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Namm 2005

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I saw the speaker processor there, but I didn't pay too much attention to it... there was a REALLY cool Peavey mixer there though, it had a built in effects unit with a very readable backlit lcd display and very good editing features, plus the effects sounded better than any built in effects that I have heard. I'll have to dig through my lit and post the details on the mixer and see if I have anything on the speaker processor.

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The speaker processor looks good enough to have me interested, and they're really cheap. I'll definitely be watching those, thanks.


That mixer looks good too. It seems like it has everything that someone in the small club market would need. Nothing too special, but very functional. And the LCD screen is a nice feature too. Looks like Peavey might finally start getting noticed a little more.

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Spent a lot of time looking at what's new, some noteworthy things were:


Crest performance series consoles & electronics


Audio Technica 2000 series wireless


Audiopile's rear amp support brackets


Marks amazing van/truck pack after the show. And it's packed solid all the way to and including the passenger's front seat! Not even room for another direct box.

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I'm still fricken here......


showed up to airport lastnight to find my flight is canceled stuck here till wednesday........could be worse!



THis is what i liked........


New AT 2000 series!


Marks new case line is exceptional! (EWI)


Took a closer look at Apex dynamics.......which look a boatload nicer than behringer at the same price points!


Rolls has a new feild broadcast mixer that is tiny and looks great.


I saw our friend daBoomer working as new Head of Pro Audio Sales at Peavey.........congrats and have a safe move to mississippi.


And get this..........after spending an 1-1/2 hour with JBL (was invited to relook at the line) i was blown away by the new SRX boxes and the brand new VRX900 - a small format line array that fits on a speaker stand - it is amazing!

The new vertec drivers in the SRX series weigh NOTHING! so most of the boxes are under 100lbs


So you maybe seeing JBL coming to Audioeast.com real soon. ( i never thought that would happen) but JBL has really stepped it up with these new speakers!

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Originally posted by ATOMICDOG1

Hey Dan, how did you like that new Midas Sienna?


Holy crap i forgot about that...........


That was really slick, but i only got a quick peak......it was crowded.......looks like i need a new monitor desk!



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Originally posted by Audioeast

I'm still fricken here......

showed up to airport lastnight to find my flight is canceled stuck here till wednesday........could be worse!



My flight was only delayed about 1/2 hour due to fog... I don't know how you guys deal with all that cold sloppy weather:eek:

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Originally posted by Audioeast

Holy crap i forgot about that...........

That was really slick, but i only got a quick peak......it was crowded.......looks like i need a new monitor desk!




I got a pretty good walkthrough from one of the designers that was there. He had the console patched through the KT Helix, Damn is that a crazy cool EQ!

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Hi Guys,


Lots of new and impresive gear at NAMM. Here's a link to some NAMM snapshots that we took as we walked the floor.


Yorkville had some impressive new Apex mics, the NX line, exursion systems, powered mixers, and bass/guitar amps on display. I don't think they announced any new speaker products at the show.


I was particularly impressed by:

-Mackie TT24 (awesome capability in a small frame)

-Audix RAD-360 wireless Mic (Good features and an even better price point)

-Sabine's new Graphi-Q line

-RCF's new active speakers (You can even get a remote contol!)

-Martin's new affordable scanner (I believe $149 MAP was mentioned!)


JBL's new mini line array looked impressive but I don't feel that that array is long enough get true line array benefits. The drivers in the new SRX series are definitely impressive. IMO the coolest piece in the Harman display was the DrivePack for the Vertec line array cabinets. Serious Crown power, more DSP than you can imagine, and CobraNet capability all in a convection cooled package that mounts right to the back of the cabinets. DBX also has a new 4800 series DriveRack system.


It was our first trip to NAMM but I think we'll definitely be back!



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thanks for hte pics cobrasound. Those were cool.


anyone else love the idea of miniline arrays. I don't know how well it would work for weekend warriors, but it would be so cool to say, "I got the line array out in the trailer" and not mean I have a bose pas.

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Guest Anonymous


Originally posted by Audioeast

I'm still fricken here......

showed up to airport lastnight to find my flight is canceled stuck here till wednesday........could be worse!


Uh... well... I was starting to have my doubts about getting home, too. I drove into dense fog coming down The Grapevine. I drove out of the fog at Dusty, WA... about 1200 miles later.


The camera's still packed somewhere in the van. Hopefully I have some good pics.


It was great meeting everyone. I think I remember seeing some pretty cool stuff... but it's all a blurr... and my brain's really full right now. Talk about congitive overload!!! It was nice to finally get a good night's sleep lastnight (with my own pillow).

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VSLA Very Small format Line Array (ya i made that up) were all the rave this year. The JBL one looked like the closest thing to a MI line array yet, and it's under $1500 per box and it fits on a speaker stand ----well kinda


EV had one too, but didnt get much time with it.


SLS was everywhere this year and seem to making a big boom.


the funniest thing is all the "new" speaker companies and the ridiculous names they come up with !!

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I designed a small format line array (commercial application marketed in Japan only) about 5 years ago. Mark saw the larger of the two boxes when he stopped by the shop for dinner on his way back from NAMM. I saw it as the way of the future back then. And... only 60 lbs per box w/ ATM flyware. I kept 16 boxes for myself from the first production run. Have had no problems with national acts (not hard shows, mostly jazz/rock/folk/ethnic world) and it sure beats heavy boxes!

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Guest Anonymous


Originally posted by Audioeast

the funniest thing is all the "new" speaker companies and the ridiculous names they come up with !!


Like the knock-off 850's... with a model number of KF-580?


Didga see the guy selling Speakon to Edison adaptors?


How about the Rock Strap?


Or the vertical line array... or maybe it was a horizontal line array... I dunno... but it was being sold as a line array and was something on the order of about 8 ea. 10" speakers and 8 ea. hornflair Piezo things stacked vertically inna box.


Or the "other" line array speaker thing that was your basic 12 & 1 trap box, but had some "tee nuts" outfitted on the top and bottom so it could be "flown sideways" and was then a line array?


Nobody's mounted a few 2" Radioshack speakers inna a shoebox spraypainted flat black yet and called it a line array... I'm surprised... or maybe I missed that booth. There was (again) some "pro audio" car stereo booths.


And who was it showing the double 8 x 8 x 10" (like maybe 128 total speakers) tube powered guitar stack?


Didga see the meter bridge on the new Soundcraft mixer... the one where they tried to make some LED's sort-of look like an analog meter? I thought it was some-sort of cardboard silliness... the salesman was looking to exit stage right when I asked him what the real meter bridge would look like?


And what's with that PAL stuff? I see them there every year... and it's pretty basic looking stuff... but folks like Stevie Wonder's band (and enterage) stop by for photo opts. What's up with that???


I didn't see the Biema presence there this year... and in-fact... I think a garbage can was sitting where their booth usually is.


In Namm's infinate wisdom... they replaced the espresso booth near our usual spot, with some sort of lemonaid stand. That was a bummer on the first day... but I brought Starbucks Grande mocas with me there-after... and all was fine.


Did anybody get to hear any of the Carvin pro touring (TCS I think?) series stuff at any of the after-hour parties? I'm real curious how that stuff performs.


Was there enough custom hot-rod choppers at Namm this year? I guess Humvees are pase' now.


The A&H boards sure look good!


I think I might have found a good source for multipin connectors at the show:)

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Originally posted by Audiopile

Was there enough custom hot-rod choppers at Namm this year? I guess Humvees are pase' now.



Nahh, I was too busy looking at the "Dean Girls" to notice the scooters.


Being married, I may go to the end of my leash and bark all I want... but nothing more than a bark.

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Did anybody get to hear any of the Carvin pro touring (TCS I think?) series stuff at any of the after-hour parties? I'm real curious how that stuff performs.



Mark, I did get to hear the TCS rig at the Audio Technica party on Wed, and again at the ESP show on Friday both were in the Hilton bar. They had two of the boxes that look suspiciously like a KF750 and two of the 18" subs per side. they had a Midas Verona and all TC EQs and effects, and BSS speaker processing.

It was such a small room that I think the mixer couldn't really turn it up enough to get it into the sweet spot. On Wednesday it was much better than Friday, on wed it was a bunch of Japanese artists that did acoustic guitar and then a blues band with an awesome sax player, so the volume wasn't a problem. On Friday it was George Lynch and then Megadeth. Like I said, the room was too small to really get the pa over the stage volume without blowing everyone out of the room, it was a corporate show afterall.

I'd like to hear the TCS gear in a better situation, I think that its got to be better than what it seemed in this case.

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Guest Anonymous

Originally posted by ATOMICDOG1

Mark, I did get to hear the TCS rig at the Audio Technica party on Wed, and again at the ESP show on Friday both were in the Hilton bar.

Was Bill mixing? He's the gentleman seated on the left:



While I'm at it, here some other pics I snapped at Namm:


Andy & Jeff with their mondo amp:



Righteous Namm attire:



Don Boomer (on the right) sporting his new company colors:



Michael (in the center):



Traffic (early in the morning... it got crazier):



And last (but not least): This just CAN'T be right (look closely at the cabling):


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