and shoulders above the rest in some way they all just sort of blur together.


Pssstt....ditch the Autotune. :p

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God, if I hear one more song where autotune is the prominent gimmick, I'm going to blow my ears off with a 12 guage.



I hate that device with a passion; it was mildly interesting the first time I heard it, think it was that awful Cher song. Now it is just over done and even in small doses it is like fingernails on a chalkboard.

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I posted some stuff a while back that was autotuned.. weird nobody noticed :)


thats because I was using it for its intended purpose.. which is NOT to make someone who can't sing, a singer.


There are lots of times in my personal experience where, people have tried to auto tune my vocals out of per habit.. and I had to tell them NO.. because it sounded far better without that trash.

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