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Stage Names

steve mac

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With a bit of time on my hands and a never ending hunger to learn new things also having been inspired here, I am going to start recording my own songs. As a former business creator, who went from nothing to national and some international renown (I have to be careful here or I will start saying I am great :) ) I am intrigued to see if someone of little experience and very limited talent can get views and downloads etc.

To that end , amongst many other problems I have is my name. Now the name I have used all my business life is Steve Mac (McLauchlan in full much too difficult to spell, search etc. ask Mike) and I have just created a page on FB with that name, however having done a quick Google and there is a very successful songwriter/producer, think one direction amongst many others who dominates any web search. So whilst I am unaware of any law that prohibits two musicians having the same name, unlike the acting world. I obviously will never compete with Mr Mac so why try and should I simply have a stage name. I was thinking of reversing my name to become Mac Stevens. Which is close enough that people who know me would recognise it plus Mac used to be my nickname as a youth.

Of course I may just be being daft but I really fancy giving it a go. Any thoughts or advice?

Cheers Steve

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steve mac wrote:

With a bit of time on my hands and a never ending hunger to learn new things also having been inspired here, I am going to start recording my own songs. As a former business creator, who went from nothing to national and some international renown (I have to be careful here or I will start saying I am great
) I am intrigued to see if someone of little experience and very limited talent can get views and downloads etc.

To that end , amongst many other problems I have is my name. Now the name I have used all my business life is Steve Mac (McLauchlan in full much too difficult to spell, search etc. ask Mike) and I have just created a page on FB with that name, however having done a quick Google and there is a very successful songwriter/producer, think one direction amongst many others who dominates any web search. So whilst I am unaware of any law that prohibits two musicians having the same name, unlike the acting world. I obviously will never compete with Mr Mac so why try and should I simply have a stage name. I was thinking of reversing my name to become Mac Stevens. Which is close enough that people who know me would recognise it plus Mac used to be my nickname as a youth.

Of course I may just be being daft but I really fancy giving it a go. Any thoughts or advice?

Cheers Steve

Add a place name to yours, like Mississippi John Hurt, Kansas City Tom McKay, Tampa Red...you get the idea!

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I share your pain

As a Michael, I share a name with the most prominent solo performer in this town.

Other option? use my last name. "Mr Perkins" has an OK ring to it, but happens to also be a prominent covers band in my hometown

In my case I prefer not to go by Mike. It just irks me for some reason. (cue everyone calling me Mike from now on)

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