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New hit Canadian trio Happenstance with an original called Queen of 2nd Street


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The young girl singing has, in my opinion, an upside, but the voice was not the most clear I've ever heard. That could be be the microphone, equipment, the recording or it could be her voice. She needs to put more power behind her voice and work on the clarity if it's her voice that is the problem.


Are these people friends or relatives of yours?

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Those harmonies suck copious amounts of ass.

The song might have been interesting in the 1970s, for people who listened to stuff like Judy Collins, Bonnie Koloc, or Janis Ian.

The violin isn't very good.

The lead vocal is devoid of emotion.

Not much to recommend there, sorry. :idk:

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listen to it more than once and you will realize it is a catchy tune



If it were a catchy tune, it would have been apparent on the first listen.

There is nothing catchy about it...it meanders and warbles on for way too long, with nothing to hook you with.

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I found nothing catchy nor particularly great about it. The acoustic guitar sounds like many another song - the one that sprang to mind immediately was "What's Up" by 4 Non Blondes.



Yup...that's the first thing I thought of, too.

Unfortunately, this poor girl isn't worthy enough to carry Linda Perry's old top hat.

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This girl has an amazing voice, dont doubt that. The recording is poor first of all and like I said before they had performed 4 times that weekend and that was the forth.


The recording is good...everything is clear and distinct.

That is not a problem, nor an excuse for the lameness of the song. :cop:

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This girl has an amazing voice, dont doubt that. The recording is poor first of all and like I said before they had performed 4 times that weekend and that was the forth.


All young bands are going to be rough around the edges.


The trick is finding something that ain't rough that you can bring to the forefront to offset that. Do that, and the "rough" becomes part of the vibe.


Pitchy vocals can work if they're song with conviction (Bob Dylan, Black Crowes)


Nasty guitar technique sounds good if it's played with conviction and fits the song (Kurt Cobain, Keith Richards)


What's your band's strength? I'm pretty positive you're a member of the band, so you might as well just speak one and one instead of referring to it in the 2nd person.


If you're not, then get their asses on here - no point in filtering this stuff through a 3rd party, right?


Music stands and charts are like crack. Lose em now or you'll be addicted to em for a long time, cuz ya know what? REM never needed no damn music stands. My nephews band doesn't need any stinking music stands.


You don't either. It reflects the lack of confidence that is also evident in your musical performances.


Stop making excuses and just do it - plenty of bands in your situation get it done without cheat sheets and stands. You'll have all the time in the world in your later years to stand there like statues and bust out cover tunes, but if you're doing originals, you GOTTA own that {censored} man - you wrote, so sing that stuff every day until you can do it blindfolded.


Take off the training wheels and ride the bike. If you don't, get ready to have your ass handed to you on a multi-band bill when other bands in your situation hit the stage with confidence, while you're shoe gazing at your stands and putting on a limp show.


Sorry if this sounds harsh but you gotta up your game and I think you know it. You wanna see some clips of my nephews band? They're in the MTV contest right now and doing pretty good....

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The recording is crap

I am uploading a song right now that she put some power into, again tho same recording

you can check this out in the meantime if you want, its a pretty good tune


Look, you've got hype on your youtube, you're hyping now.


Your band has potential, but your look is amateur, your stage presence is lackadaisacal, you don't own the performance, and the song has no hook.


Up your game - hype won't get you there. In fact, given your level of hype, I'd have expected a confident and even swaggering performance, but no....:facepalm:

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yknow, i kind of want to like them, i like female vocals and unpretentious arrangements, but there is something stupidly artificial about this self proclaimed "hit canadian trio" bluster, and the fake "promoter" and the 'tarded crossposting...


i realize that is all secondary to the music, which was... ok-ish, if not particularly my cuppa meat. i suppose there are many places where a nice acoustic trio could make some good background music, or some good cafes that want music that wont chase the customers away, which i respect.


please just ditch the fakery and say "hey, this is my band, take a listen" or maybe even participate in the discussions here like you're not a bad car salesman.


i say the above with no hostility.



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tell us what you think



That is better; be up front and honest here and you'll get much more respect and perhaps some helpful suggestions. If you try to fool people, no one likes that, it is obvious to see and a large contingent will just jump on you for that, as you've already seen.


I wouldn't bother to put up anymore YouTube videos until you can do a more decent recording. They are not doing you any favours.

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I didn't think it was THAT bad you guys. I've seen worse, a lot worse. From what I could hear the singer has some talent, and the violin was pretty damn good, it was just all kind of blah. The guitar playing was completely generic and uninspired but it would have been alright if there was a stronger vocal melody.

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a hit original song

Its a pretty good song and they have about 20 other radio ready original hits

listen to it more than once and you will realize it is a catchy tune



This is a problem for you. See, you came to a site populated by working musicians, many of them old pros, and pulled the old "check out this band" schtick, as if it wasn't your band, and as if we haven't seen it a hundred times already. And then you piled on the hype, and when people told you what they honestly thought, you wanted to argue about it. Who are we to believe: you, or our lying ears?


Here's a news flash for ya: really good songs and/or bands don't have to be hyped or argued for. Their quality is apparent. What you have presented here is not, and certainly does not live up to the expectations you yourself placed on it. The truth is, what you have presented here is nothing that I can't go hear at a hundred local Eagles' Club on a Saturday night, or at farmer's markets, wine festivals, or small town county fairs in any number of rural areas in a 50 mile radius from where I live.


Don't misunderstand: I'm not saying the song or the performance is bad. It is't, but neither is it great, and the song is by no means 'hit' material unless 1977 makes a comeback.


You can be pissed at the forum here if you choose to, but it is you, not we, who came here and spammed the forum pretending to be a second person reviewer proclaiming what you're selling is hit music. The fail is all on you.

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I just posted on here to get a little bit of views. It worked.

Also for the critics. I am happy for some of the critic, but the rest is garbage and pointless.

We just started a month ago and you guys are way too critical and harsh.



Can't stand the heat? Stay out the kitchen!


And if you think this is harsh, wait until you get some national press, if you're lucky enough to ever get any.


If I were you, I'd lower the expectations of the people you're pitching to and let them tell you how great you are. When you do it yourself, it rings a bit hollow. But you seem to be so deeply in denial you probably don't even get what I'm telling you. If you think this stuff is hit material, I don't know what to tell you.


Sorry if that's too 'critical and harsh'. :facepalm:

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that last one is ptchy. Music stand fail.. It looks like you guys are playing in between some trailers at the fair.. Did you pay admission?


Rain is BORING.. For a two chord song you need to have something more special.


Sorry , I dont usually pile on these things but you guys are kinda delusional.


And the RAAAAAAAINNN at the end is piercing not powerful

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