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It Has Ended ...


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Joe Dirt's and I's band is in it's death throes... =(


Amanda, our lead singer went to LA to try out for the voice. While she didn't land a spot there, she did make some connections that has her excited enough to move back down. Which is what she is going to do.


We are looking for another lead singer, but have had no hits yet. So any of you Spokane area cats (always wanted to use that word) that know of a lead singer wanting to work hard for absolute sh*t pay, please let me know.


These last 2 years have been a lot of fun. I have learned a lot here and under fire that I can't wait to apply it to the next venture.

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Sorry to hear that. Hang in there. This might work out better then you expect. Sometimes stuff just falls into place when things look the most difficult. Are there any colleges near you with liberal arts programs. Whenever we need backup or a female voice for a project we just visit a local college and talk to the choir director or music chairman. There might be a music major that has a great voice and a bunch of songs that is waiting for a band to try them out.

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Joe Dirt's and I's band is in it's death throes... =(

Amanda, our lead singer went to LA to try out for the voice. While she didn't land a spot there, she did make some connections that has her excited enough to move back down. Which is what she is going to do.

We are looking for another lead singer, but have had no hits yet. So any of you Spokane area cats (always wanted to use that word) that know of a lead singer wanting to work hard for absolute sh*t pay, please let me know.

These last 2 years have been a lot of fun. I have learned a lot here and under fire that I can't wait to apply it to the next venture.


Well, that sucks. And really, LA? I did that. Lots of folks do, but the music business in LA is unlike anywhere I've ever been. I know a lot of people in Spokane who have gone to LA or Nashville, and just about every one of them except Miles Kennedy has come back. It's eye-opening to discover that being great in Spokane and being great in LA or Nashville are two completely different things. :lol:


LA's a tough place to be, because it takes so long to get around and so much money to live there. If you want to do anything like music or acting, you have no time for anything but working, driving and making connections, at least in the beginning. When I went there, I too had ''connections": A friend I played with here and in Seattle moved there and was in a band showcasing for record companies. He invited me to come down and be part of the band. Some of the guys in the band were studio guys who had recorded and toured with some really big names, one guy had been on national TV a few times, and so on. But it went nowhere, because those kinds of 'connections' are literally everywhere in LA. To those of us not on the inside, it seems impressive. To those in the business there, those connections are somewhere between meaningless and laughable. The guy waiting your table at Rose's Cafe in Santa Monica probably has connections like that.


Amanda is young and a sweet gal, and a really good singer. But good enough for LA? I don't know. There is monster talent everywhere there, but in today's business, monster talent is only a small part of the package. I think it's going to be a wakeup call when she goes from being a big fish in a small pond to being a tadpole in an ocean. Maybe she'll buck the odds, the stars will line up and she'll get hooked up with some really good people. I think it's good she's giving it a try, but I just hope she realizes what a long shot it really is. If you don't have any aspirations of becoming a star, there's a lot to be said for being a bigger fish in a smaller pond.:wave:

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Well, that sucks. And really, LA? I did that. Lots of folks do, but the music business in LA is unlike anywhere I've ever been. I know a lot of people in Spokane who have gone to LA or Nashville, and just about every one of them except Miles Kennedy has come back. It's eye-opening to discover that being great in Spokane and being great in LA or Nashville are two completely different things.

LA's a tough place to be, because it takes so long to get around and so much money to live there. If you want to do anything like music or acting, you have no time for anything but working, driving and making connections, at least in the beginning. When I went there, I too had ''connections": A friend I played with here and in Seattle moved there and was in a band showcasing for record companies. He invited me to come down and be part of the band. Some of the guys in the band were studio guys who had recorded and toured with some really big names, one guy had been on national TV a few times, and so on. But it went nowhere, because those kinds of 'connections' are literally everywhere in LA. To those of us not on the inside, it seems impressive. To those in the business there, those connections are somewhere between meaningless and laughable. The guy waiting your table at Rose's Cafe in Santa Monica probably has connections like that.

Amanda is young and a sweet gal, and a really good singer. But good enough for LA? I don't know. There is monster talent everywhere there, but in today's business, monster talent is only a small part of the package. I think it's going to be a wakeup call when she goes from being a big fish in a small pond to being a tadpole in an ocean. Maybe she'll buck the odds, the stars will line up and she'll get hooked up with some really good people. I think it's good she's giving it a try, but I just hope she realizes what a long shot it really is. If you don't have any aspirations of becoming a star, there's a lot to be said for being a bigger fish in a smaller pond.


She knows it's a long shot. But she is young and various things in her private life aligned. Making this the time to do it. She is in as good a place as anyone going to LA to make it can be. The big one is, her husband is in the Air Force, and is being deployed for a while. He won't need his income to live, so it's hers to live off of. Granted she will still have to work. But probably only one full time job vs 3 or 4 part time jobs :D


She has been told, and agrees "You can always be a banker and a lead singer in a cover band in Spokane, but you may never get even this minute of a chance again."


Anyways, she isn't going to be that chick getting off the bus with nothing more then her ticket stub and $20 in her pocket asking some bum "Where do I go to be a movie star." But she is well aware that she has a BIG mountain to climb.


Our bass player calls LA a cesspool. I call it the belly of the beast. The local agent just giggles when you mention LA. He did the whole LA thing at the height of the hair band days.


Anyways, if you can think of anyone. Please feel free to put her/him in contact. We're not expecting another Amanda. But we do expect someone with some game.

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IIRC, isn't this the same gal that tried out for American Idol a couple years back as well?


Good luck to her. Like Pat said, she's good, but I dunno if she's THAT good, but I admire and respect her gumption nonetheless. Whether she has what it takes or not for the big time remains to be seen, but she'll never know unless she takes her shot at it. And she's gotta do it while she's young. Spokane will always be there if L.A. doesn't work out and I'm guessing it will look pretty much the same as she left it if she does return. If that's her heart and her dream, I encourage her to do it.


I took my shot at the big time when I was young and it didn't work out. But I have no regrets BECAUSE I took my shot. I knew then, and still know now, that what would have KILLED me is to be 50 years old and wondering "What If?" because I had been too scared to take my shot when I was 20. L.A. may eat her alive, but if she's smart she'll be fine and, at worst, it'll only make her stronger.


And you guys will do just fine as well. It'll suck, of course, if you have to take a step-down with a new singer, but you never know what's around the corner. You may very well find someone who fits you guys even BETTER than Amanda did.

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IIRC, isn't this the same gal that tried out for American Idol a couple years back as well?



Yes, she made it to the last day of the "Hollywood Week" and was cut. Her group in the 'group day' part of Hollywood Week was the eventual winner Jordan Sparks and also Sanjaya. If you watched the show you would wonder how the hell Sanjaya even made it to Hollywood week let alone made it into the final 12.


Simon commented to her that she wanted to be an R&B artist yet is a 5' tall Asian girl and the two didn't go together. That pretty much sealed her fate as the other judges opinions really didn't matter back then.

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Yes, she made it to the last day of the "Hollywood Week" and was cut. Her group in the 'group day' part of Hollywood Week was the eventual winner Jordan Sparks and also Sanjaya. If you watched the show you would wonder how the hell Sanjaya even made it to Hollywood week let alone made it into the final 12.

Simon commented to her that she wanted to be an R&B artist yet is a 5' tall Asian girl and the two didn't go together. That pretty much sealed her fate as the other judges opinions really didn't matter back then.



I don't remember her specifically but I'm a fan of the show and certainly watched that episode. The Hollywood Week stuff is my favorite part. I like watching them struggle with the group singing.


How did Sanjaya make it? Well, here it is a few years later and we both know who he is and what he looks like based on just his first name even though he's had no further success. He's probably still more well known than Jordan Sparks is. So that's all you need to know about that. Which, I'm certain, is something Simon caught on to early about the kid which is why he put him through. (I always thought his sister was a better singer anyway.)


As we all know, making it in this business requires much more than just a great voice. Does Amanda have that extra "it"? I dunno. Simon Cowell apparently didn't think so. But {censored} Simon Cowell. Being a short Asian whose sings R&B might be THE thing that works for her. Best of luck to her and you guys either way.


For what it's worth (and I don't know Amanda's heritage) but filipinos love to sing, love R&B and are a pretty good-sized minority in this country. I keep expecting there to be some filipina chick who comes out and is the next Mariah Carey. American Idol has had a couple of talented, pretty filipinas during the last few seasons that didn't quite have enough "it". But there WILL be a big-voiced tiny Asian girl who makes it big sometime in the near future, I'll guarantee it.

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Hey, sorry to hear about that.


Truthfully, it's something that could happen to me too. Our singer has been recruited several times by pro acts offering her more money, etc. and it wouldn't shock me if she decided to "take a shot" at some point. Personally, I'd encourage her to go for it. She's young and doesn't have any of the baggage you have when you get older. I mean, it's totally a long shot, but I personally regret not having taken it.


Also, I agree with Grant. She was good, but it's still just a bump in the road. I'm sure you'll find someone.

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Simon commented to her that she wanted to be an R&B artist yet is a 5' tall Asian girl and the two didn't go together. That pretty much sealed her fate as the other judges opinions really didn't matter back then.


I'm sure the same advice would apply to 'Journey' in the context to rock singer and 5' tall Asian... good thing they didn't listen. :thu:

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I'm sure the same advice would apply to 'Journey' in the context to rock singer and 5' tall Asian...
good thing they didn't listen.


Well, he did join Journey. That's a pretty big gig for ANYONE to land. And even as it was, the fact the guy wasn't American raised a few eyebrows at the time.


If he were starting from scratch and trying to make a name for himself based on just his OWN merits and it would likely be a completely different story requiring different advice.

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I took my shot at the big time when I was young and it didn't work out. But I have no regrets BECAUSE I took my shot. I knew then, and still know now, that what would have KILLED me is to be 50 years old and wondering "What If?" because I had been too scared to take my shot when I was 20. L.A. may eat her alive, but if she's smart she'll be fine and, at worst, it'll only make her stronger.


Yes to all of this.

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Well it appears as if the band is back on life support. Here is the chain of events...


I put out a Craigslist ad. I know this is a serious WTF, but even in the {censored} slinger that the local CL here can be, I have always been lucky with this approach. A couple days later I get a bite. Older gal, more of a country singer. But as I do my detective work, calling around asking about her, the response is generally pretty positive. So I have her send me some demos. She does Before He Cheats (a song on our set list) and she is pretty damn good.


Then she starts sending me some other songs from our set list. It's like a country tribute to Journey and G&R. Immediately my heart sinks. I had high hopes for this gal. In the mean time I am talking to some other band members and a couple have decided they don't want a *project* for a singer. The bar is set high, the next singer needs to be as good or better then Amanda. So if this gal I am currently talking to doesn't work out, some members are gonna bow out, allowing everyone else maximum time to get back in the game with something else.


So I go to bed that night. I wake up the next morning realizing this girl just isn't going to work. I send out the email, "Been nice guys, owe you all alot, blah blah blah"... I email the gal and let her know it's not gonna work with Project Mayhem. But if my next band goes country and decides on a female singer, she is at the top of the list.


I head to facebook just to see whats up and I see a former vocal teacher of mine on, she is a jazz singer, so I know she isn't interested. But I thought what the hell, might as well ask if she knows of any singers looking to start up a band. No answer.


Then I see another singer chick online, she has the reputation of being solid. Good command of the stage and crowd. But I think she is already in a band. So I hit her up, "know of any singers looking to join a band?" ... immediately she is "hey, what about me?". So I spend about 20 minutes talking to her, hitting her with the hard questions. Mainly "Can you accept that I am in charge for anything that goes on off stage. You're responsible for what goes on on stage." all is good... seems I have a winner of a singer just fall in my lap...


The band is generally positive about her, they all like her singing, so now it's a face to face meeting, gauging if she will be a fit personality wise. Jam out a few tunes to ensure her rock chops are up to snuff.


If this works out, I am off to buy a lottery ticket.

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