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PA for Hire/Amp rental service?

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Now that I've got my PA almost put together, I want to get some extra work running sound for smaller bands in the smaller clubs around here. I also have a nice collection of guitar and bass amps as well as guitars and basses which I figure I could also offer for nightly rentals.


Does anyone have any advice?


on the amp/instrument rental aspect of it, I figure I need a good rental contract of some sort, as well as a deposit process. Also delivery/pickup charges or should I only rent equipment if I am going to be at the show running sound?


I was also thinking of doing DJ/Kareoke stuff as this would be another way to make money to help pay off all this equipment.


Any helpful tips would be appreciated

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I'd {censored}can the amp idea, simply because anyone who can't afford their own amp can't afford to replace yours if they trash it, and in my experience is probably the type more likely to have an "unfortunate incident" in the first place.


A possible exception is youth bands. I'm considering going this route here, at least to get my feet 'rewetted' before taking on bigger jobs. I've got a teenager in high school and we see the stuff the kids have to use. I'd rent cheap to them as a tradeoff in gaining experience, 'giving something back' to the music community, etc. but doubt it would ever be a money-making proposition.


You can probably make the most money (in this 'small/local' market segment) by doing DJ/Karaoke work. People seem more apt to hire a DJ than 'take a chance' on a cover band for parties, weddings, small bars, bar mitzvahs, etc. and you get all the money, not just a cut with the band. Of course, you'll need a sizable investment in music media, and watch out for BMI if you play private gigs....I think you need to furnish your own licensing in this case, but others here can chime in on this.

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Well, I don't have time right now to list a complete break down...


2 15Xhorn tops

2 1-18" subs

2 12Xhorn monitors

2 15Xhorn monitors

6000 watts power

10 vocal mics and boom stands

drum kit mics

100 ft 16 channel snake

16 channel mixer

8 par 56 lights

8 par 38 lights

Fender bassman 4X10 combo

marshall JTM45

Mesa boogie mark IIB

Yorkville 400B bass amp

fender bassman 60 bass amp

several nice but rentable guitars

a beater but playable fender jazz bass

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Originally posted by Craigv

A possible exception is youth bands. I'm considering going this route here, at least to get my feet 'rewetted' before taking on bigger jobs. I've got a teenager in high school and we see the stuff the kids have to use. I'd rent cheap to them as a tradeoff in gaining experience, 'giving something back' to the music community, etc. but doubt it would ever be a money-making proposition.



That sounds like it could be a lot of fun.




Of course, you'll need a sizable investment in music media, and watch out for BMI if you play private gigs....I think you need to furnish your own licensing in this case, but others here can chime in on this.



Can you add more to this? Who/what is BMI and how do you get into trouble with it?

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Originally posted by RoboPimp

Well, I don't have time right now to list a complete break down...

2 15Xhorn tops

2 1-18" subs

2 12Xhorn monitors

2 15Xhorn monitors

6000 watts power

10 vocal mics and boom stands

drum kit mics

100 ft 16 channel snake

16 channel mixer

8 par 56 lights

8 par 38 lights

Fender bassman 4X10 combo

marshall JTM45

Mesa boogie mark IIB

Yorkville 400B bass amp

fender bassman 60 bass amp

several nice but rentable guitars

a beater but playable fender jazz bass

What brand/model are your FOH cabs? Looks like you are severely lacking in sub strength.

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I wouldn't argue that I could use more subs... but honestly, I'm looking to do small places because that's a market around here that seems like it could be open. The truth is I'd honestly rather have more monitors before I got more subs. Or even a kareoke collection and music. I tend to agree with craig that that stuff might actually have a lot of work too. I'm talking small 50-200 person clubs max and really no "heavy" bands that would need the chest crushing bass. Honestly, the sad thing is my system is already nicer than what most bands around here try to scrape by with. I should know, I'm in a few of them ;)


I'd love to hear more about getting a license and this BWI thing



I kinda figured that the amp/guitar thing might not be so hot an idea, but I thought if I was doing sound for someone and they needed an extra amp, bam I could charge 'em another 25-50 bucks or something. I'm not trying to be greedy, but I kinda need to get some work with all this equipment. I guess that'd be something I'd have to play by ear but I figure there has to be some sort of contract you can get people to sign saying in effect "I break it, I buy it"


I dunno, this is probably a retarded post to start


thanks for the feedback so far though

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