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is my p.a. okay for an outdoor event?

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Hi, i got this outdoor summer gig coming up and i'm wondering if my p.a will be okay. My FOH gear includes two Yorkville NX750p's and two LS720 subs. An A&H mixwiz is the mixer. Also, we'll have the drums mic'd as well as the two guitar amps and the bass amp d.i'd out. The field won't be too large. Expecting 200-300 people relatively close to the stage.

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Nice thinking about a Summer gig already. Makes me feel all warm inside (while it's still freezing outside)


I did an outside gig 3 years in a row with my system and got LOTS of compliments (They had me back 3 years in a row). It was in a field on a stage type trailer. Most guys here are sure to laugh and say it's not enough. They have lots of great knowledge and advice while their attitudes can sometimes be ......................


I have a pair of JBL MPro415's over a pair of MPro418's. I have 2 QSC PLX3402's which rated for 700 watts per side at 8ohms for the tops and 1100 watts per side at 4ohms to the subs. This is a fairly close comparison to your setup. I have more going to the subs but Yorkvilee is known to have a big bottom and the MPr418's don't deliver the "big thump".


Bands played from 2PM-9PM or later. One was an 11 piece horn band. I won't even describe my mixer and monitor system for fear of the "big boys". Crowd side for me was larger and spread throughout the field. It was heard pretty far throughout the field. You ask will it be "okay". "I" think it should be "okay". IMO But what do I know. I'm not a sound pro. I'm just a guitarist who has a decent PA with limited experience.

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I think if you are doing these events and are getting asked back your PA is fine and you are doing the job that needs to be done for the event. My rig is 2 MPro 418 and 1 SRX 722 per side and I handle most community outdoor events for up to 500 - 600 people. For most of these type events I find that there is really a relatively limited area that needs to be covered for the entertainment. Usually there are merchandise and food vendors on the fringes that don't want to be blasted with the music. I don't know if this pertains to your situation, but you have to determine if the entertainment is the main focus (concert type venue) or if this is a community fair/carnival where the people are walking around. I hope this was helpful.

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Outside is tricky. We've done shows for a few thousand at an amphitheater with a modest setup (4 12" mains and 4 small bandpass subs) and it was head scratching good as far as output. We've used the same setup at a park, which was out in the open and it was as if there were no subs at all. Having a vertical surface to bounce off of makes a huge difference.


You mention people will be close to the stage. That's a good point and something you should try to encourage. Given a choice, a lot of people will camp out far away. If possible, try and make a defined listening area that encourages people to get close. This will also make you feel like you don't have to run the PA to the ragged edge trying to cover a large area.

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I think if you are doing these events and are getting asked back your PA is fine and you are doing the job that needs to be done for the event. My rig is 2 MPro 418 and 1 SRX 722 per side and I handle most community outdoor events for up to 500 - 600 people. For most of these type events I find that there is really a relatively limited area that needs to be covered for the entertainment. Usually there are merchandise and food vendors on the fringes that don't want to be blasted with the music. I don't know if this pertains to your situation, but you have to determine if the entertainment is the main focus (concert type venue) or if this is a community fair/carnival where the people are walking around. I hope this was helpful.


2 MPro418's per side would have been nice for me. And the SRX722 is sweet. Overall twice the power of my system. Very nice!


I don't approach concert level, obviously, but I was once asked to turn it down :)

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As general advice to anyone planning their first outdoor gig, be very careful not to push the subs beyond their limits. With powered subs this isn't as much of a concern, but passive systems, especially those powered to amp manufacturer recommendations of 2x the speaker RMS, can easily shred drivers. Outdoors, low frequency disappears, so the temptation get 'just a bit more' is great. Avoid that temptation.

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I've done this one outdoor festival 3 times, I was the second stage sound. Each time the numbers grew, and the stages were different.


2 - Unity 15's over 2 LS800p's

4600W FOH, 800W monitors


The first year, I was in the beer tent, and everything was fine. Lots of everything, and everyone was happy. 600 people in attendance. The beer tent was a good size, but it's not like everyone was in there at once. They used the towns PA for the main stage, and frankly, my setup was better.


They had a volunteer do sound for mainstage. When he got there, he freaked out, and quit. So there I was, literally running sound for both stages. I would get whatever mix I could on the main stage, and then go back to my stage and set up the next act. Back and forth all weekend, it was insane. We are in the boonies, it was the first year, so we did what we could and made it work as best we could. Setup was sometime slow, because I was unfamiliar with the gear. They had nowhere near what they should, some bands had technical riders, and basically none of that stuff was present. It was a real learning experience, and not the greatest one at that. But it was what it was.


When getting ready for the second year, I insisted they bring in a sound company for main stage. It would cost, but let's have enough rig for the gig, and someone trained on the system, who knows it in and out, and paid to be there the whole weekend. I had a built smaller stage, access to everyone. There were abou 1500 people there. Again, things went off without a hitch, and my stage was known as "the fun stage!" the stages were about 90 degrees opposite to each other, pretty good setup. They called in the big boys for main stage, and everything was fine.


The third year, they used the last 2 years main stage for my second stage, and it was set up closer to the main stag, more of a 45 degree facing away from each other. 3000 people in attendance. My setup was prett good, but in trying to keep up with the big boys, who from the size, I was guessing had about 20,000W or so (it was a pretty impressive setup) I ended up burning out the horns on my U15's at the end of the second night. There were only 2 acts scheduled for my stage on Sunday, and we were able to move them to the main stage, and it worked out.


So I now know what my system can and can't do. As a result, my policy is no outdoor gigs. I was paid more than enough to cover repairs and expenses etc etc. Now I stick to the bars, where I have enough to blow the doors off the place. I'll stick to having more than I need, than topping out and failing again. I informed the festival that they have simply outgrown what I can do. And instead of me trying to double up or triple up what I have, simply have the big boys load up 2 trcks worth of gear for next year. They were appreciative of what I had done, and that I really was a big part in gettin the festival up and off the ground. I'll volunteer next year and help out, or even just pay the $60 to get in and enjoy the whole weekend!




So as others have said, use it within it's limits, and realize what the limits are. Others have approached me about smaller outdoor stuff, but ive declined, as they usually don't have a covered stage, and I'm not going to risk $20,000 worth of gear for a couple hundred bucks, as I know there's not much money involved. I offer to mix, and use my monitor setup, mics etc etc but not my FOH.


It's just not worth it.

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I would say if you are doing this for a buddy as a favor, or you are trying to keep the cost down, it will be fine.


I have used Nx550's over 700ps on all my outdoor gigs, and if was , well, OK. Ok for a back yard party or a charity event where cost control was the objective.


Not much bass, had to mix the kick with more of a nail in the paddle sound so it could be heard. vocals were not a problem, but bass was. The 550's were at their limit, though.


If this is a paying gig and the folks expect more of a 'rock concert' sound, talk to them about rental of front of house speakers (and maybe a longer snake if your is less than 100'), and if they are good with it then go rent some Unity cabs, 2 xU15P and the USC1P subs, either two or four depending on what your budget is. Use your 750ps for side fill if you need them.


You could go bigger but for 200 to 300 people this should be good. Two seperate guys (both working sound men with Unity rigs) at the rental place recommended this as a small rig for outdoors up to about 600 people as long as it was not something like cub or metal.


Ah summer, a time of short skirts and out door music. What could be better!


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...Others have approached me about smaller outdoor stuff, but ive declined, as they usually don't have a covered stage,...



Thanks, this reminded me of another point I was going to make yesterday; No matter what, make certain you can protect your gear from the worst possible weather in your area. If this means tarps and bungee cords for *EVERYTHING*, do it. And don't assume that a gig promoted as being "under cover" really will be. I've been burned by this and got lucky...you may not be. If you have a FOH, have a pop-up gazebo and sides. Have cover for FOH speakers, and don't forget your monitor rig. Wedges love to collect water...

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