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Snake-wrapping tips?


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Amy was trying to coil up our 100-ft snake and it was too much for her to handle. I usually just scoop the damn thing up and carry it to the trailer, but I'm a giant and have long arms.


All penis/condom jokes aside... how do you guys wrap up your snake for transport?





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There were plenty of questions in the Live Sound forum about this but I can't find them. There is an "over, under method" much like wrapping cables and then there are the figure 8 if you have a storage container. Might want to post over there if you don't have much luck here.

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I think a over-under coil puts much less stress on a snake then a reel would. (Though reels are definitely a good solution for some). I don't like the reel idea because I just never got used to working with one well.


I either just over-under it and tie it up with a huge piece of tie line or depending on the rig I put it in a full size trashcan (still over-undered).


If you don't coil it right you WILL tear it up like BlueStrat mentioned. You will also end up with a snake that doesn't like to behave and won't lay flat. It just becomes a pain to deal with.


Over under for snakes is the same as regular cables, but can be harder to picture in your head as chances are the snake coil is laying on the ground.

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my 100 foot 24ch snake fits nicely in a standard milk crate using over and under. I put the head standing on it's side and lay the connectors in the center after the snake is all in. set the crate in the place where your going to put the head, grab the connectors and pull it to the mixer. done.

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I made a custom snake reel from a big wooden spool I got from Home Depot for free It works GREAT . i mounted the box on top and put wheels on the bottom . I can let it out or take it in two ways , on the wheels or flip it on it's side and just let the spool do the work

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I made a custom snake reel from a big wooden spool I got from Home Depot for free It works GREAT . i mounted the box on top and put wheels on the bottom . I can let it out or take it in two ways , on the wheels or flip it on it's side and just let the spool do the work



Pics, please.

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