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I need a 4 CHANNEL POWER AMP reprise

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Atticusas2183 originally posted:

I need a 4 channel power amp for a monitoring system for my band. We don't need anything that is that good, all we need is something that works. Our price range whatever i guess but lower is always better.


Atticusas2183 and the rest of his teenaged band started last summer with a Peavey XR600C powered mixer and pair of Yorkville NX-20s which they used to practice (alot) and play a few small gigs.


This summer they purchased a Behringer Eurodesk SL3242FX-PRO, pair of JBL JRX115s and for the drummer an in-ear monitor and plexiglass screen.


Total was $1600. The salesman at GC did not mention that amplication was not included in the deal.


They currently use the amp in the Peavey to power the JBLs. They would like to use the JBLs as FOH and the Yorkies as monitors. It seems to me their best option would be to purchase a used power amp for the JBLs and use the amp in the peavey for the Yorkies (as monitors).


Would a Soundtech PL602 with 200RMS at $150 work for the JBLs (rated 250W) or are there better choices?


The guys have no money after this summer's purchase so $250 or lower is their budget.

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Originally posted by julius_the_cat

sorry I was unclear. they are hoping to use the two channels of amplification in the powered mixer for the Yorkvilles as monitors. they now wish to purchase a used two channel power amp to use with their new mixer and JBL speakers. thanks



Ok, being used, there aren't many suggestions we can make out of thin air (old peavey would be one), start going on ebay, looking for what looks good. If you see something that you think would be decent then post it here and we will say whether it's worthwhile or not.

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I have a Soundtech PL602. It would push FOH fine for my needs, which is usually just vocals and occasionally some sax or harmonica. I usuallly use it for two wedges and a small hotspot type monitor.


Oh yeah - I'm talking crowds up to 100 people or so, typical small club or party deals.

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Originally posted by julius_the_cat

Atticusas2183 originally posted:

I need a 4 channel power amp for a monitoring system for my band. We don't need anything that is that good, all we need is something that works. Our price range whatever i guess but lower is always better.

Atticusas2183 and the rest of his teenaged band started last summer with a Peavey XR600C powered mixer and pair of Yorkville NX-20s which they used to practice (alot) and play a few small gigs.

This summer they purchased a Behringer Eurodesk SL3242FX-PRO, pair of JBL JRX115s and for the drummer an in-ear monitor and plexiglass screen.

Total was $1600. The salesman at GC did not mention that amplication was not included in the deal.

They currently use the amp in the Peavey to power the JBLs. They would like to use the JBLs as FOH and the Yorkies as monitors. It seems to me their best option would be to purchase a used power amp for the JBLs and use the amp in the peavey for the Yorkies (as monitors).

Would a Soundtech PL602 with 200RMS at $150 work for the JBLs (rated 250W) or are there better choices?

The guys have no money after this summer's purchase so $250 or lower is their budget.

In case you haven't bothered checking,ebay is filled with decent amps that would fit the bill. Check them out. And Warp Drive,in your own state,has been selling used Soundtechs on ebay at great prices. I'm surprised you haven't run across them.

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the Pl602 is one of the amps Warp Drive is selling. Is 200rms @ 8 ohms enough for small settings 50-100 people? Would 400 a side be too much for four teenaged males and the JBLs they own?


other options under consideration:Soundtech ps1600 or 1602,QSC rmx-850,,Crown VS-450,Peavey pv-4c all currently on sale on ebay.


realize you all have answered the "which power amp" question a million times before. not trying to waste anyone's time, I spent most of my morning today trying to learn about power amps before posting. I am trying to help my son avoid having to mow lawns again all summer to pay for a spur of the moment decision.

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Originally posted by julius_the_cat

appreciate the input.

one last question: Would they be better off with one of the older, but heavier Peavey amps with 400watts a channel to drive the JBL speakers they have in backyard, small club or high school cafeteria/gym situations?

If not I will buy the soundtech.



While they could use more power, 200w would be fine. if you can locate a used Peavey CS800 or similar, those are very reliable amps as well.

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