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band names


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Far as I'm concerned - band name debates are alot like Laurel and Hardy's "Who's On First" routine. The guy supporting (or rallying against) a specific name - does so with an argument that he (and in many cases, only he!) sees as irrefutable. While there's nothing wrong with that - effort spent debating the merit of the case for or against any band name is simply a fool's gambit and as such, pretty much amounts to nothing but wasted energy.


I don't debate band names. I happily cede picking a name to whoever in the band really cares. If it's a band in which I'm one of those guys who is considered a "shooter" - I simply veto any names that include profanity and/or references (direct or indirect) to sex, drugs or deities of any sort. Outside of that - have at it guys, and left me know what name is gonna end up on the business card.

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Very interesting topic. My personal opinion is that while I completely agree that the talent and professionalism of the band is obviously much more important, I really do believe that a lot of musos don't put enough thought into the ramifications of a name. It's been my experience that non-musos will automatically write a band off without even hearing them (especially when the band is just getting started) if they don't like the name or think it's "dumb", or at the very least, won't take them seriously at all.

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To me, a band name is totally overrated. It may provide you a little help in the beginning, but after that, it's nothing more than an identifier. Making it a "brand" is all about what you do with the name, not what it is. Is "Coke" a genius name for a soda? Nope, on its own its nothing. It's just been branded really well.


As for our name, we're inane, immature idiots. We started with "The {censored} Destroyers" and worked backwards... :D "Cougar Bait" was another one we considered.

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When I first heard your name I was "meh" about it and thought it bordered on "trying to be clever with no real point". But when I saw what you do with the "Pet Me" and "Pet This" tags on your t-shirts and stuff, I think it's genius.



It makes me feel like i need to go wash my hands. Its bordline creepy but if it works ,, its only rock and roll

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It makes me feel like i need to go wash my hands. Its bordline creepy but if it works ,, its only rock and roll



For a rock n roll bar band, a little borderline creepy ain't a bad thing. Would be the absolutely wrong name for your band or my band, but for Mike's, I think it's spot on.

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For a rock n roll bar band, a little borderline creepy ain't a bad thing. Would be the absolutely wrong name for your band or my band, but for Mike's, I think it's spot on.



Yup its rock and roll,,, no real rules. its a name they will remember.

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