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Ann Wilson gae my band a SHOUT OUT onstage !


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This was one of the coolest moments of my life.


I went to see Heart last week with my band mates (my band is Zeppelins Heart) and I wrote Ann Wilson a letter thanking her and Nancy for being an inspiration to women rockers and how they afected us. I went ALL over trying to get some roadie, stage hand, stage manager to hand the ladies my thank you letter.... finally one guy said he would "try" and thats all could ask and was appreciative. My only goal was to Thank the ladies and hoped they would get my letter so that they know ho positive they are.


During the middle of the concert Ann said she "wanted to give a shout out to the four ladies in the audience Zeppelins Heart".. needless to say we were thrilled!


How cool is that!???

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Oh not yet.... we are just starting out and have not started gigging with this Project yet.... but have been doing a lot of their material (as well as Zeppelin)with our cover project.... and with that project we are blowing our audience out of the water.... so can't wait to start gigging.


Excellant suggestion!!!!! I will email them immediately. What fantastic women they are!

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That's way cool!


And way cooler than my story, but I have one. I brought a CD to the show, signed to them. Just in case we got close enough to pass it to them. We ended up about third row standing, and before the encore my friend grabbed it and tossed it up onstage. It landed about 2 feet in front of Ann's mic, her side. So here come the girls marching out for an encore, and Ann stepped on it. She looked down at it ( with a bit of annoyance I thought, but geez what if she had slipped and fell or something, how awful!) and then she picked it up and looked at it, flipped it over and looked at the back and then walked back and put it over on the drum riser next to her water bottle. I have always wondered if it got tossed, or if they actually took the time to pop it in and listen some day. That would be really cool if they did!

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Are you serious?




Why not? If one of my favorite bands mentioned my band's name from the stage, I'd say that would be one of the coolest things that had ever happened to me.


P.s. I saw one of my friends walking towards the from of the stage with my CD in his hand at Bonnie Raitt, I wonder if he got it onto the stage or into anyone's hand. Cheesy, I know but it would just be a thrill to even think somebody like that might hear and actually enjoy it. I definitely don't have any "ideas" about them "doing" something for me career-wise. I'm small time and always will be. But I'd love it if I ever found out that they listened ...

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Hey stevieB!


Well I couldn't figure out how to contact them via their website - so I joined a message board. After the first of the year we are going to join the HeartMonger club....


THE BAND now has all the key musicians who fit and love the project and we are currently "sampling" the music to post on our website, getting our logo together and will start getting out there to gig... I may be bias, but I think we are pretty flipping good (but of course I dont think any woman in the world can come close to Ann Wilson... HOLY HECK.... if you see that woman live- its just shocking what she can do with her voice) .


Meanwhile, my cover project naturally is doing most Heart and Zeppelin...


I CANT wait!

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I am into Heart and Led Zep bigtime, so that is really cool not only to have a band that plays both bands' music, but that Ann gave you guys a shout-out during their concert.


I know Ann and Nancy are both huge Zep fans, so that probably tickled 'em to know there is a female-oriented group that loves that music as well. :)


Now you have to invite them to your first gig and impress the hell out of them! No pressure. :eek:


Kidding. :thu:

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Ok StevieB,


I am a bit apprehensive about putting this up there, this is an uneditted recording during a practice session back in July by a little edirol (I was unaware we were being recorded and I have matured GREATLY since then, now I actually do quite a bit of bluesy banter added in) .... BUT... here goes...




I just threw this up there ..... you will want to be patient....

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Well, sure it's rough, but I understand. Sounds pretty good. Only critique is that something about the rhythm guitar intro is not quite right, but i can't put my finger on it. I think the palm-mute section may be going on too long each time. Otherwise, sounds good.


Your band is a trio? Nice pics, and I gotta say, whoever that is with the marracas is CUTE!

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Oh you are so sweet! Thats me on the maraca's.


We replaced the rythym guitarist and now have someone who GETS it... we are a five piece, just haven't had a chance to get decent pictures up. I will take the song down, its really is so RAW, but I thought it would give you an quick idea of my vocals. Next month we are recording with a twelve track and we will get our Heart songs up as well!


thanks for your feedback!

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Hi, I'm Jack from a band in SC called Nicki and DaBlooze. We have two younger ladies in our band; Nicki is the singer and Toribeth is the other guitarist. Both girls love Zeppelin and Heart. I'm going to turn them on to your band. They will love it. Check us out at www.myspace.com/nickibloozeband or www.ndbband.com. I'll see if I can get our version of Rock and Roll up after this weekend. We also have a Facebook site. Good Luck to you. We will keep an eye on you.:thu:

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It doesn't get much cooler than that tinker, it also speaks volumes about Heart not only living up to their name but having their feet on the ground at the same time. Not bad considering they are permanently etched into rock history. Their band changed my life in the 70's (as a small child hearing them on the radio). It is questionable if I would have ever played guitar without the sounds and songs they made. So thank you for thanking them for all of us! Good on you!

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