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Looking to add an active sub....

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We use a pair of PRX 518S subs. Which are fairly adequate for most of the gigs we do. But sometimes we need a bit more thump. My thought is to add a sub, and maybe eventually two that can either supplement our existing subs or eventually replace them. At well over $1K a piece for these things, I can't really afford to add more than one at a time.


Since I'm already using the JBLs it makes sense (to me) to stick with them. But in checking out the different specs, I'm a bit confused as to which would be the best bang for my buck and our set up. Adding a single sub, I'd be adding it to the center of the setup in front of the stage (when possible.)


The specs on the 3 JBL subs (there ARE still a few 718S's out there...) are as follows:



System Type : Self-Powered 18", bass - reflex

Maximum SPL Output : 133 dB peak

Frequency Range (-10 dB) : 30 Hz

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The VRX is a passive sub, not an active one, and the 718 is discontinued, so that leaves you with one choice. That said, the 618S-XLF is going to blow away your other sub.


Used PRX518S $525 from Guitar Center


Sorry, I meant the VRX 918SP. Wrong speaker and specs. I went back and fixed the original post.


But if you say the 618 is going to "blow away" my other sub, why are you recommending another 518S? :confused:

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It's more than twice the price of the one I posted. If you've already got a 518S, why not add a matching one and be done with it? Then you don't have to worry about selling yours and buying another one later on down the road, either.


If you're happy with the 518S but want a little extra "oomph", it makes more sense to me to buy another one for $525. The alternative would be buying (eventually) two 618S-XLFs for $2598 and selling your 518S for about $400 bucks, for a net loss of $2198.


For $2198, you could buy three more of the 518S subs, used, and still have $500 in your pocket. Sounds like a plan to me.


If you had said "I own a 518S and I'm not happy at all with the bass output", maybe I'd have recommended selling it for a pair of 618S-XLFs.

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I'd pass on the 718 just because they are about the performance of the 618XLF, but were only made for what maybe a year. The 918 and 618 use the same driver. The 918 is made for flying and that's a good bit of why it costs more. Also, JBL doesn't do a good job of explaining the SPL output of the 918. They have it a 126, but that's in full space (hanging in mid air with no boundaries around). The other subs would be lower in SPL ratings if they were measured this way, but they can't be flown.


Cheapest practical thing would be get more of what you have. Better performance practical thing would be the XLF's.

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It's more than twice the price of the one I posted. If you've already got a 518S, why not add a matching one and be done with it? Then you don't have to worry about selling yours and buying another one later on down the road, either.

If you're happy with the 518S but want a little extra "oomph", it makes more sense to me to buy another one for $525. The alternative would be buying (eventually) two 618S-XLFs for $2598 and selling your 518S for about $400 bucks, for a net loss of $2198.

For $2198, you could buy three more of the 518S subs, used, and still have $500 in your pocket. Sounds like a plan to me.

If you had said "I own a 518S and I'm not happy at all with the bass output", maybe I'd have recommended selling it for a pair of 618S-XLFs.



Re- read GUIDO61s first post he has a pair of 518s. I agree if he can find some used 518s and has the means to haul them then having 4 would be a good idea. Otherwise I would get a PRX618 and add another when I could afford it.

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They really need to get rid of that {censored}ing "reply to thread" button above the quick reply box, because I had a reply posted out and lost it.


Anyway, the gist of my post was that four 518s are likely to perform about equal to two 618XLFs, based on specs -- I have no real world experience with the 518s. Selling the 518s for a pair of 618XLFs will likely put you negative about $700. If it's worth $700 to have half as many cabinets to move, I'd do that. Otherwise I'd just pick up two more 518s -- at least it'll look more impressive for larger shows.

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Re- read GUIDO61s first post he has a pair of 518s. I agree if he can find some used 518s and has the means to haul them then having 4 would be a good idea. Otherwise I would get a PRX618 and add another when I could afford it.



Space IS an issue in the trailer. I guess the question ends up being:


do two 618-XLFs out perform 4 518s?

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Space IS an issue in the trailer. I guess the question ends up being:

do two 618-XLFs out perform 4 518s?



For low extension the XLF for sure. Output wise I'm not sure. The XLF's are pretty stout and the extra notes on the bottom and the fact they are higher output may make 2 sound better than 4 of the others. Or 4 of the 518's may have more output, especially if clustered together.

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I would suspect that 2x618xlf would outperform 4x518s. I had 2 of the 518s and 1 of my yorkville ls801p kick their butt. I know Dave from worcester has a pair of the xlfs, maybe he could be of help. His user name is escaping me at the moment.

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Yeah, I am running a pair of XLFs now and have run 4 518s many times. A 4x518 setup is no slouch and will sound very good.


2 XLFs will perform at a similar level (SPL) as 4 518s, but with better articulation on the lower half of the response (i.e. an XLF will have cleaner lows in the

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Space IS an issue in the trailer. I guess the question ends up being:

do two 618-XLFs out perform 4 518s?



You'd have to A/B them but I really doubt it. And although those of us who do some DJ work would notice it, I don't think that the low frequency extension of the XLF is going to be felt in a band situation either.

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IME you can hear and feel the difference.



I agree. I've A/B'd them with my RCF subs with the band playing live through both. Is there a difference? - YES, was that different enough for me to spend $2400 on new subs? - NO

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