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Sub Hook Up Question

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I've just bought a pair of Crate PS18 subwoofers off of ebay. (please don't tell me they're ...umm.. poop) Looking a the specs - it indicates these are 4 ohm cabinets. They incorporate an internal cross-over set at 120 htz, with a "high" output to connect to yer full range speakers.


The speakers I plan to chain together with these are 8 ohms.


Is dis a problem?


We are using a Crown XLS 602 amp - running stereo (ie; each side at 8 ohms - 350 watts).


The full range speakers are Yamaha BR15's



Hopefully - this will work!



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Well, it will work, sort of, but it will be seriously underpowered. You'll probably be getting around 450W a side, which isn't going to give you much low end thump, and you'll probably notice a drop in the performance of the top cabs as well. Looking at the specs on your subs, it'd be better to be giving them about 600W each. I don't know what your tops are, but you'd probably be better off getting a seperate amp for your subs, as well as an active crossover.


But again, what you want to do will work, just not as well as it could.

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This is for a church fellowship hall (basement) praise service. We're not running at a high volume. As time goes by .... we'll probably use a separate amp w/crossover.


I jus'needs ta know if'd be ok fer now.


Thanks for the reinforcement!

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Yes,it will work and if you are used to running leeser options,I'm sure you will hear it as a major improvement. Of course,you won't be maximizing your capability but I'm guessing you will like it. Far better than what I started out with in the early 70's.

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