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I threw in the towel...


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...and quit the band today.


I started the band originally, 5 years ago, and it's been a blast.


You've read some of my posts lately and seen the issues I've had. I just can't see anything improving,..only getting worse I guess.


I just decided it was time to give it up. I'm tired of beating my head up against a brick wall.


I wish them the best..


I just can't believe how good I feel. The weight off my shoulders is amazing.

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Like the song goes, "You got to know when to hold 'em...know when to fold 'em...know when to walk away...know when to run."


I'm always sad when a project that I start turns into something worse than what I wanted and I often feel like a failure. But, like you described, it feels wonderful to be out of it too. Moving onto something else, I'm always optimistic that things will be better. And they often are.


Good luck with your future endeavors. :thu:

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I pulled the plug on alot of music projects the last few years getting back in the game. I know exactly what you are feeling now ,,, it feels good to get a situation you know that isnt going anywhere behind you. take a break and go on the hunt.

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I know a lady here in Pittsburgh that once fired her whole band. She wasn't getting the results she wanted and just said "to hell with it" and got rid of them all - except for the drummer, who was her husband.


She quickly regrouped and is doing fine, apparently not skipping a beat.


I've been in situations where I had the authority to fire, and didn't. I really should have though.

A lot of guys think that every band is a democratic organization and when you join, you automatically get equal say and tenure.


Crazy notion, huh?


That's like getting a job at the local 711 and expecting to be in on all the managerial decisions.

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a few years ago i walked off a band i'd been doing for 5 years.


we had built it up from nothing, the whole nine yards :blah::blah::blah:...just wasnt feeling it anymore. felt i had more to offer, etc...


i took a full year off and ended up re-grouping with some of the guys. but i had conditions to my return about how things would be different this time around.


currently, well...we'll see how things work out. but the point is: it's often for the best, especially when someone isn't into it anymore.

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Sheesh, I'm going through OKC on my way to Texas in June and was going to see if you had any gigs around then.



Well, ya better make sure you still holler at me and we'll go to see some other local bands or grab a beer or 2.

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Wow you quit your own band you started 5 years :eek: I always run off my trouble making drama queens off. Sorry to hear you had to bail.

I just now got my band rolling again after 9 months trying to find a drummer here in the Fort which you know is a tiny place compared to where your at.


Keep rocking JB and I will always be thankful for your help when we came through better luck next time.

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Well, ya better make sure you still holler at me and we'll go to see some other local bands or grab a beer or 2.



Fair enough. Maybe I'll bring along a rough mix of the four-years-in-the-making album that we're finally done tracking. You know, "leak" it and all that.

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